- token expired ,what todo?
- Google & Adsense Question
- Calendar events widget?
- Custom page Script...
- Pixel border?
- Blog Widget
- Packages Direcotry
- Including a custom template via plugins
- Include php page
- Showing variable from template:headinclude from hook:global_start
- Can someone help me
- Navbar Drop Down Menu (3.8 Drop Downs in 4.0) - Need Help.
- second searchbox in navbar
- Help with New Profile Tab
- Insert content on footer
- Remove Port number in URL in CMS
- What is the new rule for vboptions?
- Vb 4 Advertising Options??
- $header and CMS
- What is the code for this?
- Navbar OpenWindow
- DataManager Thread_FirstPost help.
- How to modify the Plugin
- invalid_tag_nesting
- Where are vB's Sessions/Cookies set?
- Problem adding javascript to template
- PHP Widget
- Var Plugin into template forumdisplay
- Mod Rewrite Friendly URLs
- I need a sidebar!
- Article Request
- Help with conditionals
- Delete
- RE: HELP "[How-To] vBulletin API Basics: Creating Custom Pages & Misc."
- Image displaying from database
- [Help]How i can get a hebrew lang for my vb 4?
- How to show REQUEST URI
- Please help for toggle_collapse
- Row count
- WYSIWYG editor
- Ajax Chat
- Convert 3.X to 4.0
- Problem with templates... vb:link
- Profile block issue...
- cms menu
- can't get more than 1 row from Database.
- SMF 2.0 RC1 to vBulletin 4.0 utility?
- Attachment.!!
- My php code doesn't work anymore?
- Show last posts in Users Profile Page
- Invite System
- Problem With Categories on CMS Home Tab
- Passing variables into custom templates
- How to Exclude Forums from do=getnew and daily?
- Can't get my php to work
- if condition problem
- Hooks in plugins/products system: good or bad idea?
- using built-in friednly URL function in mods
- if condition using vbulletin variable
- variables in php files
- Database error in vBulletin 4.0.0 Beta 3:
- Has anyone succeded using video in VB4?
- Time Display
- Need help with user permission codes
- Is there anything wrong with this code?
- Populating the navtab menu later...
- How would I make a tab selected by doing index.php?f=x
- attachments on WYIWYG
- vBulletin 4.0 Bridge/Integration
- PHP include plugin not working on CMS pages
- empty profile field
- post thanks
- Product creation
- New Thread from php
- Remove 'Go To Last Post'
- if conditional
- "global_start" equiv. for CMS ?
- Links and Download Manager
- A few problems
- Help with this code in navbar
- What the best chat for version 4
- Need help moving the User Login Info.
- php vb:rawphrase variable
- WordPress to vbCMS import
- Cash / Points Modification?
- where the error vb4?
- Show a phrase in a page it was not meant for
- Widgets
- Rendering Custom Template
- Displaying a template within the header template?
- Custom template hook question
- xml feeds to posts
- Converting a PHPNuke mod into a vBulletin Mod
- Search and str_replace
- Vbphrases - how do i register from template instead of php
- How do I change navbit code?
- str_replace and apostrophes
- Using widgets in own custom pages
- using innerhtml in xhtml ??
- Recent Topic Code: E.g {vb:raw recent.topics}
- Profile Plugin / Reference in Widget
- pulling var from adminCP always equals var
- Help with STEAM Profile/Status Display if condition
- Template if conditions
- How to vb:if a usergroup?
- str replace into forumhome_forumbit_level2_post
- Check if User is in Usergroup (PHP)
- Doubt in adding navbar
- Forum Sponsorships in vB 4.0 ??
- Profile Pictures and Avatars
- How to check if blog is installed?
- a postbit mod
- template with in a template
- Beginners guide to vB modding?
- using jquery instead of yui
- Using vb to pull information from the database.
- User has not posted for x days
- Forum & Thread Title Link
- Mods for the CMS
- Designchoosing splitted in sections?! HELP!
- Custom Misc Pages (using Post variables) Logging Out
- Custom Friendly URLs
- redirect after page save not working?
- Browser Version Check
- Itsid HIDE ajax sids hide. Don't work AJAX. Help
- One members table shared across muliple sites.
