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  1. Where can i find this postbit?
  2. Extending registration to secondary custom database.
  3. Enormous Handler_read_rnd_next in MySQL
  4. Adding custom fields to threads
  5. info about session table
  6. Database fields
  7. subscription in quick reply
  8. Invalid XML file
  9. registration.php
  10. custom hook - hooks_custom.xml - how to reference?
  11. New Window
  12. Scheduled tasks
  13. Server requirements for URL rewrite
  14. MySQL syntax error for delete
  15. vBulletin Conditionals [Complete List] - Help me/us/you!
  16. Need some php(maybe?) help with adding an option to my admincp
  17. Attachments enabled vB option
  18. SQL Query to select users who have NOT voted
  19. Adding my own additional pages
  20. If usergroupID = x then show imagex
  21. preventing regestration of name anonymous
  22. need to add usercp content
  23. Cron (require_once - Include file)
  24. Trying To Figure Out 'lastpost'
  25. Rotating Header Images
  26. Login Glitch
  27. Trying to figure out if user has specified avatar
  28. Adding Image Verification to a plugin
  29. i want products
  30. Quick Question
  31. ereg_replace question
  32. Any known issue with PHP file() function passing a URL to it on GoDaddy servers?
  33. Uninstall Styles
  34. Help with mysql 5.0.22
  35. Help.
  36. Profile info random pull ?
  37. Registration fields INSERT into another dbase also?
  38. Help with rolloever in php...
  39. Set Default Post Icons For Each Forum
  40. .htaccess & cron
  41. new post notification on image map...
  42. Someone tell me the cause of this error.
  43. WHERE clause for serialized field
  44. Quote / Multi Quote / Quick Reply
  45. IF Statement For IM Icons In Postbit
  46. Need to put this on an HTML page...
  47. <span style> vs <s> Which Is Better?
  48. Conditional For <if script =="script">
  49. Parse BBcode in postbit (3.6.5)
  50. Last announcements in Forumhome
  51. Need to call a plugin from forum home_forumbit_level1_nopost but...
  52. mysql issue with search feature
  53. What variable is use for username?
  54. MySQL error 1030
  55. Create a page to show SQL Data
  56. Clearing certain tables?
  57. Single XHTML Error I can't figure out...
  58. How easy would it be to convert a IPB add-on to one for vBulletin?
  59. How to create a Rating/Install thing like this site
  60. Web Developer Needed
  61. global.php include issues
  62. Query syntax help needed
  63. desperate xml help
  64. Odd behavior with template conditionnals
  65. Call smilies in SHOWTHREAD
  66. remove smilies from calendar add event
  67. showing a readable date
  68. If conditional
  69. lastpostinfo for sub-forums
  70. Question about query results.
  71. Adding a Checkbox to the Poll form to update sql db?
  72. Cannot fill in new thread/reply form using Firefox
  73. Send me notification email that a specific member has post new thread
  74. Display a field value from user table
  75. How can I combine 2 query's?
  76. Header and Footer
  77. Pulling custom profile field data from MySQL dbase
  78. Adding additional profile info into new table: user option on profile page
  79. Navbar ?
  80. Is the Vb.Org SiteMAp's is a mod or what?
  81. About VB authentication
  82. AJAX on the front page?
  83. Private message only to admin
  84. listing threads in control panel
  85. Help with a db query please
  86. mystery text appearing at bottom of pages
  87. Change "from" field in "Contact us"
  88. Plugin needs email value at login.
  89. ....
  90. Upcoming Events -- Display On Top Of ForumHome?
  91. Tutorial on PHP File Module Options Please
  92. IF Statement - Does Not Equal Conditional Statement
  93. Age required
  94. Words as "buttons" for headers
  95. <td align="center"> not working in IE
  96. Help Needed
  97. Vb script update from 3.0 to 3.6
  98. Brain fried need help with a conditional
  99. Style ID conditions?
  100. thread from a certain forum
  101. Errors ?
  102. Add info in postbit from another MySQL database
  103. Problem on SEOed URLs for vBulletin
  104. getting some errors while debugging this product
  105. calendarcustomfields options field into array
  106. problem with database-error 1153
  107. Plugin -> Template
  108. Edit profile before logging in
  109. Can't create database connection to vb database
  110. [PHP] Making RSS Feeds
  111. vb phrases
  112. Can $stylevars Work In Phrases?
  113. Problem setting RSS feeds to request though a proxy server
  114. altering the admincp navigation order and grouping
  115. Best way to display data dynamically
  116. Removing all attachments from only one forum?
  117. Softbiz Ad Management Plus intergration
  118. Login and Redirecting Problem
  119. need help in PHP code :)
