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  1. How to Add New adminpermission options
  2. Moving the posting rules...
  3. How to add another check box when users register?
  4. problem importing mysql user database !!!
  5. Plugin not executing..
  6. Firefox spell checker not enabled by default
  7. Can someone explain: one template updates correctly, one doesn't (on the same page)?
  8. Replacing multiple buttons with images in the same form?
  9. All the Threads and some other things are centerd?? HELP!!!
  10. Edit Thread
  11. How? - Banner at bottom of page that scrolls with page
  12. Separate Boards
  13. Important to administrators & users of ftp accounts
  14. The BBCode function
  15. How to make collapse closed by default?
  16. Array "for" In Php
  17. Some Japanese characters showing up as ?*
  18. Mod Rewrite - adding the www
  19. How to get PHP to work in the header in vBulletin
  20. Database error
  21. Custom Hooks?
  22. Anyone seen this database error before?
  23. Where to put RSS buttons?
  24. Any changes to board variables between
  25. Scriptaculous for vbulletin API Thread
  26. Simple questions I cant figure out..
  27. admin link not correct
  28. Does this mysql code work for deleting people's PMs if they have only 1 PM?
  29. php code
  30. Help - Error #2006 - 'mailqueue'??
  31. encrypt database email records
  32. Skin Not Showing Correctly in IE
  33. A Few Questions
  34. Coding noob having trouble with <IF> tag
  35. Download Management
  36. How can I include the Canadian provinces in the list box when registering?
  37. Integrating User Databases
  38. Datastore question
  39. My PM's cannot be deleted by selection?
  40. Default seclted value in drop down box.
  41. Modifying Posts Programatically
  42. Rules and Regs Section
  43. What Coding Language To Pursue Further?
  44. Visual Query Builders... anyone use them?
  45. Question on Custom BB Codes
  46. What do the post_parsed table fields mean?
  47. Will 'if_browser=ie' work in php files?
  48. Shopping Cart Software -- In The Market
  49. The we VB logo in address bar
  50. Where to find vB PHP coding reference for form-to-thread post methods?
  51. Usergroup Permissions on Already Created Usergroups
  52. Minor change to the registration page
  53. Member List
  54. How do I run a PHP script in my templates? (VB 3.03)
  55. html to BB conversion?
  56. General question about Forms and variable POST'd to another script
  57. Hook Locations Confusion
  58. Manually Adding Forums
  59. RSS External Links
  60. apostrophe in their usernames
  61. Dump user table to another database
  62. How to add prefix to all links
  63. How to add new column (field) into vbulletin
  64. upload files not working
  65. photopost
  66. Can't get MySQL JOINs to work right
  67. Database Query Question
  68. vBulletin database class function for fetch_object ?
  69. Book Example Has Error - In Need of Help
  70. PHP Back-End for SQL Query Form?
  71. The difference between mysql_fetch_array and $db->fetch_array?
  72. query not working right
  73. Using the datastore in 3.6.4
  74. Usimg CSS -Text won't center in IE
  75. Is WYSIWYG_html the same as normal HTML
  76. Login form values
  77. Problem with strip_quotes
  78. .htaccess problems
  79. Selecting Rows With Same Column
  80. $foruminfo[title] in postbit?
  81. Fetch category name?
  82. vB Ad Management 2.1
  83. Help with installation
  84. where do I edit or make correction?
  85. Passwords
  86. How do you know whether guests are permitted to see a page?
  87. $pagenav in postbit_legacy
  88. attachments in seperate template
  89. attachments : show full image instead of thumbnail
  90. Question about using array to create dropdown menu
  91. Memberslist is gone
  92. need a good poll system
  93. Avy Problem
  94. Having trouble with PHPAdsnew (Help wanted!)
  95. Users appear online way too long
  96. Users/Usergroups Can't View "Replies"
  97. Restricting Infraction Permissions.
  98. plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  99. Where do plugins go?
  100. How do i programattically create a new thread?
  101. how to know "which hook" ?
  102. Simple - Intergrate vB login with PHP
  103. Display Active Users on index.html page
  104. Forum Start Date
  105. Making my own article submission system
  106. Cronjob for deleting IP's
  107. Header and footer files where do they go?
  108. What hook should I use
  109. Remote log-in
  110. How would I implement this code hack as a plugin
  111. Filtering events from Calendar...
  112. how to avoid double display?
  113. A simple alteration of an if statement
  114. Why is my forum centered on IE?
  115. Roll Call in Calendar
  116. custom bbCode tag and variables ($postid) ? possible?
  117. Help Combining 2 Seperate .htaccess Files
  118. Ok... I'll try to find hel here... problem with code in register.php
  119. new to modding.... how to make my code into a plugin?