- code to post a thread
- How to add more code to this?
- few questions about templates
- Using AJAX in vBulletin 4.0
- Hebrew Content not working.
- PHP if condition
- [TEMPLATE SYNTAX] vb:each from piece of an array
- Can you verify this syntax for me?
- simple question
- Post Neutralized.
- PHP widget limitations
- fixed - can close
- How to eval template vB4
- php file to it's own page
- Add two padding stylevars together
- FieldX and Privacy chose on postbit
- assigning variable values inside the template
- How to get ForumID in vBulletin Ad Banner?
- Changing templates with plugins
- Grabbing the bburl
- Adding user to upload to FTP
- Using the new PHP Block
- StyleVars Issue
- Dropdown menu in new navbar got odd place spacer
- Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM
- RC2 Accessing $output
- Finding CSSPATH
- How to Unique Subdomain for each member?
- vB 4.0.0 Release Candidate 4 Sidebar help
- New Syntax of alt1 alt2 thead tcat
- Possible to use vBulletin over multiple domains?
- upgrading vbulletin beta 4 to release candidate 2
- Currently Active Users widget ?
- PHP Widget and Database
- <dt> tags wont center proberly - temp fixed
- VBadvanced
- Looking for some guidance.
- date_format
- Avatar in Header
- RESOLVED: Calling a Variable from Plugin in VB4
- Register Option Variables
- Guest viewing "Unknown location" but its known.
- how to insert php code in vbulletin template
- Whats Going On widget ?
- Auto-suggest usernames function - where is it?
- Plugin help for vb4
- Loading Template Contents into Plugin
- Vb admanagement4
- Need some help removeing the "what's new" tab - Succes, ty SS
- no index no follow meta tag for printable version
- does vb allow multiple options in bbcode
- online_location_proccess help
- bbcode video render on external page
- Help with conditional
- Help convert 3.8 code to 4.0 for a New Post query
- adding bbuserinfo.username to CMS article and cache
- how to check if a user is loged in?
- How to add new radio select on moderation tool ?
- Vb admanagement 5.0.2 image paths
- Change Post Date
- Nested Loop with templates
- side ad banners
- setting $vbulletin->options
- Publishing suite, remove blog and CMS? (urgent)
- Need help [ adding CMS sidebar to custom templat]
- vb_backup.sh edit
- how to install plugin phpadsnew-1.0.4.xml and how to use
- Checking Usernames?
- variable not registering confused.
- Conditional to filter private albums out?
- Uppercase (first char only) anything.
- Thank You Hack
- Select Your Signature Mod - Multiple Signatures
- stuck on a peace of code (get vb username)
- adding additional profile features
- vb CMS fixed width
- Calendar Reminders
- Add a new Block with PHP content?
- hook php code
- Pushing Existing Variable From Other Template
- Ads in first post
- Live Forum Statistics on All Pages in Header ?
- vb:if condition problem
- CMS - Manipulate breadcrumb trail?
- eval template + fetch_template
- Turn Your vBulletin Off = Redirect
- how to removing what's new tab ??
- how change forum end address ?
- Pagetitle sub-page usage?
- how to get all attachment id from one user and display these attachments
- Send Private Message
- minimum page requirements
- Attachment browser
- Thread View Permissions
- Invisible Mode Switch??
- where find resource
- Pending Moderated threads/posts
- howto add an extra tab to the members profile page
- Problems w/ Spanish Characters
- How to split an article in mutiple pages?
- Installation Problem with MySQL database
- attachment image height en width
- thread.php on line 40
- Styling Last Forumrow in FORUMHOME
- user registration additional info
- What was the point in making us register variables?
- vBulletin include in External Pages
- Weather Widget
- Issues with popup menus
- Missing Hooks?
- How do I display vb Database information in a template?
- Little help needed with new template rendering in existing scripts
- Template Render & buildpostcache
- Vb additional logon database?
- FORUMDISPLAY CSS Class Duplicated? What?
- Upgraded and patched and now no forum.
- Showthread title
- Help With BBCODE
- function verify_authentication
- How to condition IF is 3 first post
- cron Perl modify Notice in mysql
- how can i change default editor font size and family ?
- Scheduled Tasks, caching, widget
- Object Tag in vB Template