- Help needed with parsing
- Learning PHP
- setting up a vb on an f2s server
- How do I parse this on the index.php
- Streaming audio?
- Massive user update...
- Banners..
- [PHP Newbe] insert HTML with IF
- Executing queries in PhpMyAdmin
- showthreads.php
- upgrading php
- Help please.. :)
- A simple command
- Insert php-code into a template..
- Probably a stupid question
- How i can do this?
- *VERY* new to PHP
- Trying to dothis
- mySQL Error help needed | ASAP..
- SSI In template ??
- replacing words ?!?!?
- How do I make a Mailing List??
- Posting new thread via 3rd party Script?
- Help I'm down with a parse error!!
- php in postbit
- jave script in php !!!
- Help with includes
- Header Warning at index file
- Porting VBulletin with PHPNuke
- SQL query help...
- Ratings Script
- PHP code in vB templates....
- Database password
- Lost VBPortal Sidebox on Forum Page
- Including a file from an external server?
- Reset Post Counters?
- how can i see if...
- MySQL Table Update when a user registers for the forum?
- Pulling a list of users based on a field in their profile.
- Sql Query: User that started the most threads
- Replacement variables NOT case sensitive
- help with php-nuke
- Run a script once a day?
- Forum Login
- How do I....
- config.php?
- login a forum user
- Couple o php questions
- Is there really a php compiler?
- How can I set directory permissions for PHP to write to, on my own computer (win2K) ?
- who can build a custom php script? and how much would cost?
- Making the subject line capable of working like the message line or...
- html code of vBulletin
- Error Message help.
- integrating external user tables to vB
- PHP problem with including files to connect to my (vB) database in a different dir...
- Dumb as a "code"
- Help on PHP includes
- Blank Variables???
- O Please O please help me ( php driven site)
- Make a number into Integer
- LiL problem here.....
- User Thread Views?
- How do i change spaces to _?
- How would I display the IP?
- Is this possible?
- How to cut something off after a certain number of chars..?
- interfacing vb with other php
- System stats?
- Resolution Auto Sizing
- were and how would one.....
- When learning PHP
- removing a forum from the forumjump?
- Date And Time Format
- Function Problem
- No New Thread Button and Cant Register
- Self Hosting?
- Need help with php
- Need a little help modifying a banner code...
- Backing Up
- Calendar Help
- [NOT PERTAINING TO VBB] Help with calendar script
- How to show latest treads in a webpage?
- Where do they 'echo' there templates.
- Asp + Php?
- Images in Signature - how do you read them?
- How did you learn php?
- Print?echo?
- Error Loading Script On Linux Box
- Uptime fsockopen
- good message boards?
- Associative arrays
- counter
- Any PHP god wanna help me mod this hack?
- PHP Programmers for hire???
- upload and register problems...
- Phpinclude Template
- Checkboxes in php
- MP/EXP/Level Hack
- Script ignores first entry in database
- Mysql request??
- How to read javascript objects/vars
- php newbie - please help.
- Newreply.php help
- parse error
- Regex on username for chat login
- How to get the variable from an auto_increment field
- ASP help
- Does anyone know where to find...
- Scripts
- using custom user field with mysql..
- Downgrading?
- Stupid Function Question :)
- Need some help turning string into time
- More help with strings
- Extra variables for psotbit...
- Need help generating select fields
- Different LOGIN Sequence <<(please read need desperate help)>>
- Different LOGIN Sequence
- PHP editors plz advise
- Problems with 4.1.1 binaries and Apache 1.3.23
- Whos Online at Homepage
- Cannot add headr info error!!
- Uploading files with PHP
- alternating row color
- Listing query results in columns
- Stripping text...
- Parse PHP gone?
- phpMyAdmin?? ha.. never after this... ;)
- unlink error? (VB install on localhost)
- Chosin a row randomly from a mysql table
- Checking for bounced mail
- need help
- Need some help with what code to use here.
- how do i do this?
- How - Last 3 posts forum selected forums on home page?
- Apache or IIS?
- Paid For Integration Of Forums
- Countdown + Timezones
- sessions...
- vBulletin install fail in localhost
- phpinclude help
- PHP based website.
- mysql_free_result() ??
- help reducing mysql queries
- i just installed the sql query from control panel hack- i need to delete all imported
- Phpinfo() and Global Vars
- what's wrong with this mysql query?
- won't fetch userid
- JOINing a count?
- Help me !!!
- LEFT JOIN in tables?
- help me... :)
- I will pay $$$ for a design
- php/mysql query question
- Banner rotation. One line code.
- Can I make a php file save images to the server?
- parse error :*(
- Exporting/Importing table from MySQL with help of PHP files.
- Need help with a query
- Need some help in forum home page
- OT : Photopost hacking...
- adding field from all rows together
- query to delete attachments bigger than 100 kb.
- Little help needed
- I need some help with this if/else statement
- Hot Linking
- More php related question, than VB question....
- Lets see if you guys can answer this.
- restricting dimensions of linked images
- nevermind
- Can anyone tell me what this means?
- help! duplicate....
- PHP includes in the vb templates
- hello!
- Able to screen people before viewing chat?
- a question
- Maybe can't be done?
- php file editing?
- Environment variables
- Warning: Cannot add header information -- HELP!
- request :D
- What's microtime() ?
- Checking Remote Server
- now u can enter from the nuke mag to the vb board
- Pay Job PHP/MYSQL Application Form/Portfolio
- Certain php files don't work and screw up MySQL and my forum! Help!
- Where ******* Contains "******"?
- SmartFTP/php
- What's wrong....
- Double Damn!
- Checking Image Sizes
- User Groups Problem
- Need PHP Embeding Help
- Need help
- caching
- Help with auto members usergroupid
- problem driving me mad
- attachment viewing..
- How do I incorporate other news feeds into my site?
- Integer Key Sizing
- Retrieving lastvisit, should be easy...
- Full Site Layout and design.
- caught me offguard
- Session help please
- V-Bulletin Email function trouble!
- Best PHP Help FOrum ?
- vBulletin (cp) Database error! (big problem)
- Ok...The weirdest thing I have come accross...Help me please!!!
- PHP Dates: How can I translate them?
- Please Help - Database Problem...
- Need SSH Help Please... Trying to restore a database
- HELP in mySQL
- Simple database issue (but I'm dumb!)
- wtf is a query and how do i run one?
- CGI->PHP | Very usefull script
- How to uninstall hacks?
- PHP Version - upgrading?
- Need a lil help
- Some Help plz! Appreciated if so...
- gzip compression: howto
- trying to mod download.php
- Mysql error!
- Could use some help!
- command help
- Small modification to register.php help request
- PHP 4.2 and VB2.2.5 at war?
- PHP and PHP3
- PHP debug mode
- Installing vBB
- PHP register error!
- Hosting forum of HardDrive?
- PhpMyAdmin...Creating a New Database?
- Important!!! please help
- Why does my board have url's like these... How do I fix?....
- Can I get DoOutput to not send header?
- Help a PHP no0b (moderator abilities)
- register.php question
- Help with a nested MySQL query!
- Applets....
- help with how to run a query
- Full Time Position Available: vBulletin, PHP, MySQL...
- iif
- Registered for all pages
- separating data and indexes in Mysql
- How do i find my WHOLE PATH?
- --with-apache with apache2.0
- Programs
- Search and replace on a MySQL table?