View Full Version : Strange

01-24-2005, 06:14 AM
Ok I got few things I have come across that if anyone could direct me as to the best way to tackle them I would be great full.

Strangely enough my phrases don?t seem to be working. I uploaded the template (twice) and still they are not showing up. I only have one language English? Im kind of lost on this one don?t have any idea where to go about to tackle this.

Another strange anomaly. I have taken a screenshot so you can see what I am talking about. For some ?not all? of my templates seem to be off center. The header and navbar are ok but the main context area and the footer are of to the right a little. The footer is even higher than normal as well as to the right. My board is set at a fixed 800pix. I tried messing with one of the templates by playing around with the table widths but to no avail. I even tried fooling around with the actual footer but that did not work ether. So I am thinking maybe I am looking in the wrong area, any help on this would be cool if anyone has any ideas.

http://img199.exs.cx/img199/6081/rpg6ri.th.gif (http://img199.exs.cx/my.php?loc=img199&image=rpg6ri.gif) http://img199.exs.cx/img199/581/rpg19nf.th.gif (http://img199.exs.cx/my.php?loc=img199&image=rpg19nf.gif)

I noticed when I got a battle link and clicked on it, it was pointing to http://forum/andtheaddressofthebattle.here instead of http://mysite.com/forum/andtheaddressofthebattle.here I the main php files in my forums directory is this wrong? Should they be in my root directory? If not is there a place I can go and enter the correct address?

Again if anyone has come across these things and knows a way to fix them I am all ears. ;)

01-24-2005, 07:00 AM
I could not see anything different about the two footers.
And about the URLs... I can't remember whether or not I changed the fixed url to $vboptions['bburl'] in the battle.php or not... You have to check there.
That's the only place where a complete http url is placed.

01-25-2005, 04:29 AM
Ok cool thanks I will check battle.php - that may also be why my phrases are not working. So might kill two birds with one stone if thats the fix.

On the correct footer the gray strip is at the very bottom of the black table (no black underneath it and the copyright info in the black table not in the dark gray background. If look at the 'Top' link you will see that the footer is not flush with the black table and is over in the dark gray background.

01-25-2005, 04:57 AM
Ohhh *now* I see what you mean!
Yeah, that's an error about too many <table>'s being closed. When I was trying to fix it, it ended up my completely FUBAR'ing the entire template, placing the date on top of the template and [insert every possible and impossible negative outcome here].
I might give it another crack later though :)
...these templates are really balls... only thing I can say to my defence is that I didn't make them and Im too balls with HTML to quick fix :p

01-25-2005, 06:00 AM
lol me too? I might try and see if I can make my own and if its cool and it works I?ll post it here.

Well I tried adding the hardcode address but I don?t think I did it right.

This is the current code

.'/battlefight.php?action=enterbattle&battlenumber='.$battlenumber[battlenumber].'&battlekey='.$password.']here ('.$vboptions[bburl)';

in my vb options I have my forum set up as ?/network?

So in my mail link I get http://network/address/of/battle.php

I set the address in vb options to www.gamingartist.com/network instead of hardcoding in battle.php (this did work ? but ? all my other links and stuff did not) so that?s not an option.

So I have to hardcode it but not sure how to go about it because I am used to HTML code not PHP and the dots are screwing me up. The way I would hardcode it is as follows. (but I know this is wrong)

My Hack job lol
.'&battlekey='.$password.'?]here ( ?www.gamingartist.com/network/battlefight.php?action=enterbattle&battlenumber='.$battlenumber[battlenumber)';

So anyway if I want www.gamingartist.com/network to go where $vboptions[bburl] is what would be the correct way to enter it as no way I have tried has worked so far.

Would it be easer for me to just make a new $vboptions phrase? And if so is there any place that tells you how to do that (like which group to put it under and so forth).

Speaking of phrases, these phrases still are not showing up there just blank in the postbit am I forgetting something?


Again thanks for any help and thank you for the quick responses and by all means if someone who has had these issues knows knowledge to pass on please feel free I?m all ears. Even though it would seem all mouth with my posts (lol)

01-27-2005, 06:24 PM
Ok I am officially baffled. (not to hard for me ;) ) I have tried left and right everything I could think of and still cant get the phrases to show up in my postbit.

I have upload the templates no problem. So I really don?t see why they would not be working. Am I the only one who has had this problem? Surely someone can point me in the correct direction?

Thanks in advance to anyone that is willing to help me ;)

01-28-2005, 08:12 AM
in my vb options I have my forum set up as ?/network?

I set the address in vb options to www.gamingartist.com/network instead of hardcoding in battle.php (this did work ? but ? all my other links and stuff did not) so that?s not an option.My $vboptions['bburl'] is "http://forum.ultimateff.net", and it works just great everywhere (3.0.6)
Maybe you could try making a subdomain for /network ?

Speaking of phrases, these phrases still are not showing up there just blank in the postbit am I forgetting something?


Again thanks for any help and thank you for the quick responses and by all means if someone who has had these issues knows knowledge to pass on please feel free I?m all ears. Even though it would seem all mouth with my posts (lol)Um maybe you forgot to edit showthread.php or functions_showthread.php?
Only thing I can think of.


01-29-2005, 04:41 AM
I think the reason why everything else did not work is because I have to edit all the other mods for the new address. So ether way even making a sub forum I would have to do that as well. Not a big deal I will figure something out on that after I clean up the templates.

I wish it was as simple as forgetting to edit showthread.php and or functions_showthread.php Im kind of a dork I rewrote the install instructions as I did each step in the installs to make sure I did not forget anything. I will double check anyway? Can?t hurt ? thank you?

It was functions_showthread.php I did edit it but never uploaded it.

*smacks self in head*

Hey I am curious? Since the images were in two separate zips

Should all the image folders be in the Images/ Style directory? Including the ones not in a folder like this?

Or should it look like this?

Or should it look like this?

01-29-2005, 09:04 AM
yeah the images zips are abit messy...
The one with the images folder already in it should be uploaded to the root forum dir.
The one without the images folder should be uploaded to the /forum/images/ dir.
Don't ask me why I did it like that.
I just did.