View Full Version : Cheering section?

03-07-2005, 02:28 PM
O wow, just had a kick butt idea. I haven't seen this mentioned anywhere yet so, here it is :)

Basically, I've been browsing the battles on my site since the last upgrade to make sure I have the weapons and armor set right for the new code.. and I felt like cheering on a few battles.. you know... posting my own lil jib taunt or jab :)

So what about it? A form for people to submit a taunt when viewing another battle?

This of course would only work for non-private battles :)

03-07-2005, 05:39 PM
I think this IS a good idea but Im unsure of how extensive it will become.
I mean admin staff on my site discussed doing this but we thought of it to be a local mod, Shoutbox dupe (which I couldnt release since Im not original creator).
And the other alternative I can think of, allowing others to jab in battles, could get messy :p

So could you give me more details on how you would want this to be and look, please?

03-08-2005, 11:54 AM
True, some people could really post some mean stuff, the more I think about it, the more I think that leaving it as is is prolly the best.

Another idea for ya :)

Yeah.. my users are full of them.

We only have about 2 dozen using the rpg right now so I'm not sure how functional or if this would be VERY slow, but when your creating a new battle, perhaps the place that you enter in a user's name, allowing you to type something in, or you can select from a dropdown?

Guessing it would add one more query to the new battle page.

Chief Corn
03-08-2005, 12:57 PM
i like the idea of chattiing while spectating. i installed shoutbox to see what i can do with it, but then i realized if there's 2 battles going on simultaneously you hear from both.

We only have about 2 dozen using the rpg right now so I'm not sure how functional or if this would be VERY slow, but when your creating a new battle, perhaps the place that you enter in a user's name, allowing you to type something in, or you can select from a dropdown?
some sites with hundreds of members a dropdown would get a bit cumbersome. maybe a member list page of those that have rpg characters.

03-08-2005, 02:00 PM
You know.. that might be possible with a tweak of the hack that lets you search by usergroup.

I have the search by usergroup, I'll see if I can tweak that, wonder if we could make it like the clickable smilies and you could click on the username and it would input in the box..

* Cyricx thinks he's making a mountain out of a mole hill ;)

03-08-2005, 02:45 PM
isn't being mean to the loser what you are supposed to do anyways.

ala, yankees suck



03-08-2005, 05:08 PM
Whats been going on here, having member names in dropdowns for start battle?
Not only would this be query inefficient as utter hell, what if theres hundreds of members, even within the usergroup? Or maybe the forum doesn't use usergroups at all, beyond Admin, Mod, SMod, Registered, Banned?

03-08-2005, 07:56 PM
Hehe I was thinking something along this lines


But modding it to look for people who's rpgname != ' '


What about moving rpgname to a singletext user profile field?

The user profile fields have the option of being searchable in memberlist...

Yeah I'm just brainstorming :)

Shoot me, kick me, and tell me I'm crazy ;), I get that on a daily basis :p

03-08-2005, 08:22 PM
Ok that there made even less sense than the previous posts :p

03-08-2005, 08:43 PM

I'll see what I can do on it and then show ya the results :)