View Full Version : Need support with strange VB problem

06-05-2009, 12:01 AM
I recently upgraded from 3.7 to 3.8. I also uninstalled a few hacks and during one uninstall I received a SQL DB failure.

I started noticing that email notifications did not include the full bburl or name in the content. I checked in admincp and directly in the DB and the values are correct. Basically, when emails are sent those values are not showing up in the message. This is occurring in the email notifications for new posts to a forum (configured in the admincp per forum) as well as new PM notifications. For some reason the email notifications for subscribed threads is still working.

I recopied and then verified the the original VB files were in place. I also reinstalled the default language. The problem was still occurring.

I turned off all hacks globally and used a default style and the problem still exists.

I opened a ticket with VB.com and unfortunately they are not providing much help. Basically they are asking me to completely uninstall all hacks. I am not going to be able to do that easily.

I don't know how the email process is being affected if the VB files are originals and the proper values are in the DB. VB.com says that there could be some other data in the DB that is causing this.

Is there anyone that has experience really digging into problems like this and can help me out? I need someone who has dealt with strange issues like this before. I will gladly pay for the help if you can help me figure this one out.

Please PM me for more information. If you have references that would be great.


06-05-2009, 05:23 AM
Have you checked the Site URL settings in the Admin CP (specifically)?

06-07-2009, 07:34 PM
Have you checked the Site URL settings in the Admin CP (specifically)?

Yes, it is correct.

06-09-2009, 03:33 AM
Still need help with this. Anyone out there?

06-09-2009, 06:50 AM
Check the email phrases (via the Phrase Manager in the Admin CP).

06-09-2009, 11:32 AM
Yes, in fact VB.com had me reinstall the language file. I just searched in phrases and came up with this:

Dear $touserinfo[username],

You have received a new private message at $vboptions[bbtitle] from $fromusername. Please click here to log in and read it:

The message is: {$this->pmtext['message']}

All the best,

The message comes through with the content and the username, no url or title.

06-09-2009, 12:04 PM
What is the value substituted inside emails? Just nothing?

06-09-2009, 03:05 PM
Nothing shows up in those spaces.

06-10-2009, 07:13 AM
If you don't have too many plugins, go through each one and check if they modify the "bburl" value in the vBulletin option variable.

06-14-2009, 03:16 AM
Well, I globally disabled all hacks and the problem still existed. I also manually disabled all hacks through the admincp and the problem still occurs.

This is what I have been explaining at VB.com and not getting a good answer. How can a value in the DB be affected if all hacks are turned off?

Are there any other known mechanisms for changing the bburl while it is going from the DB to the email process? I am using core VB files, I never edit anything.

They keep telling me to completely uninstall all hacks, which seems like they don't want to help me identify this potentially serious issue. I understand they don't troubleshoot hacks but how is it even possible for this to happen with the way the hack system works?

06-14-2009, 03:24 AM
For some modifications, there is more to disabling them than just turning off the plugins themselves. Sometimes files that were uploaded need to be removed; template edits removed; seo htaccess file changes removed; or code edits undone.

Do you have a test site? Try to replicate the problem on there and then undo your modificaitons completely and see if you still have the problem.

06-14-2009, 04:43 AM
Can you clarify a little bit of the above recommendation? I know VB pulls in data from non-VB files, is there a list of how and when it will do this? I will go through these files and see if there is anything glaringly obvious.

This shouldn't have anything to do with a template as from my understanding the email notification process runs with phrases and not a full template. I reimported the language file so my phrases are up to date.

No SEO changes or htaccess updates made on my side.

Thanks for helping out.

06-14-2009, 02:07 PM
The only list of files would be with each modification.

The thing is, on a totally default board, this works just fine. So something is going on with your particular board which is causing problems. We can only assume that somewhere along the line, you made some sort of code edit and broke this. So, the thing to do is try to undo everything and see if you can find that thing that broke it.

06-14-2009, 03:02 PM
I understand, I'm just trying to find something a little easier than uninstalling every mod.

I will set up a test site with the BB and try removing things there, thanks.

06-14-2009, 03:04 PM
Since I don't know your board and what you've done, I can't really suggest specific things to try. All I can do is speak generally about how I would go about finding the problem if it were on my board. Sorry.