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  1. token expired ,what todo?
  2. Google & Adsense Question
  3. Calendar events widget?
  4. Custom page Script...
  5. Pixel border?
  6. Blog Widget
  7. Packages Direcotry
  8. Including a custom template via plugins
  9. Include php page
  10. Showing variable from template:headinclude from hook:global_start
  11. Can someone help me
  12. Navbar Drop Down Menu (3.8 Drop Downs in 4.0) - Need Help.
  13. second searchbox in navbar
  14. Help with New Profile Tab
  15. Insert content on footer
  16. Remove Port number in URL in CMS
  17. What is the new rule for vboptions?
  18. Vb 4 Advertising Options??
  19. $header and CMS
  20. What is the code for this?
  21. Navbar OpenWindow
  22. DataManager Thread_FirstPost help.
  23. How to modify the Plugin
  24. invalid_tag_nesting
  25. Where are vB's Sessions/Cookies set?
  26. Problem adding javascript to template
  27. PHP Widget
  28. Var Plugin into template forumdisplay
  29. Mod Rewrite Friendly URLs
  30. I need a sidebar!
  31. Article Request
  32. Help with conditionals
  33. Delete
  34. RE: HELP "[How-To] vBulletin API Basics: Creating Custom Pages & Misc."
  35. Image displaying from database
  36. [Help]How i can get a hebrew lang for my vb 4?
  37. How to show REQUEST URI
  38. Please help for toggle_collapse
  39. Row count
  40. WYSIWYG editor
  41. Ajax Chat
  42. Convert 3.X to 4.0
  43. Problem with templates... vb:link
  44. Profile block issue...
  45. cms menu
  46. can't get more than 1 row from Database.
  47. SMF 2.0 RC1 to vBulletin 4.0 utility?
  48. Attachment.!!
  49. My php code doesn't work anymore?
  50. Show last posts in Users Profile Page
  51. Invite System
  52. Problem With Categories on CMS Home Tab
  53. Passing variables into custom templates
  54. How to Exclude Forums from do=getnew and daily?
  55. Can't get my php to work
  56. if condition problem
  57. Hooks in plugins/products system: good or bad idea?
  58. using built-in friednly URL function in mods
  59. if condition using vbulletin variable
  60. variables in php files
  61. Database error in vBulletin 4.0.0 Beta 3:
  62. Has anyone succeded using video in VB4?
  63. Time Display
  64. Need help with user permission codes
  65. Is there anything wrong with this code?
  66. Populating the navtab menu later...
  67. How would I make a tab selected by doing index.php?f=x
  68. attachments on WYIWYG
  69. vBulletin 4.0 Bridge/Integration
  70. PHP include plugin not working on CMS pages
  71. empty profile field
  72. post thanks
  73. Product creation
  74. New Thread from php
  75. Remove 'Go To Last Post'
  76. if conditional
  77. "global_start" equiv. for CMS ?
  78. Links and Download Manager
  79. A few problems
  80. Help with this code in navbar
  81. What the best chat for version 4
  82. Need help moving the User Login Info.
  83. php vb:rawphrase variable
  84. WordPress to vbCMS import
  85. Cash / Points Modification?
  86. where the error vb4?
  87. Show a phrase in a page it was not meant for
  88. Widgets
  89. Rendering Custom Template
  90. Displaying a template within the header template?
  91. Custom template hook question
  92. xml feeds to posts
  93. Converting a PHPNuke mod into a vBulletin Mod
  94. Search and str_replace
  95. Vbphrases - how do i register from template instead of php
  96. How do I change navbit code?
  97. str_replace and apostrophes
  98. Using widgets in own custom pages
  99. using innerhtml in xhtml ??
  100. Recent Topic Code: E.g {vb:raw recent.topics}
  101. Profile Plugin / Reference in Widget
  102. pulling var from adminCP always equals var
  103. Help with STEAM Profile/Status Display if condition
  104. Template if conditions
  105. How to vb:if a usergroup?
  106. str replace into forumhome_forumbit_level2_post
  107. Check if User is in Usergroup (PHP)
  108. Doubt in adding navbar
  109. Forum Sponsorships in vB 4.0 ??
  110. Profile Pictures and Avatars
  111. How to check if blog is installed?
  112. a postbit mod
  113. template with in a template
  114. Beginners guide to vB modding?
  115. using jquery instead of yui
  116. Using vb to pull information from the database.
  117. User has not posted for x days
  118. Forum & Thread Title Link
  119. Mods for the CMS
  120. Designchoosing splitted in sections?! HELP!
  121. Custom Misc Pages (using Post variables) Logging Out
  122. Custom Friendly URLs
  123. redirect after page save not working?
