03-04-2005, 04:27 AM
Hi guys,
I am severely modifying my vbulletin and would love to do one thing. I have used and modified a hack that was on here to show the buddylist of that user on their profile for all to see. Now I am not a coder of any means so I'm sure the code is not the greatest but the problem this whole thing has right now is that if a user has more than 8 buddies the page keeps growing down, messing up my webpage layout.
I have to things that I would like to do with this and need you guys help in coding it. They are:
1. After 8 buddies have been shown a $pagenav will come up with the ability to click next page and see 8 more buddies.
2. Instead of displaying the buddies alphabetically I would love it if it would be displayed randomly thus making it easier to find new buddies and their profiles to look @.
This is the code that I have right now in member.php that displays the buddylist in the profile and I just call $buddyavatar within the MemberInfo Template to show it:
$userinfo = verify_id('user', $userid, 1, 1, 15);
$whichlist = "buddylist";
// (Dis)Likes
$outuserids = array();
$outuserids = explode(' ', trim($userinfo[$whichlist]));
if (trim($userinfo[$whichlist]) != "") {
$outusers = $DB_site->query("SELECT ".TABLE_PREFIX."user.username,".TABLE_PREFIX."user.userid,".TABLE_PREFIX."userte xtfield.".$whichlist." FROM
".TABLE_PREFIX."user,".TABLE_PREFIX."usertextfield WHERE
".TABLE_PREFIX."user.userid = ".TABLE_PREFIX."usertextfield.userid AND
".TABLE_PREFIX."user.userid IN (".implode(',',$outuserids).")
ORDER BY username");
while ($outuser = $DB_site->fetch_array($outusers)) {
if ($outuser[avatarurl]!= ""){$outuser[avatarurl] = fetch_avatar_url($outuser['userid']);
$buddyavatar .= ""<tr valign=bottom><td class=alt1 width=35%><a href=\"$vboptions[bburl]/member.php?u=$outuser[userid]\"><img src=\"image.php?u=$outuser[userid]image.php?u=$userinfo[userid]&type=profile\" border=0 height=50></a></td><td class=alt2 width=35%><a class=\"smallfont\" href=\"$vboptions[bburl]/member.php?u=$outuser[userid]\"/>$outuser[username]</a></td></tr>$pagenav";
$outuserlist .= "<a class=\"smallfont\" href=\"$vboptions[bburl]/member.php?u=$outuser[userid]\"/>$outuser[username]</a>";
else {$outuser[avatarurl] = fetch_avatar_url($outuser['userid']);}
$buddyavatar .= "<tr valign=bottom><td class=alt1 width=35%><a href=\"$vboptions[bburl]/member.php?u=$outuser[userid]\"><img src=\"image.php?u=$outuser[userid]image.php?u=$userinfo[userid]&type=profile\" border=0 height=50></a></td><td class=alt2 width=35%><a class=\"smallfont\" href=\"$vboptions[bburl]/member.php?u=$outuser[userid]\"/>$outuser[username]</a></td></tr>";
$outuserlist .= "<td class=alt2 width=35%><a class=\"smallfont\" href=\"$vboptions[bburl]/member.php?u=$outuser[userid]\"/>$outuser[username]</a></td></tr>";
Any help you can provide coding these two additions to this already existing code would be magical.
I look forward to your help.
I am severely modifying my vbulletin and would love to do one thing. I have used and modified a hack that was on here to show the buddylist of that user on their profile for all to see. Now I am not a coder of any means so I'm sure the code is not the greatest but the problem this whole thing has right now is that if a user has more than 8 buddies the page keeps growing down, messing up my webpage layout.
I have to things that I would like to do with this and need you guys help in coding it. They are:
1. After 8 buddies have been shown a $pagenav will come up with the ability to click next page and see 8 more buddies.
2. Instead of displaying the buddies alphabetically I would love it if it would be displayed randomly thus making it easier to find new buddies and their profiles to look @.
This is the code that I have right now in member.php that displays the buddylist in the profile and I just call $buddyavatar within the MemberInfo Template to show it:
$userinfo = verify_id('user', $userid, 1, 1, 15);
$whichlist = "buddylist";
// (Dis)Likes
$outuserids = array();
$outuserids = explode(' ', trim($userinfo[$whichlist]));
if (trim($userinfo[$whichlist]) != "") {
$outusers = $DB_site->query("SELECT ".TABLE_PREFIX."user.username,".TABLE_PREFIX."user.userid,".TABLE_PREFIX."userte xtfield.".$whichlist." FROM
".TABLE_PREFIX."user,".TABLE_PREFIX."usertextfield WHERE
".TABLE_PREFIX."user.userid = ".TABLE_PREFIX."usertextfield.userid AND
".TABLE_PREFIX."user.userid IN (".implode(',',$outuserids).")
ORDER BY username");
while ($outuser = $DB_site->fetch_array($outusers)) {
if ($outuser[avatarurl]!= ""){$outuser[avatarurl] = fetch_avatar_url($outuser['userid']);
$buddyavatar .= ""<tr valign=bottom><td class=alt1 width=35%><a href=\"$vboptions[bburl]/member.php?u=$outuser[userid]\"><img src=\"image.php?u=$outuser[userid]image.php?u=$userinfo[userid]&type=profile\" border=0 height=50></a></td><td class=alt2 width=35%><a class=\"smallfont\" href=\"$vboptions[bburl]/member.php?u=$outuser[userid]\"/>$outuser[username]</a></td></tr>$pagenav";
$outuserlist .= "<a class=\"smallfont\" href=\"$vboptions[bburl]/member.php?u=$outuser[userid]\"/>$outuser[username]</a>";
else {$outuser[avatarurl] = fetch_avatar_url($outuser['userid']);}
$buddyavatar .= "<tr valign=bottom><td class=alt1 width=35%><a href=\"$vboptions[bburl]/member.php?u=$outuser[userid]\"><img src=\"image.php?u=$outuser[userid]image.php?u=$userinfo[userid]&type=profile\" border=0 height=50></a></td><td class=alt2 width=35%><a class=\"smallfont\" href=\"$vboptions[bburl]/member.php?u=$outuser[userid]\"/>$outuser[username]</a></td></tr>";
$outuserlist .= "<td class=alt2 width=35%><a class=\"smallfont\" href=\"$vboptions[bburl]/member.php?u=$outuser[userid]\"/>$outuser[username]</a></td></tr>";
Any help you can provide coding these two additions to this already existing code would be magical.
I look forward to your help.