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View Full Version : vBulletin.org Site Feedback

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  1. Bug - vb.org bugging out (1 replies)
  2. Request - I lost my acc (0 replies)
  3. Question - Why vb.org (Officially owned by vbulletin) not upgraded to latest version of VB ? (2 replies)
  4. Bug - Error Message if i want to answer (0 replies)
  5. Misc/Other - Account Hacked? ? Password Changed (3 replies)
  6. Bug - error when replying to a thread (1 replies)
  7. Question - Acccess (3 replies)
  8. Question - Thinking about migrating vBorg style to XF2. Will Princeton mind about this? (1 replies)
  9. Bug - Urgent:suddenly cannot edit own posts on here. (2 replies)
  10. Feedback - Can I Still Get This 50% Off Deal Or No? (2 replies)
  11. Bug - Pictures in reply's disappear (4 replies)
  12. Request - Check this out (0 replies)
  13. Bug - The site needs maintenance. (0 replies)
  14. Misc/Other - hello all, i am new to this forum (0 replies)
  15. Bug - Site seems to be converting my imgur links (1 replies)
  16. Bug - vBulletin.org Login Issue (34 replies)
  17. Misc/Other - I need permament login in this page (2 replies)
  18. Question - lisans error (1 replies)
  19. Question - You are currently showing up as unlicensed (0 replies)
  20. Question - Lost Admin Password (1 replies)
  21. Question - Getting message that I am banned. (3 replies)
  22. Request - Account Deletion aka "Delete My Account" (22 replies)
  23. Misc/Other - Your front page is not HTML... (2 replies)
  24. Request - Deleted / Obfuscated Accounts (10 replies)
  25. Request - Unlicensed but still receiving mod updates (11 replies)
  26. Feedback - Unlicensed? (3 replies)
  27. Question - Is there a way to add "associate" emails with my account, as I used to be able to? (2 replies)
  28. Request - Feature: send e-mail notifications even i have not re-visited the thread (0 replies)
  29. Question - Purchasing VBulletin? (3 replies)
  30. Question - Can t download (5 replies)
  31. Feedback - green color need fix (11 replies)
  32. Feedback - Paul M' mods (25 replies)
  33. Question - Sending a Private Message (6 replies)
  34. Feedback - vBorg.org About Page (1 replies)
  35. Question - about converting wordpress to vb forum please (0 replies)
  36. Request - Delete Account (1 replies)
  37. Feedback - A Fond Farewell to Lynne, BirdOPrey5, MarkFL, Dismounted, Princeton, and Paul M (33 replies)
  38. Misc/Other - vBulletin.Org Staff (88 replies)
  39. Misc/Other - You are currently showing up as unlicensed? (6 replies)
  40. Bug - Front page errors (7 replies)
  41. Question - Quoting post error ? (4 replies)
  42. Bug (Fixed) - Thread title error & missing profile tab (7 replies)
  43. Feedback - Personal Opinion - Isn't vBulletin.org long overdue for a site-wide update? (10 replies)
  44. Question - What plugin is used? (4 replies)
  45. Question - Help with Account (3 replies)
  46. Question - Access for a second admin? (2 replies)
  47. Misc/Other - getting spam on vbulletin.org e-mail adress (1 replies)
  48. Question - Cant download Themes (3 replies)
  49. Bug (Fixed) - 500 Server error viewing announcements (6 replies)
  50. Request - vb.org skin ? (6 replies)
  51. Question - Problem Privileges (4 replies)
  52. Help me use my old account (1 replies)
  53. Question - Chen (2 replies)
  54. Feedback - The site looks old (16 replies)
  55. Misc/Other - vB.Org Update, Aug 2016 (1 replies)
  56. Feedback - Responsiveness (50 replies)
  57. Question - Republishing style? (4 replies)
  58. Bug (Fixed) - Code box not starting on next line (3 replies)
  59. Bug (Fixed) - Staff (7 replies)
  60. Feedback - Captcha (2 replies)
  61. Bug (Fixed) - Buttons (3 replies)
  62. Request - Delete account (5 replies)
  63. Question - Any reason vb.org hasn't upgraded? (54 replies)
  64. Misc/Other - Account hijack attempt on your site (7 replies)
  65. Request - Framework for Secure Legacy Plugins (8 replies)
  66. Request - License Validation API (3 replies)
  67. Request - Stimulate 5.x Plugin Development (34 replies)
  68. Feedback - Public Thanks (3 replies)
  69. Bug (Fixed) - Private Messages (select all not working) (3 replies)
  70. Bug (Fixed) - Images no longer work with IE11 (16 replies)
