View Full Version : Disable query/Fuction??? Mysql Errors

06-19-2009, 02:07 AM

What option disables the following query:

SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(userid)) AS count FROM vb_session WHERE vb_session.userid>0 AND vb_session.lastactivity>1245253343;

I implemented some memory configurations from EVA and ever since then i get tons of MYSQL memory errors relating to this query... and he hasn't come back to forum on vb.com so i need ot figure this out quick... i have faith in his configuration suggestions so something else muss be wrong

I currently disabled all of the "ACTIVE" member options that i can think of. Plus the vb_session table is not something that can be repaired... and it only have a few hundred records there currently

BUt its definetly related to the "Active Members Time Cut-Off" settings... cuz the timestamp is always a difference of 90mins in the query.... but I already zerioed that value out...

ANY HELP would be appreciated

06-19-2009, 02:38 AM
I did a search in the files for 'COUNT(DISTINCT(userid))' and came back with nothing. Then I tried a search on "vb_session.userid", which if it was in there, should have a result and I still got nothing. So, I'd guess that is from a modification.

06-19-2009, 03:30 AM
Hmm... maybe no one ever had problems with it... but "session.lastactivity" should even exist...

i wonder where VB does the session queries...

i am really at a lost here...

06-19-2009, 03:45 AM
What I meant was, that query doesn't show up in any of the vbulletin files. Doing a search on "session.userid" should show me that query somewhere in a file, and it didn't. I get only 15 occurances of that 'word' in the files but none of them are for a query that looks anything like that. So, that query is not from a standard vbulletin file. So, I would guess that you added it from a modification yourself.