02-15-2005, 02:38 AM
I am getting 95 errors :(
Tell me where to start, and how :)
EDIT: Got down to 83 errors :( I can't get it lower :(
EDIT 2: Got down to 67 errors :(
What in gods name is general entity "threadid" not defined and no default entity and reference not terminated by REFC delimiter, like 50 of the errors come from those! I dont even know what that is :P
EDIT 3: Down to 25 errors, 32 errors were due to a missing amp; :speechless:
EDIT 4: Down to 19 errors, one mine (can't figure it out), and 18 from a tracked I use (eXtremetracking). Also, showthread.php has gotten from 270+ to 20 errors now.
Wow. This turned out to be fun :P
EDIT 5: Fixed table issue by removing thead
EDIT 6: AT LAST! This Page Is Valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional!
EDIT 7: How can I make this XHTML compliant?
<a target="_blank" href="http://t.extreme-dm.com/?login=ivtrack"><img src="http://u1.extreme-dm.com/i.gif" height=1 border=0 width=1 alt=""></a><script language="javascript1.2"><!--
</script><script language="javascript"><!--
EXd.write("<img src=\"http://t0.extreme-dm.com",
"l="+escape(EXd.referrer)+"\" height=1 width=1>");//-->
</script><noscript><img height=1 width=1 alt=""
I did everything the validator told me and I ended with java errors :(
On a side note, what does amp; do? Does it break anything? I am adding amp; everywhere the validator tells me to. Will it break the forum links? Altho so far it works, I am afraid of doing what I do.
Tell me where to start, and how :)
EDIT: Got down to 83 errors :( I can't get it lower :(
EDIT 2: Got down to 67 errors :(
What in gods name is general entity "threadid" not defined and no default entity and reference not terminated by REFC delimiter, like 50 of the errors come from those! I dont even know what that is :P
EDIT 3: Down to 25 errors, 32 errors were due to a missing amp; :speechless:
EDIT 4: Down to 19 errors, one mine (can't figure it out), and 18 from a tracked I use (eXtremetracking). Also, showthread.php has gotten from 270+ to 20 errors now.
Wow. This turned out to be fun :P
EDIT 5: Fixed table issue by removing thead
EDIT 6: AT LAST! This Page Is Valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional!
EDIT 7: How can I make this XHTML compliant?
<a target="_blank" href="http://t.extreme-dm.com/?login=ivtrack"><img src="http://u1.extreme-dm.com/i.gif" height=1 border=0 width=1 alt=""></a><script language="javascript1.2"><!--
</script><script language="javascript"><!--
EXd.write("<img src=\"http://t0.extreme-dm.com",
"l="+escape(EXd.referrer)+"\" height=1 width=1>");//-->
</script><noscript><img height=1 width=1 alt=""
I did everything the validator told me and I ended with java errors :(
On a side note, what does amp; do? Does it break anything? I am adding amp; everywhere the validator tells me to. Will it break the forum links? Altho so far it works, I am afraid of doing what I do.