View Full Version : vB4 Programming Discussions

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  1. How to reference a phrase
  2. How can I have a widget with an <iframe> open a webpage at a specific position ...?
  3. Conditional if else statement and preg_match
  4. Need help with csv/SQL query
  5. Just started a website
  6. Comment PHP System
  7. How to cache the uncached templates
  8. help needed in coding drop down menu in toplinks
  9. Current URL inside Hyperlink
  10. Bug in 4.04??????
  11. Unistalling Mods
  12. How do I include vbulletin pages onto my main website
  13. adding custom pages
  14. migrated users not able login
  15. completed
  16. Plugin does not work in vbCMS
  17. Article Archive Widget issue in VBulletin 4.0.4 PL1
  18. Javasrcipt in sidebar blocks?
  19. Zencart Integration
  20. display problem ---- Thanks
  21. vbSEO Plugin Major Issues - Need Another Plugin
  22. Accessing ACP Values
  23. Removing "Home" from CMS breadcrumb in 4.0.4
  24. How can i install and addon onto my site PLEASE help !!
  25. Custom Content.php?
  26. Forum Blocks Manager Question
  27. Make default uneditable profile fields (location bio etc) appear at registration?
  28. vBCMS Programming issues
  29. Charset problem when creating threads automatically
  30. Pugin don't work to vb 4.0.4
  31. Making images permanent.
  32. Blank Page for Profiles Or Random Error?
  33. Links in header with php code
  34. How to widen skin
  35. Vbulletin problems. Emergency Help
  36. javascript drop down
  37. vbCMS permission cache refresh
  38. vbulletin 4.0.4 seo
  39. How to access a thread title and thread body from PHP
  40. Post Thank You Hack for Attachemnt needed.
  41. Mark Forums Read bottom link gives me this...
  42. Get threadid once thread is created?
  43. Need help with a vb if then
  44. Store user data
  45. DZOIC clip house & VB Video
  46. template_hook and Blank Page
  47. Dev Tracker from other forums
  48. add top "welcome" on to my site?
  49. how to Enterd Users to 2 Table
  50. how to remove banner space in first thread
  51. ibProArcade - Security token was missing
  52. 3.8 to 4.0 upgrade breaks file include Plugin
  53. Remove attachments from Article
  54. Sidebar Login block
  55. CMS: How to display number of articles next to each section
  56. Problem Trying to convert a simple script from vB3.x to vB4.x
  57. Why aren't these conditionals working?
  58. Plugin for memberaction hook doesn't work since 4.0.4
  59. Member profile hook?
  60. error trying to use database vbulletin 3.8.5 in 4.0
  61. Error posting to Facebook
  62. Where is the hook for after a visitor message?
  63. Help finding Blog Entries in postbit
  64. Is this someone trying to hack my site
  65. Is this posable
  66. i could not make update
  67. first post read
  68. Imagemagick Help
  69. New CMS Content-Widget
  70. Parsing [video] bbcodes in own script
  71. How to disable CMS Sidebar in a specific StyleID?
  72. profile stuff in block or widget
  73. Jquery in vB4
  74. issue with database...
  75. human verification not shown in admin control panel and front
  76. php if user group
  77. Local links in new window?
  78. Can't load profile page - Error Message Appears
  79. sub-forums are repeating twice when i go through category wise forums
  80. Is there a timeout setting that impacts large query?
  81. PLugin question
  82. Blog List Text Length
  83. error when try to upgrade
  84. Code Header Issue
  85. Help converting vb3 template to vb4
  86. Does anyonehave the code for this mod?
  87. how to decrease space between header and before breadcrumb
  88. class_core.php file problem!
  89. VB Widget / Plugin Developer
  90. Tabbed Content
  91. Coding Help - Social Networks
  92. My Friends Widget Edit myfriends.php
  93. I'm and Idiot! Need help
  94. mod to upgrade [3.8.x -> 4.0.x ]
  95. question about external databases
  96. CakePHP integration working
  97. Perl coding assistance
  98. Problem in upgrading to 4.0.4
  99. Registration error
  100. passing custom metas into headinclude vb4.0.4
  101. caching question
  102. "member.php" dont work! (HTTP 500).
  103. VB4 Custom Page: URL redirect after Login OR Register
  104. Integrate my site with VB4 forum. how to?
  105. php date
  106. I need someone's help on this Javascript
  107. $notifications_total on an external page
  108. Change "HOME" button link
  109. SQL replace - Help
  110. How to enter symbol for rep amount?
  111. I'm making a vB/WP bridge and need some help
  112. display an image in his postbit if the user belongs to x usergroup
  113. Remember Me Check Box spacing issue
  114. Parsing custom bbcodes
  115. RSS2HTML - How to include php into vb?
  116. vbulletin 4.0.5 external login non-vb pages
  117. how-to build a condition based on sectionid in template ?
