View Full Version : Username Options override HTML Markup

03-26-2006, 09:46 PM
One of the new changes:

23) vbPlaza Username Options now override the HTML Markup for the Usergroups.

The only bad thing is I have icons to mark Premium Members, Moderators and Administrators. Now those icons are gone from everything when we change colors on those usernames. Is their a way to turn this feature off?

03-27-2006, 01:27 AM
How did you have your icons displayed??

I have "rank" icons for various things, and mine are still there.

Also, the reason for him adding the HTML markup override, what is the point of members being able to buy a username color, if the board has a markup, which will not allow them to change it.

Your forumhome markups are still there right??

I'm not sure how hard this will be to have a feature to enable/disable.

I like this feature IMO. :D

03-27-2006, 01:29 AM
I'm using the HTML Markup Override to display the Icons in Posts / Profiles.

03-27-2006, 01:44 AM
I never thought of using icons there (in the markup).

Do you have the option for users to change their username color?

I'm sure there is a conditional code in there. Example, when I remove my color, my color goes back to the html markup..

So question is, when a user doesn't buy the username color, are you still having issues? When no vbplaza color is purchased, my HTML markup is shown.

03-27-2006, 01:52 AM
Basically I want them able to change their Username Colors etc... But I want to keep the markup

The previous version worked fine. it's the new overrite that's causing the problem :-/ I tried trying to find a way to change it but couldn't figure it out.

03-27-2006, 01:59 AM
The reason he added this, was because the font color markup over rid the username color that was purchased. I think I understand what your saying.

You only use the markup for icons... When he changed the markup override, it was mainly for overriding the font color. Now it's overriding everything..

I think I understand now.

03-27-2006, 02:05 AM
Yuppers :) I found the problem with the font color because we were running into that. But I decided since I can have the icons (before we had both) that i don't need the font color.

03-27-2006, 02:11 PM
I can still add a setting in the vbPlaza Options to enable/disable this feature easily, and I will add it into v1.5.5


03-27-2006, 02:39 PM
Awesome thank you :)