View Full Version : RPG Integration Hack

  1. RPG Integration Hack - Old Support Thread
  2. Download RPG Integration Hack/Addons
  3. RPG Hack FAQ
  4. Suggestion on future version
  5. A Few Questions
  6. Future Version
  7. sql error
  8. Only show RPG in postbit if they had created their charactor
  9. Images not showing up...
  10. invalid?
  11. Strange
  12. Cash Question
  13. RPG problems
  14. Alternative RPG Templates 1.1
  15. Recurring Lotteries
  16. Installed, working fine and Hi...
  17. Invalid SQL: CREATE TABLE at installation.
  18. Music Selected But Does Not Play
  19. Post not displaying in showthred.php
  20. Possible Bugs & A Few Suggestions.
  21. Suggestions for future version
  22. Just to clear a few things up
  23. VERY Nice Hack, Need Some Help with Template
  24. Bug or install error?
  25. How to uninstall?
  26. Urgent! Error when installing!
  27. Lottery problem
  28. Some db errors
  29. SQL Errors.
  30. Adding more equips
  31. Am I blind? Can't find readme.htm
  32. Bank and own store?
  33. Is this possible?
  34. rpgstats?
  35. Possibility?
  36. Problems after upgrading to vB07
  37. Templates Fixed. How do you want them?
  38. Regenerate HP???
  39. Missing Some Templates
  40. Little Shield bug
  41. Suggestions
  42. Upgrade error
  43. Have to do global edit before running install file
  44. ver3 b1 - bugs i noticed after upgrading...
  45. Admin Permissions not there, and Debug On
  46. Suggestion for changing when it counts you as "in battle"
  47. An error in the rpg_install.php
  48. Install problem
  49. Merged Headquarters and RPGCP
  50. Problem
  51. Specific Level to Buy bug?
  52. Cheering section?
  53. More HP healed than you have bug?
  54. items not buyable
  55. Checking for Level Change
  56. New posts not adding xp
  57. Datastore problem?
  58. [REQUEST] Turn off clan creation
  59. Fresh Install on vB 3.0.7 Problem - FIgured It Out
  60. possible bug - lottery
  61. Looks like I've got a new bug for you...
  62. Monster Bot
  63. Clan Size
  64. [BUG} clancp.php
  65. bug with Character Name
  66. Valid or not valid?
  67. a few questions about user ids in battle.php
  68. Problem while installing.
  69. Certain phrase info missing?
  70. Lottery Question
  71. Suggestion: Midi Frame/Window? Also spell question..?
  72. Newest messages at the top?
  73. Job Class creation problem
  74. Show Battles in Subforum
  75. Limit Bar not resetting after used in battle
  76. Lottery Suggestion
  77. i know i'm missing something here
  78. Small bug report for ya: itemshop
  79. addon: menu dropdown for all the files for beta 5
  80. HQ problem
  81. Images for monster arena
  82. All sorts of problems with upgrade to 5
  83. Another small "bug" or oversight :P
  84. RPG Monster Editor?
  85. Monster Arena Problem
  86. Monster Arena bug
  87. Question & Suggestion
  88. Character Statistics page
  89. One more suggestion
  90. Problem Upgrading to beta 5
  91. Can't View Items..
  92. Another bug x-D
  93. Suggestion - Races and Classes
  94. Suggestion - Default values on items and default spells
  95. Suggestion for PP for magic spells, if possible?
  96. Strange fluxuation with healing center %'s
  97. Items in Stock not updating?
  98. Error message while installing after uninstalling the hack
  99. Error Message after install
  100. Changelog
  101. No List in AdminCP
  102. A few errors
  103. Monsters have no stats
  104. Better Clan System?
  105. Postcount Error
  106. Question Before Upgrading to v3
  107. Cron Job ? What is it ?
  108. Just some questions
  109. just installed
  110. Currency Problem
  111. Strange gibberish with clan invites and challenges?
  112. Suggestion - Recurring Lotteries
  113. Is it possible to hide all the stats on postbit?
  114. Changing Race...
  115. barren templates?
  116. Stats in dropdown in default
  117. Is this normal? heh
  118. A few bugs
  119. Uninstall problems
  120. choose class selecting races
  121. Lottery problems :/
  122. A bug?
  123. Can someone please explain buffs and Magic
  124. Character Name SQL error
  125. /admincp/battleadmin.php on line 327
  126. Block change of class after a level
  127. QUestion in FAQ
  128. SQL Error While Upgrading
  129. how i used to MP ?