  124. Browser Version Check
  125. Itsid HIDE ajax sids hide. Don't work AJAX. Help
  126. One members table shared across muliple sites.
  127. code to post a thread
  128. How to add more code to this?
  129. few questions about templates
  130. Using AJAX in vBulletin 4.0
  131. Hebrew Content not working.
  132. PHP if condition
  133. [TEMPLATE SYNTAX] vb:each from piece of an array
  134. Can you verify this syntax for me?
  135. simple question
  136. Post Neutralized.
  137. PHP widget limitations
  138. fixed - can close
  139. How to eval template vB4
  140. php file to it's own page
  141. Add two padding stylevars together
  142. FieldX and Privacy chose on postbit
  143. assigning variable values inside the template
  144. How to get ForumID in vBulletin Ad Banner?
  145. Changing templates with plugins
  146. Grabbing the bburl
  147. Adding user to upload to FTP
  148. Using the new PHP Block
  149. StyleVars Issue
  150. Dropdown menu in new navbar got odd place spacer
  151. Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM
  152. RC2 Accessing $output
  153. Finding CSSPATH
  154. How to Unique Subdomain for each member?
  155. vB 4.0.0 Release Candidate 4 Sidebar help
  156. New Syntax of alt1 alt2 thead tcat
  157. Possible to use vBulletin over multiple domains?
  158. upgrading vbulletin beta 4 to release candidate 2
  159. Currently Active Users widget ?
  160. PHP Widget and Database
  161. <dt> tags wont center proberly - temp fixed
  162. VBadvanced
  163. Looking for some guidance.
  164. date_format
  165. Avatar in Header
  166. RESOLVED: Calling a Variable from Plugin in VB4
  167. Register Option Variables
  168. Guest viewing "Unknown location" but its known.
  169. how to insert php code in vbulletin template
  170. Whats Going On widget ?
  171. Auto-suggest usernames function - where is it?
  172. Plugin help for vb4
  173. Loading Template Contents into Plugin
  174. Vb admanagement4
  175. Need some help removeing the "what's new" tab - Succes, ty SS
  176. no index no follow meta tag for printable version
  177. does vb allow multiple options in bbcode
  178. online_location_proccess help
  179. bbcode video render on external page
  180. Help with conditional
  181. Help convert 3.8 code to 4.0 for a New Post query
  182. adding bbuserinfo.username to CMS article and cache
  183. how to check if a user is loged in?
  184. How to add new radio select on moderation tool ?
  185. Vb admanagement 5.0.2 image paths
  186. Change Post Date
  187. Nested Loop with templates
  188. side ad banners
  189. setting $vbulletin->options
  190. Publishing suite, remove blog and CMS? (urgent)
  191. Need help [ adding CMS sidebar to custom templat]
  192. vb_backup.sh edit
  193. how to install plugin phpadsnew-1.0.4.xml and how to use
  194. Checking Usernames?
  195. variable not registering confused.
  196. Conditional to filter private albums out?
  197. Uppercase (first char only) anything.
  198. Thank You Hack
  199. Select Your Signature Mod - Multiple Signatures
  200. stuck on a peace of code (get vb username)
  201. adding additional profile features
  202. vb CMS fixed width
  203. Calendar Reminders
  204. Add a new Block with PHP content?
  205. hook php code
  206. Pushing Existing Variable From Other Template
  207. Ads in first post
  208. Live Forum Statistics on All Pages in Header ?
  209. vb:if condition problem
  210. CMS - Manipulate breadcrumb trail?
  211. eval template + fetch_template
  212. Turn Your vBulletin Off = Redirect
  213. how to removing what's new tab ??
  214. how change forum end address ?
  215. Pagetitle sub-page usage?
  216. how to get all attachment id from one user and display these attachments
  217. Send Private Message
  218. minimum page requirements
  219. Attachment browser
  220. Thread View Permissions
  221. Invisible Mode Switch??
  222. where find resource
  223. Pending Moderated threads/posts
  224. howto add an extra tab to the members profile page
  225. Problems w/ Spanish Characters
  226. How to split an article in mutiple pages?
  227. Installation Problem with MySQL database
  228. attachment image height en width
  229. thread.php on line 40
  230. Styling Last Forumrow in FORUMHOME
  231. user registration additional info
  232. What was the point in making us register variables?
  233. vBulletin include in External Pages
  234. Weather Widget
  235. Issues with popup menus
  236. Missing Hooks?
  237. How do I display vb Database information in a template?
  238. Little help needed with new template rendering in existing scripts
  239. Template Render & buildpostcache
  240. Vb additional logon database?
  241. FORUMDISPLAY CSS Class Duplicated? What?
  242. Upgraded and patched and now no forum.
  243. Showthread title
  244. Help With BBCODE
  245. function verify_authentication
  246. How to condition IF is 3 first post
  247. cron Perl modify Notice in mysql
  248. how can i change default editor font size and family ?
  249. Scheduled Tasks, caching, widget
  250. Object Tag in vB Template