View Full Version : NavBar in new Style

02-14-2005, 01:32 AM
First off, I'm new to vBulletin, but learning quickly. I've been working with several other major boards over the past several years but felt it was time to move to a more feature rich forum.

I'm using vBAdvanced CMPS along with the vB Forum. After installing a new style, the navbar no longer appears on the site.

Can someone point me to the area in which the Navbar is loaded? I've been searching through the Templates but I haven't found where it is loaded in the default style, so that I can find out what needs to be done to incorporate it into the new style.


Tony G
02-14-2005, 02:39 AM
The navbar code is in the navbar template, so check that the template is there and the code exists in there. If it does, it's most likely that it's not being called, therefore no navbar appears. This is probably an error in this style you've added,

02-14-2005, 09:52 AM
its in the navigation and breadcrumb templates mate........