01-31-2005, 08:24 PM
when editting my usergroup permissions, i get this error. i've tried to figure this out, but im getting no where. the jbjukebox, i thought that got deleted completely. i want it out. any ideas?
heres my error msg.
and no where in the the usergroup.php is anything about a jukebox...
Database error in vBulletin 3.0.5:
Invalid SQL: UPDATE usergroup SET
### UPDATE QUERY GENERATED BY fetch_query_sql() ###
title = 'Administrators',
description = '',
usertitle = 'Administrator',
opentag = '',
closetag = '',
passwordexpires = '180',
passwordhistory = '360',
attachlimit = '0',
avatarmaxwidth = '500',
avatarmaxheight = '500',
avatarmaxsize = '999999999',
profilepicmaxwidth = '100',
profilepicmaxheight = '100',
profilepicmaxsize = '65535',
pmquota = '50',
pmsendmax = '5',
uttstore_discount = '100%',
forumpermissions = '4063231',
pmpermissions = '3',
calendarpermissions = '31',
wolpermissions = '31',
adminpermissions = '3',
genericpermissions = '4194239',
genericoptions = '31',
jbjukebox = '0',
arcadepermissions = '0'
WHERE usergroupid=6
mysql error: Unknown column 'jbjukebox' in 'field list'
mysql error number: 1054
Date: Monday 31st of January 2005 04:31:10 PM
Username: Prodigal
heres my error msg.
and no where in the the usergroup.php is anything about a jukebox...
Database error in vBulletin 3.0.5:
Invalid SQL: UPDATE usergroup SET
### UPDATE QUERY GENERATED BY fetch_query_sql() ###
title = 'Administrators',
description = '',
usertitle = 'Administrator',
opentag = '',
closetag = '',
passwordexpires = '180',
passwordhistory = '360',
attachlimit = '0',
avatarmaxwidth = '500',
avatarmaxheight = '500',
avatarmaxsize = '999999999',
profilepicmaxwidth = '100',
profilepicmaxheight = '100',
profilepicmaxsize = '65535',
pmquota = '50',
pmsendmax = '5',
uttstore_discount = '100%',
forumpermissions = '4063231',
pmpermissions = '3',
calendarpermissions = '31',
wolpermissions = '31',
adminpermissions = '3',
genericpermissions = '4194239',
genericoptions = '31',
jbjukebox = '0',
arcadepermissions = '0'
WHERE usergroupid=6
mysql error: Unknown column 'jbjukebox' in 'field list'
mysql error number: 1054
Date: Monday 31st of January 2005 04:31:10 PM
Username: Prodigal