  120. sql error
  121. Remove Style Selection
  122. Help to create SIMPLE payment system.
  123. Where am i going wrong?
  124. Stupid Error or am I being stupid ?
  125. Where would I place this?
  126. April Fools Day code. - Change cookie experation time.
  127. IP Address Display to user on login
  128. Problem
  129. htpassword admincp
  130. Profile Filed Editable Only To 1 Usergroup
  131. Query New in php Template Does Not Run
  132. Moved my Forum to the root, but now I have a problem.
  133. Need to pass an extra value in login form to plugin.
  134. Second Navbar
  135. Call Thread Author in SHOWTHREAD template
  136. Parsing Template Tags (Functions)
  137. PHP Includes and external php files
  138. parse error
  139. Datamanager inside a class
  140. Conditional Help
  141. "If condition" for multiple profile fields
  142. Can someone please pack these smilies?
  143. adminCP menu XML question
  144. Changing background for each header box
  145. Problem after conversion (MYSQL)
  146. Quickly add a subscription to all of the threads a user has participated in?
  147. Need Help With Setting Up A Server On My Computer
  148. problem, urgent... it does not give to make login
  149. Help with db plz
  150. DE-Download System Direct From HD
  151. 'RSS Feeds Robot' problem
  152. Can someone please help me
  153. Problem with lastvisit time for some users
  154. Problem when clicking on user last post in user profile
  155. avatar db query problem..
  156. Path Error
  157. Removing edits for users
  158. Help with popup
  159. MySQL command line
  160. dont evaluate variable, just print it ?
  161. ADODB question
  162. MySQL the same field from two different rows?
  163. How to view sub-forum as home?
  164. Dynamic filename includes for adverting
  165. Detecting If No Avatar
  166. second navbar with dropdown menus
  167. Paid Subscriptions table?
  168. i need help
  169. What is the conditional code to do this
  170. str_replace username
  171. Is vBulletin PHP 5 friendly?
  172. Dynamic Content added to Fourms
  173. Problem with a script after upgrading to mySQL 5 and PHP 5
  174. Referral Total Under Location on Posts
  175. Where in the heck???
  176. Referral variable
  177. Forbidden: You don't have permission to...
  178. Integrating MyGamingLadder with vB
  179. $sortorder for multiple fields
  180. Forums NavBar - Forum Home / Subform / Subform
  181. quick question - query WHERE based on bitfield
  182. mySQL Date Manipulation of joindate and Today's Date
  183. str_replace code?
  184. paypal IPN
  185. Displaying custom code on Member List page
  186. Guestbook
  187. PHP Class for Extracting ZIP Files...
  188. Depth of Sub-Forums displayed in the main forum list
  189. Isit Possible
  190. Always Show Signatures
  191. Trouble using the vB bbcode parser
  192. Inserting into post table from non-vb page
  193. calling all php and mysql guru's
  194. Undefined index
  195. Deleting records older than 5 minutes?
  196. Does this ever occured to you ?
  197. Friends In Who's Online.
  198. Problem when I try install the vbradio V1.0 help me
  199. User Title Problem
  200. Problem positioning my logo in my RSS feed
  201. $db->query_read inside a function?
  202. translate to VB code
  203. Help?
  204. Text/Banner Ads only in specific categories
  205. Custom programming, will pay $$$
  206. DST Correction and Start of the week queries
  207. Mood Hack - How to develope it
  208. Giving html permisson selected groups
  209. custom script to convert my joomla site to vbulletin (will pay for this)
  210. Help! Username/ID variable vs Current Profile Variable
  211. cPanel Help
  212. RSS Feed Fully Instead Of Just Description
  213. Adding a index page MySQL database?
  214. How to evalute a $vbulletin->option variable in a phrase?
  215. using the Datamanager to read data
  216. Get User info based on ID
  217. Postbit fields
  218. Can someone help me with my tempate?
  219. I need to know this..
  220. php directory integrate in my forum
  221. Thread views/replycount from cache
  222. Automatically Split threads
  223. Field is not disappearing!!
  224. Help with image
  225. Funky symbols?
  226. Removing Sub forums from forumhome
  227. Ldap auth script help
  228. determining page number
  229. Is there a way to modify the navbar on the fly via a plugin?
  230. Message Text doesn't show in Threads
  231. Conditional display of banners
  232. Adsense and how to keep it out of certain sections
  233. Make images work in archive
  234. Automatic Send Email to Users
  235. Why isnt my logo centering?
  236. Welcome back - 100 posts since you last visited.
  237. My style choices have gone.
  238. add one table in the tpo of the forum with another database
  239. help with a query
  240. Problem ajax headinclude
  241. Log In and Log Out
  242. Attachment Gallery
  243. Help I was running "Rebuild Forum Information", site crashed/main forum page error
  244. How to pass parameters
  245. Need Help With Basic BB Code Problem
  246. vbulletin userinfo
  247. User post count help
  248. query with left join and grouping.
  249. Problem with ie7
  250. Forums larger than NavBar