View Full Version : Forcing users to use the DHTML Stats Drop Down.

07-14-2005, 03:30 AM
I've been attempting to search this forum for an answer but no luck. Hopefully I didn't just over look a post or something.

I'm just wondering if someone knows how to force users to use that DHTML drop down menu that shows the stats instead of the big chunky expanded layout. I'm talking about the stats shown in the postbit btw.

Essentially I want to remove the users ability to make that choice as to what style of stats they want in their UserCP

07-15-2005, 08:25 AM
I see I need to create an ACP setting for this :p
Run this:
UPDATE `user` SET `rpgstats` = '0'
Remember to add a prefix if you got one.
Then open the template, and delete the entire bit concerning the dropdown selection.

07-15-2005, 04:45 PM
Thanks Revan. Works a treat.

07-18-2005, 04:36 AM
Just a thought. What is the default value for rpgstats? Is it 0 or will I have to come back and re-run the query every time a new user registers and account?

09-03-2005, 07:44 PM
Just a thought. What is the default value for rpgstats? Is it 0 or will I have to come back and re-run the query every time a new user registers and account?
yea im having the same problem with new users

09-03-2005, 09:51 PM
ALTER TABLE `user` CHANGE `rpgstats` `rpgstats` TINYINT( 1 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'