View Full Version : Advice needed on shared user info

06-17-2009, 11:58 PM
Hi Everyone,

I searched but didn't find what I was quite looking for. But if it does exist - please feel free to link.

Basically I run two sites. Site A is my vbulletin forum. Site B is a new site I am starting and it is basically a club/groups site. I will have Site B displaying one forum from Site A inside of it - so registration will obviously be necessary for Site B.

Here's the question. We will have maybe one or two other areas on the new site that will require registration such as registering for trips and sending forms. I would like for vbulletin registration to be the only registration for the site B - so it it possible to have them register on my vbulletin and somehow add private fields just for the people who join from the club to contain their address and other details and use the account on Site B?

Basically - they register for site B on the vbulletin forum. On the site b they can go into an edit profile and edit/add their address and other details that would be contained (but not shown inside vbulletin) so we could use it in other sections of the site not related to site b?

Hope this wasn't too confusing with all the site a and b! Thanks in advance for any help!