  118. include External links to other sites
  119. How to turn off "Search IP Addresses" for Mods?
  120. [filled] global_start hook
  121. Last forumrow..
  122. Importing articles into the vbulletincms
  123. New Threads & Post subscriptions not working?
  124. Dreamweaver Crashes bug - file size 8129kb
  125. vB Overlay
  126. Help with Plugin for OpenX
  127. How to convert vB3 eval() to use vB_Template class?
  128. Forum Plugins are currently globally disabled via config.php
  129. issue posting URL from same domain
  130. Username registration validation?
  131. join 1 of 2 specifc usergroups
  132. Advertising Box Question
  133. How to chage the path of your thread icons
  134. Template variables?
  135. Using Combined Template Conditionals
  136. Template Date
  137. languageid question
  138. compile_template
  139. Need help injecting code
  140. How to Display UTF Characters Correctly?
  141. Unread Posts toplinks styling
  142. Anyone know of a SQL script I can use?
  143. CMS - How to add new field to article editor?
  144. Display post date/time for theads on non VB pages
  145. how to delete the IP history
  146. Log In Issues
  147. Getting a cookies error in 4.0.2
  148. Need a little code
  149. How to remove the img tags for posting
  150. 4.0.X to 4.1
  151. vB4: Remove Navbar Second Row (tabs. search box, background)
  152. How to redirect a link to open a new window
  153. Need help with Boolean Search Problems...
  154. Converting a redirect to 4.x
  155. Can't access variables in the advertisment HTML
  156. plugin cannot set a variable for use with footer ...
  157. Forcing remote login
  158. Hooks and templates problem
  159. Problems finding entries with a comma delimited list...
  160. Viable import format for unsupported forum via API export [UserVoice]
  161. Mod Makers of v3.x Mods Go MIA
  162. Populating a field defined in 'User Profile Field Manager'
  163. How do I 'Justify' the subnav menu?
  164. Count the article in the CMS section
  165. Forum Post Ratio Mod
  166. Merchandise Storefront?
  167. Security token value always contains "guest"
  168. Creating a Thread from PHP
  169. Need help..!!!
  170. vbadvanced index new post
  171. how do i duplicate this?
  172. Setup paid subscription for me
  173. simple help im sure...
  174. need code
  175. Static HTML widget with javascript - screen resolution
  176. A New Drupal 6 n vB4 Bridge?
  177. Create a New Thread as Poll
  178. Parsing php in templates with VB4?
  179. Template Variable Issue - class_core.php
  180. Resize an Image using ImageMagick...
  181. Report post lockout
  182. 301 redirect
  183. Installing style + add-on in one go
  184. HELP: Layout of entire page
  185. Maybe this belongs in customisation, but I REALLY need an explanation
  186. Posts this Month in Postbit
  187. Which user downloaded which attachment stored in database?
  188. Converting vB4 navbar to work like vB3 dropdon nav - adding child to non-existent nod
  189. Using replace in templates
  190. modifyprivacy_bit
  191. I need a mod
  192. $threadid in navbar?
  193. HELP NEEDED : Custom Template with BBCODE
  194. Change Link for User Profile
  195. User Titles
  196. Condition for the postbit or the postbit_lagacy
  197. Positbit_Legacy Border
  198. Secondary Usergroup Permissions?
  199. Log into vB externally
  200. CSS in VB math
  201. every page on my board is fully reloading on IE7 \ 8.
  202. Help converting Prosperent product script to vbulletin
  203. Primary and Secondary Usergroup permission interaction
  204. Getting XML Feeds
  205. vB_Editor_QR_popup_
  206. Log In button has died!
  207. Javascript within PHPCode tags Issue
  208. Admin Only HTML
  209. {vb:var bbuserinfo.userid} Question
  210. How to logout new registrations? Is my Plugin Bad?
  211. Searching "My Replies"
  212. How to Logout users using specific variables in specific zones?
  213. Centralisation of Banner
  214. Complex BB Code Creation - including conditions
  215. Convert Plugin from 3.8 to 4.x
  216. How to include php in forumhome?
  217. Showthread How to add page number in the title
  218. Looking for a coder!
  219. Will Pay: Simple Banner Rotation - Process needs updating from VBulletin v3 to v4
  220. Need help with formmail to vbulletin 4
  221. Add Google Web Fonts
  222. in 3.8 i had yellow pop up thread title boxes set to only show when mouse over text..
  223. How to display number of posts with one prefix?
  224. Custom Offline Message for external scripts
  225. How to use template hooks?
  226. How to change this image
  227. New Thread Width
  228. Donation Bar from Paid Subscriptions?
  229. vB4 plugin problem - Not showing in profile
  230. Title reader
  231. PM Box Full/Nearly Full Warning
  232. how to use variable fieldx_desc
  233. User IP history?
  234. How to create a PHP CMS block?
  235. How do I keep an article from appearing on the Home page
  236. Title Rotator v4
  237. Dynamic Link In Tabs for Vbadvanced/VBulletin
  238. Help in outputting PHP results to widget
  239. what is this variable
  240. [HELP] Family Tree
  241. Regular expression
  242. How to integrate into the What's New section?
  243. [Solved]Security error on php form post
  244. How Do I Validate Input Data, In Custome Fields
  245. Image Slider/Rotator
  246. Forum buttons
  247. Subscribe to thread by default Please help
  248. Custom BB code question
  249. Do I need to escape strings if using the data manager to input string into the datab?
  250. Plugins for Forum Postbit generate errors in CMS?