View Full Version : Dynamic RSS-Based Content Pages with PHP?

06-08-2009, 03:16 AM

I've been experimenting lately with the external.php vBulletin feed through MagpieRSS. It seems to be a very powerful tool.

How can I create a system on my website so that if I go to something like:


it will take me to a page on my site with information from the post matching that timestamp (1244335257)?

Assume I have a template on my website that looks like this.


Is there a way to pull the thread title, author, pubdate, and encoded content from the external.rss feed if I simply go to or link to a page on my site with its matching timestamp, assuming all of the information I need is fetched by MagpieRSS (http://www.vidane.com/rss/rssmag.php)?

Alternatively, is there a way to do this using the MySQL database? My forum and site will be on the same server.

I'm a total PHP novice, but I would imagine this is something PHP could do rather easily. Can someone please help me? I would like to make the most out of my vBulletin and its external feed, and I'm willing to learn and walk through what's necessary to make it happen.