  130. fatal error =/
  131. Monster Arena Question...
  132. no getting exp...
  133. Item and Buff Question...
  134. Classes and Class Types
  135. Class functionality
  136. Restrict Access to the RPG Hack by Usergroups
  137. Database error
  138. punctuation in clan title creation
  139. Suggestion
  140. UPDATE: vBulletin 3.5.0 & RPG IH
  141. Uninstall question
  142. Just installed the hack.. but error...
  143. How is attack damage calculated?
  144. Need a bit of Help
  145. Ok, I seems i ran into a bug. Adding user via admincp
  146. demo site for this?
  147. Item Questions
  148. Sql Error
  149. Yet another database error
  150. Forcing users to use the DHTML Stats Drop Down.
  151. so, where do u put
  152. Items don't update
  153. How Do You
  154. Need Help Badly
  155. Help Revan
  156. Items, potions,spells etc
  157. Buff Levels
  158. 39 pages of MySQL errors.
  159. URGENT: A HUGE line of error!
  160. images not showing + DB error deleting members
  161. I try to install the hack arcade in my forum but she gives me this error...
  162. Class depends on Race?
  163. Battle looks bad with style...
  164. another error :(
  165. AdminCP area
  166. Hey
  167. Reinstalling the hack
  168. Weird... People cannot play the RPG after creating a char until making new topic...
  169. Problem with itemshop
  170. Is this mod ready to go after install?
  171. A few missing pieces...
  172. Class Type Item Error
  173. What's non-battle items?
  174. show_thread.php error
  175. (suggestion) Differentiate the damage spells
  176. New error
  177. (suggestion)Map
  178. vB3.5 Compatibility
  179. Sorry Revan if this was brought up before.
  180. Nothing but white page
  181. DB ERROR in installer
  182. Adding uCash after RPG Hack
  183. Non-Legacy postbit?
  184. Attack Messages
  185. What exactly is this?
  186. sql erros!
  187. spells unselectable
  188. Spells not working right?
  189. Version Map
  190. Discuss about settings
  191. Cant' see how to make a user or play it
  192. Help me , error install
  193. Default class stats
  194. Sql Error
  195. cash from monster battles
  196. question about item shop template
  197. Does this happen to all?
  198. Monster Arena
  199. Stats not updating after level up... and more issues with my forum
  200. Invalid Monster Battle
  201. Earning Gold Or Gils
  202. Exp Decrease after Loss...
  203. where is the Clan Update Method?
  204. Viewing RPG Hack Demo anywhere?
  205. Math of the RPG?
  206. Itemshop Bugs
  207. Inventory Bugs
  208. Manage Sent Invites SQL Error
  209. Problem.
  210. When will Demo be back up?
  211. postbit (legacy) Not showing stats
  212. Another small problem
  213. User Reset MySQL Errors & Issues
  214. Post error when rpg is installed
  215. vba and photopost navigation disapear
  216. Will this still work
  217. important "RPG Integration Hack v3.5.1" send instant messages
  218. Need help
  219. How can this be fixed?
  220. level/item/damage settings?
  221. compatibility with vbb 3.6
  222. ICash Compatible?
  223. Cannot update?
  224. User stuck in battle
  225. When Is 3.6.x Version Coming?!
  226. MySQL errors that can't be repaired...
  227. hall of fame bug.
  228. RPG Hack and performance on large boards
  229. Only User With No Gils
  230. Spell not working?
  231. Cant get stats to show in Postbit
  232. Installation Error
  233. Database Error :(
  234. How Do I ...... ?
  235. Clan CP Database Error
  236. Using RPG Hack for an Inventory System?
  237. Forum Hacking??
  238. Problems after install
  239. Battling Members
  240. Serious Install Issue
  241. Installation problems (rpg_ibots table)
  242. Install Error rpg_user
  243. step 6 install error
  244. Jobs and AI dont show
  245. Characters not updating, invisible items
  246. ibProArcade, RPG Integration and vbBux/vbPlaza money question
  247. Can someone give me a summery of this mod?
  248. RPG Hack: mods, supermods, and admins change the hp and mp!?
  249. Standard DB
  250. is this system integrate withe creat a pet?