  71. Bug (Fixed) - PM Notification Bugs (23 replies)
  72. Request - Additional mod prefix is in the bold all the time, could it be made in sync (5 replies)
  73. Feedback - MOTM for March didn't get posted (2 replies)
  74. Request - Screen shots/Prefix's (1 replies)
  75. Bug (Fixed) - Similar Threads Missing (6 replies)
  76. Bug (Fixed) - Double Post (6 replies)
  77. Bug (Fixed) - Security Token Issue (8 replies)
  78. VBO Upgrade Reminder (6 replies)
  79. Change to version check functionality (7 replies)
  80. Forum filter dropdown (7 replies)
  81. Home page here (2 replies)
  82. Hacking attempt from user EvoDarrenshan (3 replies)
  83. Personal note in modifications (14 replies)
  84. Password Reset emails are not coming from vbulletin.com + huge delay in delivery (2 replies)
  85. Showing up as unlicensed (2 replies)
  86. vBulletin.com hacked (2 replies)
  87. Please read, Admin or staff (9 replies)
  88. Impex Forum? (8 replies)
  89. User blocks me (Scam)? (18 replies)
  90. Can Trail & Cloud Users Download Modifications/View Code? (23 replies)
  91. Unlicensed members (16 replies)
  92. vBulletin News - Suspended or Unlicensed Members Cannot View Code. (2 replies)
  93. Downloading modifications (3 replies)
  94. cyb chatbox (1 replies)
  95. Reporting a vulnerability in a no longer supported modification (2 replies)
  96. How to bypass a vBulletin ban (11 replies)
  97. Cannot visit site from computer or vb.com (16 replies)
  98. Some issues with search for sure here ?? (4 replies)
  99. vbulletin 3.8 admincp styles, only 30 topics in thread? (3 replies)
  100. Cannot Post in Paid Services Forum (1 replies)
  101. license status (7 replies)
  102. vBulletin.org SEO (4 replies)
  103. On licensing issues? (9 replies)
  104. Impossible to register a new account? (17 replies)
  105. Request to make vb.org mobile friendly.. (5 replies)
  106. Special permissions for articles requires? (6 replies)
  107. Ozzy47 (13 replies)
  108. Use some latest way to display attachment images/photos please (1 replies)
  109. Style Of The Month? (17 replies)
  110. Cannot reply to threads in the paid request forum (14 replies)
  111. When does your user title change? (1 replies)
  112. Showing up as unlicensed (6 replies)
  113. Issue (11 replies)
  114. Updating styles? (2 replies)
  115. Custom user titles (1 replies)
  116. vb.org Portal Issue (2 replies)
  117. What is this mod on vbulletin.org? (image attached) (5 replies)
  118. You are currently showing up as unlicensed. (1 replies)
  119. Weird Error Page? (5 replies)
  120. Hi plz help me i m new (3 replies)
  121. Call to Arms !! vBulletin is too strong to die. (11 replies)
  122. Where can one post job requests? (13 replies)
  123. Can't connect as licenced member (15 replies)
  124. Reporting Posts (& Site Rules) (5 replies)
  125. How does the Similar Mod feature pick what is similar? (4 replies)
  126. Re-usable -> Reusable (11 replies)
  127. Great Job!!! (0 replies)
  128. TIME Issue. (0 replies)
  129. New Posts / Today's Posts fails (10 replies)
  130. User Registration (1 replies)
  131. Polls do not vote (2 replies)
  132. Support off? (9 replies)
  133. unlicensed (8 replies)
  134. Help please. (7 replies)
  135. Can't find all my posts (17 replies)
  136. Cannot View/Reply to Mod Releases (3 replies)
  137. the hatchery (1 replies)
  138. Tapatalk - please add the plugin here! (1 replies)
  139. Fix archive tab (1 replies)
  140. Double bill by mistake (7 replies)
  141. vB 3.5 addons archived? (2 replies)
  142. ........................... (10 replies)
  143. feedback (3 replies)
  144. ... (6 replies)
  145. To the Staff (1 replies)
  146. hacking into vb forum (16 replies)
  147. Please delete my account (1 replies)
  148. Fix my user name please... (3 replies)
  149. Locked account? From Argentina (2 replies)
  150. Please delete this account (2 replies)
  151. Urgent-Heartbleed Software Bug Affects Many Sites (5 replies)
  152. Retain username (6 replies)
  153. Please block this ip Account Hacker (4 replies)
  154. New mod idea for vbulletin.org (1 replies)
  155. Coders rating (2 replies)
  156. vBulletin google results HTTPS (broken images, etc) (16 replies)
  157. My Modifications (24 replies)
  158. Illegal Logins (14 replies)
  159. feedback for developers (4 replies)
  160. Licensed Usergroup Updates (4 replies)
