View Full Version : Request - Deleted / Obfuscated Accounts

11-05-2018, 08:26 PM
Dear admins,

As there is no way to contact you directly without a license, I will have to spill my beans here.

Since I'm no longer involved in vBulletin admin activites, I'd like to have my account deleted.

Even more so, since apparently your servers were hacked and my account credentials got publicly displayed on the dark web on 01 Mar 2018 together with 414,907 other email addresses/password combinations and even before on 01 Jun 2016 together with 492,351 other email addresses/password combinations

Thank you for your understanding and next time please send a mass email to all registered users when your server gets hacked.

final kaoss
11-05-2018, 08:49 PM
Refer to the last guy who asked to have his account deleted, what ultimately happened was they removed his email from his account.

We do not delete accounts here, we remove email address, signature, and change the name.

Joshua G.
11-05-2018, 09:46 PM

In the support ticket you sent in, you said the date was November 1, 2017.
I told you we are not aware of any exploits occurring around that time frame and the same goes for March 1, 2018.
If the one in 2016 is the one I remember, we did reset everyone's passwords on the forums and customer accounts and all customers were notified. There haven't been any hacks we are aware of since then otherwise we would have notified everyone.

I will invalidate your account shortly.


As this was the only post he had, I just deleted his account.

11-06-2018, 09:38 PM

Ideally I would like my account on this forum deleted, however, given the recent thread it appears that you don't do this.

As such I would like my account on this forum obfusgated and the email address on it removed afterwards.

The background to this request is that one of my email accounts was recently breached as I (stupidly) used the same password on this site as the one I used to use on my email (the email is linked to my phone and I quickly regained control of the email account when I noticed spam being sent from it...I was lucky). When I checked for breaches that my account was exposed in the only one recorded for my email address is the one detailed in this post:

I crossreferenced all of the sites in the list of sites (near the end of the post) with sites that the email in question was used on. This site was the only one in that list which matched (ie none of the other sites I use with this account appeared on that list).

While I appreciate that the actual exposure of my account may have happened some time before the date in the post, importantly it did not appear in the 2015 breach listing for vbulletin (which is also listed on HIBP: https://haveibeenpwned.com/PwnedWebsites).

Having checked the email address I used on vbulletin.com (which is different to the one on this account), that one does appear in the 2015 vbulletin breach. This would suggest that either

some time after the 2015 breach, which affected vbulletin.com, vbulletin.org was breached
both sites were breached at or around the same time, but my account here was not among those exposed to the world in the initial batch

If you want more information (like what the email address is on my vbulletin.com account to help you narrow down when I changed it to the current one), I'm happy for you to email me using my current email address (or the email address currently associated with the forum account of the same name on vbulletin.com).

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Just as a note, as an EU citizen, I am entitled to have my personal data erased from the site under GDPR, as GDPR is globally applicable. It is also applicable to vbulletin as a company since they are registered in the UK for VAT purposes (reference: https://ico.org.uk/for-organisations/guide-to-the-general-data-protection-regulation-gdpr/individual-rights/right-to-erasure/), however having reviewed what information is on here, I'd be happy for my email address to be removed, my username obfuscated and the account deactivated.

Joshua G.
11-09-2018, 09:12 PM
Due to this being the only post, I have deleted the account entirely.
If you need help with vbulletin.com issues, please send an email to sales@vbulletin.com or support@vbulletin.com (not both though, they go to the same place).

01-04-2019, 02:30 PM
Dear admins,

As there is no way to contact you directly without a license, i ll do it here. There is no chance to do it by myself. Since I'm no longer involved in vBulletin activites, I'd like to have my account and all user data deleted.

Thank you!

01-17-2019, 01:25 PM
Please delete my account in accordance with the GDPR.

Thank you.

Joshua G.
01-22-2019, 07:52 PM
Your user account has been deleted.

Joshua G.
01-22-2019, 07:55 PM
Your user account has been deleted.

02-01-2019, 02:15 PM

please delete this account. thank you very much.

Joshua G.
02-07-2019, 09:34 PM

please delete this account. thank you very much.
