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  1. 1 more left join problem :(
  2. Use data from php in postbit_legacy
  3. Framesets
  4. aligning tables next to eachother
  5. Need help with SQL query to return latest threads but not from ignored users....
  6. Creating a cronjob
  7. Move column from 1 table to another
  8. please delete
  9. Custom thead using images
  10. cross referencing a query with an array for a loop?
  11. chmod/change permission
  12. query problem
  13. I need some help with pulling data from a table
  14. user_id from SESSION/COOKIE
  15. Count ? math via query - help
  16. style variables...
  17. (SOLVED) HELP Problems, Problems, Problems!!!
  18. database help
  19. getimagesize() on a php file: fix or workaround?
  20. Download file to temporary internet folder
  21. help with templates please
  22. can you help me?
  23. what does shutdown_query do?
  24. = works fine but != messed up the query?
  25. Insert value into every row of a table?
  26. will this bring the server to it's knees?
  27. Random members URL?
  28. Help Urgent
  29. database linking and table linking
  30. Link-ID == false, connect failed
  31. Automatic Subdomains using cPanel?
  32. <if condition=> help please
  33. chmod() question
  34. Avatar bit!
  35. Loading Contents of a File -> Sorting everything?
  36. Backup/Restore Help
  37. Query: & && or AND Help
  38. navbar problem...very annoying
  39. Simple Scheduled Task Question
  40. Need Help
  41. Apache mod_mime
  42. mysql is messed up
  43. error
  44. whats wrong with my script
  45. working with 2 database help please
  46. dual conditional
  47. query help
  48. PhpBB > vB : Collation issue - Help please
  49. How do I import a vb3 userlist into a new vb3 install?
  50. Vb cookies on none vb page
  51. can some one tell me a little about LEFT JOIN ?
  52. time functions - please help
  53. Please Help Me.
  54. SQL select only not-deleted posts in a thread
  55. is it bug on core ?
  56. breadcrumb problem
  57. Pop Up Windows?
  58. 'application/force-download' question
  59. Quick SQL Help
  60. Every Second Result
  61. Self - Submitting Form
  62. What am I doing wrong in PHP Cron Script?
  63. Looking at the datastore ...
  64. database question
  65. SQL query question - Copy a column from one table to another
  66. How would i flatten onclick buttons via css
  67. usergroup permissions problem
  68. getting userid and usergroupid in function_parsebbcode
  69. mysql_fetch_object()
  70. iif question
  71. Letting Banned members bypass "Banned Message"
  72. Allow only one file (of an extension) to be uploaded in a post
  73. Updating Primary auto increment table.
  74. help with a pop-up and database connection
  75. which way will be faster ?
  76. big help plz
  77. while/conditional problem
  78. eregi and preg_match
  79. images ?
  80. Expand & Collapse
  81. grouping by for a query
  82. vB2 User Activation ID MYSQL Query
  83. socket_bind ?
  84. whats this code
  85. Template Problem's
  86. VB and Sub-Domains & Session Cookies
  87. vbulletin with portal
  88. Inserting java script in vbulletin
  89. Need help with a query
  90. Strip excessed characters
  91. Color ledgend on the bottom of the page
  92. Odd usergroup HTML markup problem...
  93. help T_T ran uninstaller it broke everything SQL help needed!
  94. Im Trying to XHTML Validate my board...
  95. num_rows()?
  97. Port PHP site into a hack ?
  98. single/double quotation problems
  99. Help With Randomly Assigning Members To Usergroups
  100. converter, Vbulletin 3.0.5 to PHPBB?
  101. determinine what page the last post is on
  102. mysql full text
  103. better quality thumbnails
  104. arrays and ftp_rowlist
  105. How put PHP into templates or work around?
  106. NavBar in new Style
  107. print_chooser_row (To save variable)
  108. Parse $pagetext for members...
  109. left/right html enabled navbar for global viewing
  110. Help me validate my forum
  111. Is there a conditional for this?
  112. convert this vb2 mysql code to work in vb3
  113. Call Array Value From Outside Function?
  114. Php5
  115. please for the love of god
  116. Ideas needed on how this ordering can be achieved
  117. Please help me
  118. problem (not posting) with vBeditor (quick-reply) on non-vB page
  119. Sending hidden info
  120. Query post between...
  121. Odd little error
  122. Arcade Help!
  123. simple code modifying?
