View Full Version : Points not accumalating :(

04-08-2006, 10:49 AM
So I installed this hack on my site (www.sportszonefanatics.com) last night and have jsut finished off all the settings - including assigning which forums pays x amount for a member to post/make threads.

I want a members to be paid 0.01 points (or goals on my site) per post and 0.1 per thread.

Now when i go to make a thread/post, the points do not accumalate either in the postbit profile, my profile, or on the "richest users" in the store.

I have also changed the settings so members get 1 point per post/2 points per thread, and still I do not get awarded any points :(

So, have I missed a setting somewhere? Or do the points take a while to be awarded to users?



04-08-2006, 05:20 PM
They should be awarded immediately.

What value did u set in vbBux Settings for the points per thread/reply multiplier?


04-08-2006, 07:05 PM
They are both at 0 as is Points Per Thread View Multiplier - but I don't want to pay members for looking at threads!

What should I set these to if I want a members to be paid 0.01 points per post and 0.1 per thread?

I figured this out. I put both values at 1 and the points started to accumulate.

Thanks again CMX :)

04-09-2006, 04:39 PM
Yeah, they are multipliers, so if the forum has 0.5 points per thread view, and you put in 4 for the multiplier, the user would get 2.0 points per thread view.