View Full Version : style variables...

01-25-2005, 02:57 PM
i'm wondering if theres an easy way to select the css colour variables for things like backgroud colour for the alt1 and alt2 classes text colours etc; i'm trying to intergrate a java irc client in with the styles the colours have to be passed using <param value="colour:text=#aaaaaa"> or somethign like that, i can't just pass it the class...

Guy G
01-25-2005, 04:35 PM
just go to your ACP --> Styles --> Main CSS
there see your desired classes and copy the colors...

01-25-2005, 04:45 PM
i'm wondering if theres an easy way to select the css colour variables for things like backgroud colour for the alt1 and alt2 classes text colours etc; i'm trying to intergrate a java irc client in with the styles the colours have to be passed using <param value="colour:text=#aaaaaa"> or somethign like that, i can't just pass it the class...
Its stored in the template table. so you could query that

and its color unless you want to break your program ;)

01-25-2005, 04:53 PM
hmmm that was the conclusion i'd come to but was wondering if it was cached somewhere to save me the trouble.

on color vs colour it REALLY annoys me so much so i've added a custom colour bb tag :p different spellings of american words are the number 1 cause of html errors in my code... :(