View Full Version : vbBux / vbPlaza

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  1. Gift Ideas
  2. 2 things I'm wondering about
  3. [Bug] Give unlimited rep
  4. [Request] User CP features
  5. eBux / eStore's Future
  6. Navbar Edit help
  7. v1.2.6 ribbons
  8. Username options are not showing up
  9. Display flags not working!?
  10. [Bug?] Ribbons
  11. Admin donate.
  12. [Request] Simple action...
  13. [Error] Username Change
  14. [bug] Thief Feature
  15. eStore - Add New Option (Advanced Users Only!) - ERROR
  16. how to set percent for thief?
  17. eStore - Edit Change User Title
  18. Can't change Memberinfo class?
  19. Rename Points?
  20. Version number does not match?
  21. NAVBAR problems
  22. mass changing user group permissions
  23. Some bugs here
  24. Rep Immunity not working
  25. permission error after update to 1.2.6
  26. Username/Custom Title options not working
  27. ODD postbit display
  28. New Homepage for vbPlaza!
  29. Usergroups problems...
  30. theif bug
  31. How are avatar dimesions bieng checked?
  32. ANOTHER postbit error...
  33. Two Problems - secondary groups and ribbons
  34. Lottery
  35. [bug]Gift and ribbons postbit
  36. A new (another) bug with ribbons and postbit
  37. Request "Users can only buy ribbons for themself"
  38. Error (repost from thread that's no longer supported)
  39. help! cannot change "Mass Forums Settings"
  40. [REQUEST] Give double Points for new Threads in
  41. Importing Product time-out question
  42. You are not allowed too purchase this item
  43. If anyone is interested, I changed 'Thief' to account for rep...
  44. How do I create dummy items?
  45. vbBux / vbPlaza v1.5.4 Released!
  46. Just upgraded, now I'm confused.
  47. Getting some errors.
  48. OMG! tons of errors coming after upgrade to 1.5
  49. just upgraded and now getting errors
  50. please HUGE favor to ask
  51. Upgrade Experience & a bug
  52. gifts, need to get rid of two of them
  53. How do I remove these 2 options from User CP --> Edit vbPlaza Options?
  54. User daily points overview
  55. Having some problems after going to 1.5.1
  56. Problem entering the store
  57. Gift bug!
  58. v3arcade
  59. Another bug.
  60. Churchmedia's 'Real Product' add-on updated for vbPlaza
  61. uCash 0.95c -> vbPlaza ?
  62. pm notification ?
  63. Item History bug...
  64. Avatar Options
  65. Other Languages
  66. How to change the End Time for the lottery?
  67. Gifts/ribbons not showing up
  68. SQL Error
  69. Any plans on having integration with ibProArcade?
  70. Cant see Item History
  71. Two errors after installing
  72. Item History not working
  73. Can't buy gifts for members that have "&" in their name...
  74. Remove Lottery Winner not work
  75. SQL error - cant access site - help!!
  76. My postbit is not right
  77. Error I'm getting on all pages...
  78. Steps to get vbBux/vbPlaza working.
  79. vbPlaza for 3.5.3?
  80. Suggestion for Gifts
  81. Strange postbit problem (some gifts show up, others don't)
  82. My Plaza menu
  83. Ribbon Problem....
  84. Limit the number of ribbons displayed in postbit
  85. Deleting points when I delete posts/threads
  86. Weird problem with username glow/bold ...
  87. Username doesn't change color
  88. integration with RPG Inferno
  89. Bug in See Invisible Users
  90. duplicate options
  91. Error when upgrading from 1.2.6
  92. Reset Expiring Purchases?
  93. 20+ DB errors
  94. some postbit issues
  95. Few issues...
  96. Lost points when deposit to bank
  97. What's the tax for?
  98. Change the Gift and Ribbons class?
  99. change users style
  100. Lottery?
  101. disable ribbons/gifts
  102. feeature request
  103. How-To: Add vbBux to the drop down menu
  104. How to change ribbon name and image
  105. Vbplaza option not visible in usergroup manager
  106. V3 arcade and minimum post required problem
  107. Multiple Gifts Showing ....
  108. arcade feature...mass game price?
  109. Not enough points for weekly lottery
  110. Midi in profile
  111. Help with modified templates
  112. Super Mods privileges
  113. Vbookie Integration...
  114. Post Bit Problem
  115. Getting points back from a backup....
  116. Request preview window for shop
  117. lottery problem
  118. Post font colour, request
  119. MySQL Error
  120. change points to custom name?
