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  1. Help needed with parsing
  2. Learning PHP
  3. setting up a vb on an f2s server
  4. How do I parse this on the index.php
  5. Streaming audio?
  6. Massive user update...
  7. Banners..
  8. [PHP Newbe] insert HTML with IF
  9. Executing queries in PhpMyAdmin
  10. showthreads.php
  11. upgrading php
  12. Help please.. :)
  13. A simple command
  14. Insert php-code into a template..
  15. Probably a stupid question
  16. How i can do this?
  17. *VERY* new to PHP
  18. Trying to dothis
  19. mySQL Error help needed | ASAP..
  20. SSI In template ??
  21. replacing words ?!?!?
  22. How do I make a Mailing List??
  23. Posting new thread via 3rd party Script?
  24. Help I'm down with a parse error!!
  25. php in postbit
  26. jave script in php !!!
  27. Help with includes
  28. Header Warning at index file
  29. Porting VBulletin with PHPNuke
  30. SQL query help...
  31. Ratings Script
  32. PHP code in vB templates....
  33. Database password
  34. Lost VBPortal Sidebox on Forum Page
  35. Including a file from an external server?
  36. Reset Post Counters?
  37. how can i see if...
  38. MySQL Table Update when a user registers for the forum?
  39. Pulling a list of users based on a field in their profile.
  40. Sql Query: User that started the most threads
  41. Replacement variables NOT case sensitive
  42. help with php-nuke
  43. Run a script once a day?
  44. Forum Login
  45. How do I....
  46. config.php?
  47. login a forum user
  48. Couple o php questions
  49. Is there really a php compiler?
  50. How can I set directory permissions for PHP to write to, on my own computer (win2K) ?
  51. who can build a custom php script? and how much would cost?
  52. Making the subject line capable of working like the message line or...
  53. html code of vBulletin
  54. Error Message help.
  55. integrating external user tables to vB
  56. PHP problem with including files to connect to my (vB) database in a different dir...
  57. Dumb as a "code"
  58. Help on PHP includes
  59. Blank Variables???
  60. O Please O please help me ( php driven site)
  61. Make a number into Integer
  62. LiL problem here.....
  63. User Thread Views?
  64. How do i change spaces to _?
  65. How would I display the IP?
  66. Is this possible?
  67. How to cut something off after a certain number of chars..?
  68. interfacing vb with other php
  69. System stats?
  70. Resolution Auto Sizing
  71. were and how would one.....
  72. When learning PHP
  73. removing a forum from the forumjump?
  74. Date And Time Format
  75. Function Problem
  76. No New Thread Button and Cant Register
  77. Self Hosting?
  78. Need help with php
  79. Need a little help modifying a banner code...
  80. Backing Up
  81. Calendar Help
  82. [NOT PERTAINING TO VBB] Help with calendar script
  83. How to show latest treads in a webpage?
  84. Where do they 'echo' there templates.
  85. Asp + Php?
  86. Images in Signature - how do you read them?
  87. How did you learn php?
  88. Print?echo?
  89. Error Loading Script On Linux Box
  90. Uptime fsockopen
  91. good message boards?
  92. Associative arrays
  93. counter
  94. Any PHP god wanna help me mod this hack?
  95. PHP Programmers for hire???
  96. upload and register problems...
  97. Phpinclude Template
  98. Checkboxes in php
  99. MP/EXP/Level Hack
  100. Script ignores first entry in database
  101. Mysql request??
  102. How to read javascript objects/vars
  103. php newbie - please help.
  104. Newreply.php help
  105. parse error
  106. Regex on username for chat login
  107. How to get the variable from an auto_increment field
  108. ASP help
  109. Does anyone know where to find...
  110. Scripts
  111. using custom user field with mysql..
  112. Downgrading?
  113. Stupid Function Question :)
  114. Need some help turning string into time
  115. More help with strings
  116. Extra variables for psotbit...
  117. Need help generating select fields
  118. Different LOGIN Sequence <<(please read need desperate help)>>
  119. Different LOGIN Sequence
  120. PHP editors plz advise
  121. Problems with 4.1.1 binaries and Apache 1.3.23
  122. Whos Online at Homepage
  123. Cannot add headr info error!!
  124. Uploading files with PHP
  125. alternating row color
  126. Listing query results in columns
  127. Stripping text...
  128. Parse PHP gone?
  129. phpMyAdmin?? ha.. never after this... ;)
  130. unlink error? (VB install on localhost)
  131. Chosin a row randomly from a mysql table
  132. Checking for bounced mail
  133. need help
  134. Need some help with what code to use here.
  135. how do i do this?
