View Full Version : PHP Programmers for hire???

02-01-2002, 02:38 PM
I am soon going to launch a new site, which I have some rather large plans for. I have the connections to publicize it, the ability to run it, the knowledge to know what it should be, and how it should be organized. However....I do NOT have the programming skills to create the system I have in mind. I am seeking a RELIABLE programmer who is available to being work ASAP on building this system. It will require someone who is fairly fluent in PHP, MySql, and has at least SOME CGI skills as well.

This will be an ongoing process for a while at least. I am planning to implement it in phases to avoid total financial meltdown while paying the programming fees....but it would undoubtedly be a programming job which will not simply end once the first phase is done.

I am NOT biased regarding the age of the persons contacting me (I am bright enough to be aware that many of the sharpest coders on this site are also some of the youngest), but I DO require you know what you are doing, and be able to prove it. Please DO NOT contact me if you are a professional hosting company or broker wishing to outsource the work to a third party. This will go MUCH more smoothly if I am able to deal directly with a programmer, as I know what it is I am looking for.

Please email directly for more information at ladyfire@waldenweb.com

Mark Hensler
02-01-2002, 09:08 PM
What kind of a site?

02-01-2002, 09:12 PM
It will be an advertising site. I would rather not post the full details here, but will happily email you with the info.

Bob Burke
02-02-2002, 10:01 AM
I e-mailed you.

02-06-2002, 09:32 PM
Well guys, I guess I am looking again...Had thought I found someone, but he seems to have been a flake :(

Please contact me if you are interested...I am now on more of a time crunch than ever.

02-07-2002, 03:29 PM
I'm interested :) Please send some more info to james.ussher-smith@vbulletin.com