View Full Version : vbBux / vbPlaza
- why new group doen't work (2 replies)
- edits? (2 replies)
- Help! My vbPlaza Has Been Hacked! (4 replies)
- Hey all.. sorry been away so long..hows the patching? (4 replies)
- vbstore problem uploading (0 replies)
- cmx is busy (30 replies)
- Turkish Language (2 replies)
- Soo.. (1 replies)
- The Lord from Heavens above.. (1 replies)
- I can't Download this mod (5 replies)
- Alternative (5 replies)
- Help!!! (2 replies)
- Points for ibproarcade [not for highscore but for all user that finishing game] (1 replies)
- er, if this is no longer being supported... (3 replies)
- Post Count is Missing (3 replies)
- v3 Arcade Integration? (0 replies)
- postbit edit for those who have problem showng points in postbit (0 replies)
- Patched vbPlaza? (1 replies)
- Is Final VBPlaza Upgrade Friendly? (Will I have to re-edit templates etc?) (11 replies)
- 3.6.6 It working fine (15 replies)
- vbbux and vbplaza for 3.6.6 please (2 replies)
- custom usergroups (1 replies)
- VBplaza (0 replies)
- vbBux / vbPlaza: Where is it? (0 replies)
- ****Uninstallation Instructions**** (10 replies)
- did i forget to edit a file or something? (1 replies)
- help please invbBux / vbPlaza (10 replies)
- Convert Cash to Points and Forum Passes (6 replies)
- My tables has been deleted (0 replies)
- Can we hope? (0 replies)
- Template changes (6 replies)
- vbplaza help (0 replies)
- Is this thing ever going to get fixed? (16 replies)
- Installing the plugins folder (0 replies)
- VbPlaza Cookie Bug ??? (0 replies)
- bitfields (0 replies)
- Disable or uninstall? (3 replies)
- Reset Post Count after uninstalling (2 replies)
- ripoff (2 replies)
- Birthday gift? (0 replies)
- I can't get vbPlaza (19 replies)
- Please help ASAP (0 replies)
- Why can't I click... (3 replies)
- Bug report! (1 replies)
- You did not enter anything for the Ribbon Description. (1 replies)
- MySQL Error : Unknown column 'user.vbbux' in 'field list' (2 replies)
- When does vplaza 2.0 come out???? (56 replies)
- When will vbBux be available? (1 replies)
- Can donate to yourself? (4 replies)
- Alternatives to vBux/vPlaza (15 replies)
- No Permission? (2 replies)
- Got stuck installing on "Centura" skin (5 replies)
- Why I get "you do not have permission" ? (6 replies)
- Running vbBux/ vbPlaza on a big-board? (8 replies)
- VBplaza User Issues (3 replies)
- vbPlaza (0 replies)
- vBookie Integration Not Working (3 replies)
- need help asap pleasee (0 replies)
- Can Not Purchase Username Change (9 replies)
- No defualt avatars (0 replies)
- charging per new thread (2 replies)
- Help Needed with vBPlaza (0 replies)
- Lack of permissions (0 replies)
- Too many points being given?! (1 replies)
- Charing for Arcade Games (3 replies)
- Need suggestion on Store Add-on (1 replies)
- vbPlaza (1 replies)
- PM upon Purchasing - Custom Shop Item (1 replies)
- This site does not have any forums that you need to Buy Access for (0 replies)
- How do you remove gift options (4 replies)
- Remove the 'Visible' Ribbons feature (0 replies)
- I need coder that can make little mod on vbbux/vbplaza (1 replies)
- Who do I contact in regards to a bug/glitch issue for vbplaza? (25 replies)
- Count How Many Lottery Tickets Purchased (0 replies)
- [Question] - vbux and vbadvanced (0 replies)
- points not being deducted for gifts (1 replies)
- change name of vbbux/vbplaza? (2 replies)
- Can't access vbPlaza (0 replies)
- vbbux with Minimum Characters Per Post --- How to do this? (0 replies)
- Delete/Hide ribbons (0 replies)
- [Help] Lotto PM?? (0 replies)
- Your usergroup does not have permission to purchase vbPlaza Options. (2 replies)
- vbBux ---> Points Per Posted Character not working (0 replies)
- v3arcade support not working even with addon. (0 replies)
- How can Admin Send Mass gifts ??? (2 replies)
- points for referral (5 replies)
