View Full Version : Strange fluxuation with healing center %'s

03-29-2005, 09:27 PM
I kept ignoring my user's whining, but it seems they won't stop.. I keep getting several reports of the healing %'s being really random.

Here are a few of the reports.

"Your Healing Options:
+25% HP
Band-aid and a kiss on the forehead.

+30% HP
Show the cashier your money and recieve whatever you can afford.

Now this is just to much of a fluxuation. 30% hp should be 38$ everytime. Im just asking for a little consistency here."


"Your Healing Options:
+0% HP
No thanks.

+25% HP
Band-aid and a kiss on the forehead.

+26% HP
Show the cashier your money and recieve whatever you can afford.

That doesn't make much sense that 75$ heals 26% and 82$ gets you 25%. I think there needs to be a more consistent cost for healing. Please don't make it anymore expensive either I barely have enough to feed my character's kids."


"eh whats up with this?
+25% HP $223 Band-aid and a kiss on the forehead.
+27% HP $181 Show the cashier your money and recieve whatever you can afford.

shouldnt 25% cost less than 27%?"

03-30-2005, 04:26 AM
Yea... I hate the healing center's coding. I won't be able to do something about it for Final though, as tweaking this code involves the kind of redesign Im doing for the next version. But instead of making you wait until everything v4 is done, I'll put out a v3.5 that has the centralised coding I am currently working on (which is going GREAT btw :D).
This shouldn't take too much time, but I have my finals coming up soon so Im not giving any specific dates :p

So in short, the vB Bug Tracker way of saying it, "Flagged for future version" ;)