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  1. Footer problem.. Journal related.
  2. Installing new skin - NO xml file
  3. Simple Conditional Statement
  4. text not echoing out
  5. SQL Statement request - Easy if you know how! ;)
  6. Question on PHP Syntax used in AdminCP/Index.php
  7. Uncached header template????
  8. date/post problem in postbit
  9. RSS Reader
  10. I keep getting...
  11. Couple of Coding Questions - help?
  12. LIKE function in PHP?
  13. vBcron batching?
  14. Change /admin?
  15. Memory error when using wildcard * on search
  16. (Postbit) Table Widths
  17. Useful coding resources
  18. PHP question...
  19. Avatars on the left
  20. adv-homepage and modify index_threadbits
  21. How I Change the color of the bar up top on the "Welcome box"
  22. Alignment Problem
  23. How to edit this..
  24. Forum Layouts
  25. Reinstalling the default theme
  26. Where's this < br > coming from?
  27. Include ASP page sections
  28. 100% Width Problem
  29. now creating a file to download
  30. Trying to find a way to reference the Body Background value...
  31. Crazy Stuff
  32. Simple question.
  33. who knows a good connection speed detect script ?
  34. MySQL Not grabbing everything for my hack?
  35. Customizing Archive for Guests
  36. PHP reserved words?
  37. Making a page similar to threadisplay/forumdisplay
  38. Need a Query
  39. Template Desing
  40. Table errors on skin
  41. Need change static URL in posts after move server
  42. PLEASE HELP AFTER UPGRADE 3.0.1 to 3.0.3
  43. Accessing field in first 'post' per thread
  44. How do I Remove the "Last Post" Column?
  45. MySQL help - isolating a substring
  46. PHP: equal or larger than
  47. collapsed from beginning
  48. Thread is closed, but people can still reply?
  49. body / background overlaping
  50. Regex
  51. Pop up link with a difference
  52. Javascript ... Wayne Luke Can't Help
  53. ACP problems
  54. Need to figure out how to add more options...
  55. Problems with custom query and registration
  56. Some Error
  57. Changing date?
  58. problem running query for toplist hack
  59. editing the clang hack....
  60. Are templates given?
  61. Content Syndication - js help pls
  62. need help creating a install.php
  63. need help
  64. Making use of the vbmail function ?
  65. Styles Help
  66. Who' online alignment
  67. Conditional code not working
  68. Category Image help
  69. Mod_rewrite issues
  70. vbmenu_popup shadow
  71. What am I doing wrong?
  72. Database Error
  73. Which php editor for Linux?
  74. date changes
  75. alignement of templates.....
  76. What is wrong with this query?
  77. Selecting data from SQL tables.
  78. want to move members over
  79. hmmm i need help on a couple of coding matters.
  80. code problem
  81. Any Way to Get The PSD?
  82. [Request] Button/icon editing
  83. Automatically closing threads
  84. Help with mysql query on forumdisplay (left joins etc.)
  85. I'm having a PHP/MySQL problem. Help would be appreciated! :)
  86. Close BB Codes
  87. Help with color choices
  88. mods color hack, certain color depending on the forum modded
  89. Server Too Busy
  90. Same Server / Different Sites / Sharing database
  91. amazon link regex help
  92. ~HELP~ Currently Active Users
  93. Template issues!
  94. Any good tutorials???
  95. Running IIS and Apache on same server?
  96. What's wrong with this code?
  97. What have I missed here?
  98. Template Edit Help..
  99. Default file
  100. How do you design/modify styles?
  101. Paypal in vbAdvance
  102. database errors
  103. can someone tell me how to add space here?
  104. Accessing MySQL database from another website?
  105. Can the VB members database be shared with another script
  106. Vbulletin error
  107. Check this query please
  108. HTML & Javascript problems
  109. centering page
  110. Query In a Loop
  111. Graphics above and below catagory pane
  112. Simple HTML Question: The <p> Tag
  113. .htaccess (wap)
  114. postbit legacy centered ?
  115. Parse error
  116. Small HTML Table Question
  117. good looking graphics
  118. Including header in expernal php file
  119. Using CSS to define a table bg image
  120. Table Border help
  121. Uploading Images
  122. vb2 arcade problem
  123. now the tough part
  124. Sorting queries
  125. Changing all rows in a table from a selected field.
  126. file operations
  127. cron problems???
