View Full Version : OT : Photopost hacking...

03-19-2002, 10:58 AM
I've got 2.2.4 running with a few minor hacks and wanted to find out if anyone out here has hacked photopost. I like their product, but I need some minor hacks (a few extra fields on screen and in the DB). I know it's Perl and I know most of you all are php people. Anyone interested in a little project?


- jeff

03-19-2002, 05:28 PM
I think they have it integrated at www.phpportal.com which uses Vbulletin and integrates it with a portal style much like a nuke portal any way I'd check them out.

07-04-2002, 04:37 PM
FYI, PhotoPost (http://www.photopost.com) was completely rewritten in 100% PHP and has better vbulletin header/footer integration now, so hacking should be easier for you. vbportal integration is also better, and of course the speed is LIGHTING fast with code optimizations and support for zlib.