  124. Code to stop ignored users from posting in your thread
  125. Additional Usergroups
  126. php include problem
  127. Database design
  128. (x)html issue to do with table placement
  129. Two-table query
  130. help with vb nfo reader script to work on vbulletin file system plz
  131. What's wrong with this query?
  132. Ugh.. PHP files always messed up in notepad?
  133. Global Error Issue, Can I get some help?
  134. How do I hunt down and store all URL's
  135. gallery and database merge
  136. Need bigtime help
  137. Need some help with a hack im making. : (
  138. Problem with postbit template
  139. REQ: Vbindex
  140. Arcade Problem
  141. Uploading big files (300 megs +)
  142. server busy messages
  143. EXTREME Regular Expression Fustration
  144. css +color underline but not text?
  145. restricting access to unregistered members
  146. Merge userid databases
  147. How do I add a Hyperlink inside .php code?
  148. Problem
  149. Styles for VB 3.0.7?
  150. makechoosercode (dropdown) - wanting to take dupes out
  151. No-Cache Question
  152. How to Subtract Time from Time to = Time?
  153. php encryption
  154. remove vBcode with PHP?
  155. PHP function for finding out if string is part of another string ?
  156. sending a form to a user based on a profile field
  157. Calendar Error
  158. moving drop down icon from right of text to left of text
  159. Camstar 3 - Streaming Webcams
  160. Centering Category???
  161. custom profile query
  162. css reply / new post /
  163. This is my postbit_legacy template Error
  164. just need the user id
  165. Help With An Error!
  166. phpMyAdmin
  167. Help, Fast Please---
  168. Adding [bburl] to Navbar PM Info
  169. variable help...I'm lost
  170. Use of php within template?
  171. Making a table..
  172. Generate Random Word?
  173. WYSIWYG In new file...
  174. SQL Error
  175. Please help
  176. Help with php
  177. Integration help
  178. Someone ate my cookie crumbtrail!
  179. getting foreach errors
  180. print_select_row()
  181. XX days ago
  182. basic while loop problem (admincp)
  183. $bbuserinfo['userid'] ... question....
  184. XML Question - Need quick help
  185. Timestamp help
  186. XML question - need quick help...again
  187. MySQL: Sets and Such
  188. Trouble when I require global.php
  189. Is this a correct querri?
  190. Aligned left?
  191. After using it for 20 seconds, this is the best IDE ever
  192. HTML help, clash with vBulletin BBCODE
  193. Help with NOT parsing HTML...
  194. Latest Thread Query (on every page) - Is there a better way?
  195. How to align vBulletin to the left?
  196. no match found query
  197. Proper code? Error messages in site log
  198. Neb ?
  199. making buddylist multipage
  200. Images wrap in FF but not IE
  201. email probs
  202. Adding a setting to The "New Posts" function...Help...
  203. Problem - please help
  204. Checkboxes -> Database
  205. foreach() help
  206. Order results in SQL query
  207. Attachments error help
  208. thread.myi crashed and will not repair no matter how many times tried
  209. Trying to write an image swap script
  210. skin coding
  211. Replace old URL with new URL from entire Database
  212. My New Theme - Need a little help
  213. GD Lacks JPG Support?
  214. Links Conflicting
  215. help needed
  216. What Script is this ? Does a similar Pre-Made Solution exists ?
  217. help with postbit / postbit_legacy upload stats hack
  218. Javascript : Auto redirection select dropdown .... weird
  219. FOREACH function for dummies
  220. Help for a Newbie
  221. i have MYSQL 3.23
  222. Counting users online from external PHP script
  223. convert IP to 10 digit decimal number
  224. n00b needs help on background image
  225. Form Submissions Gone Mad
  226. HELP! Upload problems
  227. Why is this happening?
  228. got problem
  229. php ignoring quotes :X
  230. Secondary Rank Images
  231. Else If in templates
  232. Firefox! WHY DO U EAT QUOTES!
  233. Please Help to make CheckBox BBcode
  234. page counting help
  235. Database design for tagging
  236. declaring array's
  237. Forum completely down
  238. Help me get my VB to look like my old PHPBB
  239. Converting a vB2 style to vB3
  240. upload procedure
  241. Pull the last paid subsciber
  242. conditional won't work together but work's split up?
  243. Can?t locate answers regarding execute SQL Query
  244. My sql Help
  245. Coding assistance (news system)
  246. Passing variables
  247. Post Array
  248. php variable > cgi
  249. Can anyone help me.
  250. Non-SQL Query TeamSpeak Module