  128. using a variable and conditional in template
  129. Problem with coding on header, just seemed to appear
  130. Bad Query
  131. IP Address Detection with PHP?
  132. More efficient table or border around the pages
  133. need help adding url to site
  134. mysql error
  135. URGENT: Mysql Error HELP (Im Pulling My Hair Out)
  136. linking apache and iis site
  137. Help with the RSS
  138. How to make this table via HTML
  139. how to make forums shorter on FORUMHOME?
  140. Events showing up Problems
  141. mysql - sorting and calling help
  142. How can I directly download an attachment
  143. Add Drop Down Menu to Navbar??
  144. implode php function not working ....
  145. unexpected ;
  146. How do I call a custom template?
  147. database warning....
  148. Help with an IF in VB
  149. I am getting a blank page/no error with this code:
  150. Help finding files to make mySQL password change
  151. This is very, very odd
  152. post count HACK, thanks in advance
  153. Please help me IE problem
  154. PHP Nuke and VBulletin users
  155. Mysql how do I...
  156. Link to move thread
  157. [HELP!!] Please help...I'm Locked out of my forum
  158. help please, my template is not saving
  159. admincp display errors (after hack uninstall)
  160. PHP & MYSQL server overloading (cpu & mem)
  161. vb2 arcade games querys.....
  162. No MAILS to anyone
  163. Bad Argument for Implode>_<
  164. What's up with this?
  165. how i can change this font
  166. mysql error: session table full // fixed nevermind
  167. If conditional help
  168. Moving php embedded html to template and php file
  169. Database Error when searching individual user's posts
  170. Query results above header...
  171. email problems
  172. What Conditional do I need to specify *Secondary* User Groups?
  173. Big DB Problem Error 1146
  174. Help with mysql php update
  175. Atachment Problems
  176. Just a simple problem.
  177. why is this table like this?
  178. adding the password encryption hack for vb
  179. My Permissions arent working>_<
  180. attatchment/rating alignment
  181. database error
  182. memberlist.php query altering (display order)
  183. Yes...Yes...I know, I'm retarded....
  184. table borders that have gradients??
  185. pagination
  186. I need help with an IF conditional...
  187. Scripting Question
  188. Having some coding problems in a template
  189. Warning cant use scalar?
  190. i have a problem with a special counter
  191. Css Links
  192. Query time page
  193. cant edit sytles - mysql error: Duplicate entry
  194. Changing links by changing vars
  195. position:absolute
  196. vBAdvanced - <?php include("file.php"); ?>
  197. How do I get this look?
  198. password expiry ?
  199. I.....Just....dunno....
  200. pull a variable from the link
  201. Database error! Help me!
  202. problem with fetch_avatar_url()
  203. running a query every two hours,
  204. I know why, but can't figure out a workaround..
  205. user table export/import
  206. php integer
  207. Simple question
  208. preg_replace
  209. XML news feeds
  210. Issues with using iframes
  211. I'm having this problem....
  212. problem running query
  213. JS: Retrieve userid
  214. How to color border?
  215. Hope someone can help...
  216. Trimming Row output for display
  217. database error
  218. Postbit Reputation problem
  219. Listing all rows from a table (SOLVED)
  220. [WinXP] IE6/Avant working, FireFox 0.9 failing the 1st time but fine after a refresh
  221. How?...
  222. how do i use my backup ??
  223. How does vBulletin handle Mysql SQL statements?
  224. reset password
  225. Grab an input value in php
  226. How to add user into the VB Forum using SQL Statement?
  227. forums into columns hack problem
  228. I want to round out nav bar and who's online?
  229. Good Portals?
  230. double exploding strings and looping them
  231. looking for a "build-a-simpel-website-online" script
  232. SQL logs
  233. added a new forum and something wierd happened
  234. Usergroup Permission Manager Problem
  235. Help w/ v3 Article Module
  236. can't connect to local mysql
  237. Unregistered/Deleted Members Cause This SQL Error...
  238. DHTML Navigation Menu Problems - V3
  239. Okay I need help again..lol
  240. proper syntax for adding a row in table with vB SQL
  241. i can't find the code ....
  242. very weird thing happening to my forum
  243. dateline information
  244. new skin/style
  245. MySQL Table Theory Help
  246. Attempting to create my first hack from scratch...
  247. timestamp/while help
  248. Bought a skin, need help asap pleaseeeee.
  249. Help Converting Dates
  250. Help with add field vb/php syntax