View Full Version : Clan Match Management

06-01-2009, 07:20 PM

I guess this must have been posted before, but after half an hour of searching, ive turned up nothing...

Is there any programmer who is or would be willing to code a clan match management system that could be integrated with vBulletin/vbCMPS?

I would be more than willing to donate to such a mod and im sure there are loads of vBulletin using clan admins that also would.

This really is the only mod missing from vBulletin IMO. I wont get into specing such a mod at the moment, as im here to try and see if anyone would be interested in coding it first :)


06-06-2009, 10:30 AM
I need it to

06-06-2009, 11:35 AM
Well thats two then lol - any more for any more? :D