  120. Help with BBCODE
  121. error while reporting post
  122. Simple question I think..I hope
  123. learning about codes
  124. Members Having Problems Registering
  125. Help needed in some little coding please...
  126. Query vs Datastore?
  127. User Accounting Modification
  128. mysql flush command through SSH ?
  129. if page=search.php
  130. External "Newest Posts" Box
  131. Query lag time...
  132. Desperate for help with query using IN condition...
  133. This could be a tough one... (mirroring a forum category accross two vBull installs)
  134. changing index.php to forum.php - easiest way / pitfalls?
  135. time-based access to posts
  136. Loading Fonts from Server
  137. Parsing HTML code in User Profile Field
  138. help.. permission check for "last 5 posts.."
  139. Replacing text for a user
  140. Online status conditional?
  141. images not showing up for guests in some forums??
  142. php/sql as the header
  143. Here's a mad idea.. RSS banner ads... is it possible
  144. Latest Threads on a non-vb page?
  145. Anyone program in PERL and use the PHP forums?
  146. Sidebar for adds
  147. Profile Field Conditionals
  148. A little PHP help for a noob?
  149. How to populate these variables?
  150. WTF have i done wrong
  151. inserting swf button in vbulletin 3.6.4
  152. Simple hack to inject javascript to first post in thread?
  153. User Drop Down not working in IE
  154. custom page stopped working after upgrade
  155. Make AJAX work on Threadbit Mouseover?
  156. help
  157. javascript with <head> tag.. where to put it?
  158. Adding a user to the database manually
  159. Put database stuff into a php file
  160. nav bar on non-vb page?
  161. Strange happens in MYSQL
  162. Conditional with last post time?
  163. queries question
  164. Problem with mi forum..
  165. Adding Optional Text to "Insert Link" button on edtor
  166. Using log_moderator_action
  167. Drop menu Positioning?
  168. protecting my Admin CP
  169. Confusion over deleting threads older than...
  170. Template help?
  171. link to edit template
  172. onmouseout
  173. shell_exec - unix commands in PHP
  174. calling mysql fields into a .php webpage
  175. Small Hack 301 header for threads in certain forums
  176. Problem importing xml from server.
  177. debug mode for 3.6.4?
  178. Can I check for banned user in a template?
  179. Echo tables which contain the column userid
  180. Using Custom profile Field
  181. Help with hack of a hack
  182. Plzzzzzz help me
  183. Changing Mysql values in an auto_increment field
  184. bbuserinfo in BBCode.
  185. Hook to format text?
  186. formula for textarea vs text
  187. parse_template crazy trouble ! help !
  188. User profiles on none VB pages
  189. HELP! attachments + post query problem
  190. Absolute Positioning and FireFox...
  191. "Throwing" a variable at an external file
  192. External link script that automatically frames the linked page?
  193. Opera Browser Problem
  194. Urgent Assistance Needed
  195. Lookin for a query
  196. remove tags whit impex celaner
  197. preg_match help required for password security
  198. $lastpostinfo[trimpost] ?
  199. header info
  200. a href
  201. MySQL query to show hidden threads in unpostable forums
  202. Showing MySQL rows in a PHP file
  203. .htaccess help
  204. Using $_GET
  205. call to show forum name
  206. Newest Members/posts/threads on Homepage
  207. Can someone test this
  208. database question
  209. Poll results
  210. Information in the side
  211. Uncached Templaes Still Error After Deleting Plug In Causing It
  212. Top posters in the last week
  213. Change colour of new topic text
  214. Footer Zone and Time
  215. Profile Commenting
  216. open column values in thread table
  217. Pls Help on Datastore cache
  218. forumid conditions on showthread
  219. Put a Google Banner 460x15 in Thread
  220. Need escrow mod/hack for vB site!
  221. SSL Login Redirect gets me Logged out.
  222. option column in forum table
  223. PHP MYSQL Query
  224. Regular Expression Help
  225. Logging in to vbulletin using external form
  226. Help with an RSS feed
  227. need to call adsense in sidebar via $adsense - think i'm close need help
  228. Joomla header on Vbulletin
  229. MySQL Error
  230. How to add a user profile field when installing a plugin
  231. Alter the value of the $vboptions variable?
  232. How to add user to custom group upon registration
  233. customize forumdisplay, linear message view
  234. backup?
  235. putting the first attachment in a variable
  236. RSS Feed On Index Page
  237. Javascript help, undefined but defined function
  238. How can I set everyones reputation power to never be more than 1?
  239. Pulling only "visible" threads from the database
  240. Signature parsing - where to hook in
  241. ToUserArray
  242. How can I get rid of 'insert option' window with editor buttons
  243. how do I put the css into a link
  244. Conditional on the 'New Thread' button in FORUMDISPLAY
  245. PHP not working completly in a mod I'm making..
  246. How do you add a custom style to a hack?
  247. Variables Wont Work
  248. unserialize not working correctly
  249. Passing PHP variables between products
  250. Adding view controls to a page