  121. sql error on arcade quick editor
  122. [Bug?]Federal Tax not shown on confirmation screen
  123. What should I do?
  124. How do I get the arcade access to work?
  125. Bug: Cannot Post New Threads
  126. Points aren't being added.
  127. Mass Forum Settings
  128. How do I remove "Cost to Play" from showing in the Arcade?
  129. DATABASE error....
  130. Wishlist - Downloads
  131. Buy Rep Points not adding pts?
  132. Username error
  133. Show arcade pass if being used.
  134. feature request
  135. Suggestion: Buy username/usertitle font
  136. LOL - There is no script for Invisible Mode
  137. [BUG] - Thread views...
  138. How i can creat a new category/option ?
  139. A few arcade integration suggestions
  140. vbPortal Users - Must Read!!
  141. Cannot charge for attachments that are http uploaded?
  142. Error of attach
  143. Donate Bug in 1.5.3
  144. Creating Options Using Custom Profile Fields
  145. Referral Points
  146. Different Usergroup Permissions With Same Options?
  147. How do I remove the old hooks themselves for ebux/estore?
  148. Issues with Avatar Uploads
  149. Request - Bold Thread titles
  150. paypal integration
  151. double post + lottery
  152. invalid usergroup when purchasing as secondary
  153. How do u remove items that were purchased by any user
  154. CP Links Do Not Work
  155. Clear Points
  156. Avatar, Signature and Profile Picture Options
  157. [HOW TO:] Reset Points & Bank To Specific Amount
  158. Getting an error after reinstalling
  159. Unlimited Reputation Purchase... Seriously Here....
  160. Stop users from giving THEMSELVES gifts ...
  161. help Invalid SQL
  162. Arcade pass not expiring
  163. Explain for me about Jackpot
  164. vbplaza viewing error.
  165. Any ideas on permission propegation?
  166. suggestion for next version re: gifts
  167. Faq?
  168. Suggestion for gift messages
  169. Ribbon Description question...
  170. User option to display/not display everyone's gifts in postbit...
  171. Donation Tax
  172. Negative Paychecks?
  173. phrases
  174. Split Avatar Catergories
  175. [1.5.4] Bug in ModCP
  176. Arcade Pass Display
  177. Fatal Error
  178. Username Options override HTML Markup
  179. subscriptions
  180. [Request] Sub Categories
  181. shoutbox / vbplaza?
  182. Changed all the Custom Title options..
  183. 1.5.4 Arcade integration
  184. Rpg Inferno & ebux?
  185. Remove "All" Options From Modcp
  186. Error message when removing posts
  187. close thread permission problems
  188. Database error in vBulletin 3.5.4, I am getting a email every minute! please help
  189. i don't get the differnce between arcade pass and arcade access
  190. MEMBERINFO template change no longer shows username history
  191. Enhanced thief settings
  192. Issue about v3arcade pay champion
  193. Arcade Access not working
  194. daily lottery - random?
  195. Remove peice of coding?
  196. User cannot see gifts
  197. Gifts/Ribbons
  198. Paycheck Question
  199. cant bold or color usernames.. only glow works..
  200. ibProArcade v2.5.5+, now what?
  201. Arcade Pass For ibProArcade
  202. Few question about the hack
  203. Tournaments
  204. Lottery question
  205. Pay for attachments
  206. How to prevent vbBux fraud
  207. Points in postbits gone??
  208. Jackpot problem with arcade
  209. so simple I feel stupid asking....
  210. Points not showing up in postbit...
  211. Suggestions - Luxury Taxes
  212. Remove Bank from member-info?
  213. disable Ribbon option?
  214. You did not specify a username. It's needed to perform this action.
  215. Give Ribbons Issue
  216. purchase Downloads??
  217. How do you delete gifts from users?
  218. [Request] Buy Physical Items w/ Points
  219. Suggestion for the Lottery
  220. Glowing username
  221. [Request] Preview Glow/Color/Shadow etc.
  222. avatars confusion
  223. Add Ribon/Gift via ACP, or any method?
  224. Pay everytime
  225. how is the lottery system is working
  226. Best way to set this all up
  227. Points per Ad click
  228. getting points just reloading pages
  229. Error when editing postbit_legacy
  230. lost leader
  231. Points not accumalating :(
  232. View threads and reputation points are not counting
  233. Why are gifts/ribbons defaulted to hidden?
  234. Adding gifts to "Give Gifts"
  235. Donations only for members with X days
  236. Gifts given not showing up right away?
  237. Ideas!
  238. Robbing The Bank
  239. Problems with Navbar and Header templates
  240. Change rich-list to points in pocket only
  241. Birthday Points
  242. guest member?
  243. Avatar Problem
  244. vbBux / vbPlaza v1.5.5 has been released!
  245. points storage
  246. Is this possible?
  247. Jackpot working but.....
  248. MEMBERINFO Display Not Correct
  249. What is vbBux / vbPlaza?
  250. Is this difficult to uninstall?