  136. How - Last 3 posts forum selected forums on home page?
  137. Apache or IIS?
  138. Paid For Integration Of Forums
  139. Countdown + Timezones
  140. sessions...
  141. vBulletin install fail in localhost
  142. phpinclude help
  143. PHP based website.
  144. mysql_free_result() ??
  145. help reducing mysql queries
  146. i just installed the sql query from control panel hack- i need to delete all imported
  147. Phpinfo() and Global Vars
  148. what's wrong with this mysql query?
  149. won't fetch userid
  150. JOINing a count?
  151. Help me !!!
  152. LEFT JOIN in tables?
  153. help me... :)
  154. I will pay $$$ for a design
  155. php/mysql query question
  156. Banner rotation. One line code.
  157. Can I make a php file save images to the server?
  158. parse error :*(
  159. Exporting/Importing table from MySQL with help of PHP files.
  160. Need help with a query
  161. Need some help in forum home page
  162. OT : Photopost hacking...
  163. adding field from all rows together
  164. query to delete attachments bigger than 100 kb.
  165. Little help needed
  166. I need some help with this if/else statement
  167. Hot Linking
  168. More php related question, than VB question....
  169. Lets see if you guys can answer this.
  170. restricting dimensions of linked images
  171. nevermind
  172. Can anyone tell me what this means?
  173. help! duplicate....
  174. PHP includes in the vb templates
  175. hello!
  176. Able to screen people before viewing chat?
  177. a question
  178. Maybe can't be done?
  179. php file editing?
  180. Environment variables
  181. Warning: Cannot add header information -- HELP!
  182. request :D
  183. What's microtime() ?
  184. Checking Remote Server
  185. now u can enter from the nuke mag to the vb board
  186. Pay Job PHP/MYSQL Application Form/Portfolio
  187. Certain php files don't work and screw up MySQL and my forum! Help!
  188. Where ******* Contains "******"?
  189. SmartFTP/php
  190. What's wrong....
  191. Double Damn!
  192. Checking Image Sizes
  193. User Groups Problem
  194. Need PHP Embeding Help
  195. Need help
  196. caching
  197. Help with auto members usergroupid
  198. problem driving me mad
  199. attachment viewing..
  200. How do I incorporate other news feeds into my site?
  201. Integer Key Sizing
  202. Retrieving lastvisit, should be easy...
  203. Full Site Layout and design.
  204. caught me offguard
  205. Session help please
  206. V-Bulletin Email function trouble!
  207. Best PHP Help FOrum ?
  208. vBulletin (cp) Database error! (big problem)
  209. Ok...The weirdest thing I have come accross...Help me please!!!
  210. PHP Dates: How can I translate them?
  211. Please Help - Database Problem...
  212. Need SSH Help Please... Trying to restore a database
  213. HELP in mySQL
  214. Simple database issue (but I'm dumb!)
  215. wtf is a query and how do i run one?
  216. CGI->PHP | Very usefull script
  217. How to uninstall hacks?
  218. PHP Version - upgrading?
  219. Need a lil help
  220. Some Help plz! Appreciated if so...
  221. gzip compression: howto
  222. trying to mod download.php
  223. E-mail
  224. Mysql error!
  225. Could use some help!
  226. command help
  227. Small modification to register.php help request
  228. PHP 4.2 and VB2.2.5 at war?
  229. PHP and PHP3
  230. PHP debug mode
  231. Installing vBB
  232. PHP register error!
  233. Hosting forum of HardDrive?
  234. PhpMyAdmin...Creating a New Database?
  235. Important!!! please help
  236. Why does my board have url's like these... How do I fix?....
  237. Can I get DoOutput to not send header?
  238. Help a PHP no0b (moderator abilities)
  239. register.php question
  240. Help with a nested MySQL query!
  241. Applets....
  242. help with how to run a query
  243. Full Time Position Available: vBulletin, PHP, MySQL...
  244. iif
  245. Registered for all pages
  246. separating data and indexes in Mysql
  247. How do i find my WHOLE PATH?
  248. --with-apache with apache2.0
  249. Programs
  250. Search and replace on a MySQL table?