  161. Account Issue (3 replies)
  162. Can't find new thread (10 replies)
  163. where my thread? (5 replies)
  164. Help Please Staff (4 replies)
  165. vb.org policy change (23 replies)
  166. change username (1 replies)
  167. Disable onclick for images in modifications (1 replies)
  168. VB.com issues (4 replies)
  169. Change username (6 replies)
  170. Posting in Hatchery (7 replies)
  171. Cannot vote for BOTM (1 replies)
  172. Mark as Installed vs Downloads (1 replies)
  173. The vb Org Like System (24 replies)
  174. Not Supported, But It Is...I Think (4 replies)
  175. connectivity issues this past week. (18 replies)
  176. help me please (4 replies)
  177. Change pw 3 times a year (2 replies)
  178. plz i need to activation my member (1 replies)
  179. Malicious Thread, whats wrong with it? (15 replies)
  180. Why are you guys still using vb 3.6.12 (47 replies)
  181. Ignore List (3 replies)
  182. Can we have a forum for members that allow ad swapping to kick start new forums? (1 replies)
  183. The like button needs relocation (6 replies)
  184. vb.org navbar issue (5 replies)
  185. Forum Tools,etc. not functioning (1 replies)
  186. Got some one bothering me here (33 replies)
  187. Where to delete account? (10 replies)
  188. What is this on here now? (23 replies)
  189. Vbulletin forum (8 replies)
  190. Problem posting in private coders forum (10 replies)
  191. How do I mark all addons as uninstalled? (1 replies)
  192. Like-a-Lot (9 replies)
  193. Like a post - Like here (2 replies)
  194. Not able to post threads/replies as unauthorized (3 replies)
  195. vbulletin.org phishing email (2 replies)
  196. Thread rating (5 replies)
  197. Subscriptions to Announcements forum (4 replies)
  198. What I dont like about modifications ... (5 replies)
  199. Attacked On VB.Org Help Please (3 replies)
  200. about title?? (2 replies)
  201. Activity Time Displays Twice When Online (2 replies)
  202. Showing up as unlicensed (9 replies)
  203. ADD NEW FONTS WITH vbulletin SITE (1 replies)
  204. Jelsoft Code for banning? (2 replies)
  205. change username on vbulletin.org and vbulletin.com? (2 replies)
  206. Is this meant to be like this? (4 replies)
  207. Downloaded Mods Notifications (2 replies)
  208. MMOmaketplace (2 replies)
  209. You are currently showing up as unlicensed (4 replies)
  210. "Sorry, you cannot rate this thread" every time... (13 replies)
  211. need help (2 replies)
  212. nice web (4 replies)
  213. Why is there a Membership list anyway? (16 replies)
  214. Urgent Account here has had 145 login attempts TODAY Hacking my account! (1 replies)
  215. Spammed my Email (5 replies)
  216. Someone is trying to hack my account (60 replies)
  217. brute force spam attack (4 replies)
  218. color buttons (4 replies)
  219. Home Page Mods of the Month block (3 replies)
  220. New Forums (29 replies)
  221. Home Page lookking a little bleak (7 replies)
  222. What is happening with vbulletin.org? (5 replies)
  223. Hi (3 replies)
  224. What happens to vb3 mods of the coders who no longer post here? (19 replies)
  225. Inline Posting/Editing Hanging (4 replies)
  226. Site Error (6 replies)
  227. Username Change (4 replies)
  228. Area for Translations? (4 replies)
  229. I can't get this account to be marked as licensed... (1 replies)
  230. Behavior on this forum. (0 replies)
  231. Please, I want to unsubscribe from this forum (6 replies)
  232. 4.2 Forum (2 replies)
  233. What happened to ChrisTERiS? (6 replies)
  234. Difference in Timestamp (4 replies)
  235. iTrader feedback system on vbulletin.org (2 replies)
  236. Hi (2 replies)
  237. vB5 Mods Section (2 replies)
  238. pm's not here (2 replies)
  239. Last Visited (2 replies)
  240. vBulletin.org 5.0 (35 replies)
  241. vbulletin.com (9 replies)
  242. How to install prochatrooms and vbulletin? (1 replies)
  243. Subforums for each Mod (4 replies)
  244. vBulletin Community Forum Issue (9 replies)
  245. Reputation Opening When Clicking Like (0 replies)
  246. "You are currently showing up as unlicensed." - Cant download (9 replies)
  247. Unanswer threads (1 replies)
  248. Email notification but no post (6 replies)
  249. Mirror Mods (2 replies)
  250. Why Doesn't vBulletin.org Have Social Media Sharing Or Adsense Enabled? (3 replies)