View Full Version : RPG Integration Hack
- RPG Integration Hack - Old Support Thread
- Download RPG Integration Hack/Addons
- RPG Hack FAQ
- Suggestion on future version
- A Few Questions
- Future Version
- sql error
- Only show RPG in postbit if they had created their charactor
- Images not showing up...
- invalid?
- Strange
- Cash Question
- RPG problems
- Alternative RPG Templates 1.1
- Recurring Lotteries
- Installed, working fine and Hi...
- Invalid SQL: CREATE TABLE at installation.
- Music Selected But Does Not Play
- Post not displaying in showthred.php
- Possible Bugs & A Few Suggestions.
- Suggestions for future version
- Just to clear a few things up
- VERY Nice Hack, Need Some Help with Template
- Bug or install error?
- How to uninstall?
- Urgent! Error when installing!
- Lottery problem
- Some db errors
- SQL Errors.
- Adding more equips
- Am I blind? Can't find readme.htm
- Bank and own store?
- Is this possible?
- rpgstats?
- Possibility?
- Problems after upgrading to vB07
- Templates Fixed. How do you want them?
- Regenerate HP???
- Missing Some Templates
- Little Shield bug
- Suggestions
- Upgrade error
- Have to do global edit before running install file
- ver3 b1 - bugs i noticed after upgrading...
- Admin Permissions not there, and Debug On
- Suggestion for changing when it counts you as "in battle"
- An error in the rpg_install.php
- Install problem
- Merged Headquarters and RPGCP
- Problem
- Specific Level to Buy bug?
- Cheering section?
- More HP healed than you have bug?
- items not buyable
- Checking for Level Change
- New posts not adding xp
- Datastore problem?
- [REQUEST] Turn off clan creation
- Fresh Install on vB 3.0.7 Problem - FIgured It Out
- possible bug - lottery
- Looks like I've got a new bug for you...
- Monster Bot
- Clan Size
- [BUG} clancp.php
- bug with Character Name
- Valid or not valid?
- a few questions about user ids in battle.php
- Problem while installing.
- Certain phrase info missing?
- Lottery Question
- Suggestion: Midi Frame/Window? Also spell question..?
- Newest messages at the top?
- Job Class creation problem
- Show Battles in Subforum
- Limit Bar not resetting after used in battle
- Lottery Suggestion
- i know i'm missing something here
- Small bug report for ya: itemshop
- addon: menu dropdown for all the files for beta 5
- HQ problem
- Images for monster arena
- All sorts of problems with upgrade to 5
- Another small "bug" or oversight :P
- RPG Monster Editor?
- Monster Arena Problem
- Monster Arena bug
- Question & Suggestion
- Character Statistics page
- One more suggestion
- Problem Upgrading to beta 5
- Can't View Items..
- Another bug x-D
- Suggestion - Races and Classes
- Suggestion - Default values on items and default spells
- Suggestion for PP for magic spells, if possible?
- Strange fluxuation with healing center %'s
- Items in Stock not updating?
- Error message while installing after uninstalling the hack
- Error Message after install
- Changelog
- No List in AdminCP
- A few errors
- Monsters have no stats
- Better Clan System?
- Postcount Error
- Question Before Upgrading to v3
- Cron Job ? What is it ?
- Just some questions
- just installed
- Currency Problem
- Strange gibberish with clan invites and challenges?
- Suggestion - Recurring Lotteries
- Is it possible to hide all the stats on postbit?
- Changing Race...
- barren templates?
- Stats in dropdown in default
- Is this normal? heh
- A few bugs
- Uninstall problems
- choose class selecting races
- Lottery problems :/
- A bug?
- Can someone please explain buffs and Magic
- Character Name SQL error
- /admincp/battleadmin.php on line 327
- Block change of class after a level
- QUestion in FAQ
- SQL Error While Upgrading
- how i used to MP ?
- fatal error =/
- Monster Arena Question...
- no getting exp...
- Item and Buff Question...
- Classes and Class Types
- Class functionality
- Restrict Access to the RPG Hack by Usergroups
- Database error
- punctuation in clan title creation
- Suggestion
- UPDATE: vBulletin 3.5.0 & RPG IH
- Uninstall question
- Just installed the hack.. but error...
- How is attack damage calculated?
- Need a bit of Help
- Ok, I seems i ran into a bug. Adding user via admincp
- demo site for this?
- Item Questions
- Sql Error
- Yet another database error
- Forcing users to use the DHTML Stats Drop Down.
- so, where do u put
- Items don't update
- How Do You
- Need Help Badly
- Help Revan
- Items, potions,spells etc
- Buff Levels
- 39 pages of MySQL errors.
- URGENT: A HUGE line of error!
- images not showing + DB error deleting members
- I try to install the hack arcade in my forum but she gives me this error...
- Class depends on Race?
- Battle looks bad with style...
- another error :(
- AdminCP area
- Hey
- Reinstalling the hack
- Weird... People cannot play the RPG after creating a char until making new topic...
- Problem with itemshop
- Is this mod ready to go after install?
- A few missing pieces...
- Class Type Item Error
- What's non-battle items?
- show_thread.php error
- (suggestion) Differentiate the damage spells
- New error
- (suggestion)Map
- vB3.5 Compatibility
- Sorry Revan if this was brought up before.
- Nothing but white page
- DB ERROR in installer
- Adding uCash after RPG Hack
- Non-Legacy postbit?
- Attack Messages
- What exactly is this?
- sql erros!
- spells unselectable
- Spells not working right?
- Version Map
- Discuss about settings
- Cant' see how to make a user or play it
- Help me , error install
- Default class stats
- Sql Error
- cash from monster battles
- question about item shop template
- Does this happen to all?
- Monster Arena
- Stats not updating after level up... and more issues with my forum
- Invalid Monster Battle
- Earning Gold Or Gils
- Exp Decrease after Loss...
- where is the Clan Update Method?
- Viewing RPG Hack Demo anywhere?
- Math of the RPG?
- Itemshop Bugs
- Inventory Bugs
- Manage Sent Invites SQL Error
- Problem.
- When will Demo be back up?
- postbit (legacy) Not showing stats
- Another small problem
- User Reset MySQL Errors & Issues
- Post error when rpg is installed
- vba and photopost navigation disapear
- Will this still work
- important "RPG Integration Hack v3.5.1" send instant messages
- Need help
- How can this be fixed?
- level/item/damage settings?
- compatibility with vbb 3.6
- ICash Compatible?
- Cannot update?
- User stuck in battle
- When Is 3.6.x Version Coming?!
- MySQL errors that can't be repaired...
- hall of fame bug.
- RPG Hack and performance on large boards
- Only User With No Gils
- Spell not working?
- Cant get stats to show in Postbit
- Installation Error
- Database Error :(
- How Do I ...... ?
- Clan CP Database Error
- Using RPG Hack for an Inventory System?
- Forum Hacking??
- Problems after install
- Battling Members
- Serious Install Issue
- Installation problems (rpg_ibots table)
- Install Error rpg_user
- step 6 install error
- Jobs and AI dont show
- Characters not updating, invisible items
- ibProArcade, RPG Integration and vbBux/vbPlaza money question
- Can someone give me a summery of this mod?
- RPG Hack: mods, supermods, and admins change the hp and mp!?
- Standard DB
- is this system integrate withe creat a pet?
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