View Full Version : converter, Vbulletin 3.0.5 to PHPBB?

02-13-2005, 02:02 AM
After a more than decent try we are forced to revert to phpbb due to the lack of support for double byte languages and indifference by Jelsoft on supporting languages used by over half the world.

I was surprised to find you are in the UK since Brits are usually more worldly than the americans. Remember you owned Hong Kong? And in spite of that unlike Singapore Chinese is used here.

I can not understand why your paid programmers can not do what the open source community has achieved.

We really liked VB but if it's single byte capable only. we can't use it.

(dont blame it on MySql. same version works fine in phpbb)

So we need a VB=PHPBB converter ASAP

Otherwise we lose a months of messages & users by going back,,,:ninja:

02-13-2005, 02:12 AM
Not to be a jerk, but this is both in the wrong thread and the wrong place to ask for a converter. :)

If you really need to switch over, I'm pretty sure phpBB will have a converter.

02-13-2005, 02:27 AM
hmm, yes the heading is .. IMPORT SCRIPTS

And on top of that i would go back to PHPBB if you paid me 10 times the vb licence fee

P.S. I noticed you rated your own thread ...... now thats sad :(

02-13-2005, 02:32 AM
hmm, yes the heading is .. IMPORT SCRIPTS

And on top of that i would go back to PHPBB if you paid me 10 times the vb licence fee

P.S. I noticed you rated your own thread ...... now thats sad :(

No, you are sad for not READING my post. I dont WANT to go back, I HAVE to go back because Vbulletin will not support double byte characters.

I posted this in import scripts. Am I going to be banned for this error now?

02-13-2005, 02:34 AM
hum.. blasting a community for a single miss of the company nobody here is in control of, is not a good way to start a conversation...

btw, wrong forum, wrong site to make this request... we don'T do external ports, we import things here...

(asking Microsoft to make a export script to send their stuff to Linux would do the same!)

btw, two bits utf is not a complicated thing... why not just ask for an transtion script ?!... i have one for the lang files... i suppose it's easy to do for the content... the problem is not the two bits text, it's the search engine and all the components of the scripts that have to be updated... vB have most of the features, just missing the real need...

make your point to Jelsoft instead of complaining, you may be surprised...

02-13-2005, 02:38 AM
I posted this in import scripts. Am I going to be banned for this error now?
not banned at all... just the request moved to the request forum instead of the RELEASE one.. ;)

we're not kids here, and even if Trafix may have looked insulting, he was not... just think of it as we're professionals... (the opposite of some other board owners!)

and remember that you're in the community of coders, not the script owners forum... here, nobody from Jelsoft will give you an official answer... we're here to share!

02-13-2005, 02:41 AM
Thanks for the sensible reply. I am guilty of posting this in the wrong place. Sorry.

I've been going round & round with Jelsoft about this for months. There is a hack avaiable from the pirates in china but they cant/wont support it in english and if I use it to make my (licenced) Vbulletin work properly Jelsoft wont support the board at all!

MS has no need for a export to linux script because for the most part, windows works.

02-13-2005, 02:45 AM
And why exactly dosnt your Vbulletin work properly? .....

02-13-2005, 02:47 AM
Any hack exempts you from vBulletin support. But they are pretty cool and answer questions just the same it seems.

So, you should lead the charge to get this hack written. Of course I say this having no clue what this double single byte thing is yet.

02-13-2005, 03:20 AM
windows works.

not to throw fire to the wind or anything but WTF <_< windows works about as much as a Dr amputating the wrong leg on the wrong patient in a hospital.

why don't you ask phpBB for an import script?

02-13-2005, 03:49 AM
I've moved this here.

On the subject of multibyte searching.

IT can get very very intensive the way most other forums are doing it as far as I know.

You would need to be using MySQL 4.1.X (preferably 4.1.9) and using a fulltext search using LIKE I think... don't quote me

02-13-2005, 08:28 AM
can some1 explain what is double single byte ?

James T Brock
02-13-2005, 04:15 PM
If you need a convertor to switch over to phpBB than go ask on the phpBB board, not here.