- How can I display the points/bank/total points on every page (under navbar) (5 replies)
- ibproarcade -- points not increasing on high score (1 replies)
- Ribbons Bug... (0 replies)
- Points to invite and make member. (0 replies)
- vbPlaza Not Working (1 replies)
- Itrader integration and tangible items in VBbux (0 replies)
- Reputation/Icons/Ribbons not showing up (0 replies)
- Lottery bug? (0 replies)
- Where do you edit the image paths for gifts? (0 replies)
- Installed VBPlaza, now replies don't work on the forum (0 replies)
- Avatar problem (0 replies)
- vbplaza bought bold username not work (0 replies)
- Installation Issue (1 replies)
- I can't login!!!! (10 replies)
- Please Delete. (0 replies)
- Veiwing Gifts in user Cp (6 replies)
- Negative points (1 replies)
- Questions about vBBux and vBPlaza (4 replies)
- customized to rate threads in a 'reviews' forum? (1 replies)
- vbux name (2 replies)
- error when uploading vbookie addon (3 replies)
- A question about money and post count! (0 replies)
- "The action you are trying to do is not found" (3 replies)
- Deleting thread/post error (1 replies)
- thread error (0 replies)
- New User Guide to vbBux / vbPlaza - How to do customize it for your site. (2 replies)
- Integration vbookie / vbplaza (3 replies)
- vPlaza and vb3.6.4 (9 replies)
- Namepros and dnforum, How do they do that? (0 replies)
- giving point without counting character in quote!!! (0 replies)
- MKPORTAL & Vbplaza (0 replies)
- Item description and IE problems (2 replies)
- NEED HELP... plssss (1 replies)
- give ribbons doesnt give ribbons (1 replies)
- Database Error (1 replies)
- Insane interest (1 replies)
- How to: Install vbBux and not vbPlaza (2 replies)
- Signatures (0 replies)
- Can vBux/vbPlaza work this way? (0 replies)
- Creative uses of vbPlaza (4 replies)
- one more question about stealing... (0 replies)
- bank question (0 replies)
- hide point in posts (0 replies)
- Install Problem (0 replies)
- adding items (1 replies)
- How to: charge vbux points for visiting a custom CMPS page (1 replies)
- Are there any other stores in active development? (1 replies)
- NOOOO! This is the worst thing that can happen... please help. (6 replies)
- Can we merge the points of vbux and vbplaza (0 replies)
- Query overload (0 replies)
- fix for points not showing in postbit (i hope) (1 replies)
- This site doesn't have any usergroups that are available for purchase. (0 replies)
- ipb pro arcade doesnt take points (3 replies)
- how do we delete ribbons and gifts? (2 replies)
- uninstalled old vbBux + eStore, now cant edit usergroups .. (0 replies)
- Mass Point Giveaway Error (Vbbux) (2 replies)
- Installation Problem (0 replies)
- Lottery bug (0 replies)
- how can i display point total on forum home (2 replies)
- project abandoned? (21 replies)
- How to make +reputation give points to the receiver rather than the giver? (0 replies)
- vbBux/vbPlaza Settings (0 replies)
- Adding a second set of Gifts (6 replies)
- Is this project dead? Users cant log in? (0 replies)
- Smods Givin themselves points (1 replies)
- Please Delete (0 replies)
- points name (3 replies)
- Lottery NOT working. HELP PLEASE!! (4 replies)
- upgrade from 3.6.0 to 3.6.2 - gift and ribbon issues (2 replies)
- Username HTML Markup (0 replies)
- Daily reporting on points earned? (1 replies)
- custom gifts and ribbons? (6 replies)
- Stop the: Expire Now (5 replies)
- Upgraded, now everything is showing in double! Please help! (1 replies)
- Cannot import the product with 3.6.2 (0 replies)
- No jackpot with IBPro Arcade (6 replies)
- vbPlaza 3.6.0 problem (1 replies)
- Delete all Points (1 replies)
- Free Trade (1 replies)
- effects (9 replies)
- Tutorial (1 replies)
- phrase error (0 replies)
- Avatar upload failed? (0 replies)
- Uninstallation (0 replies)
- lottery question (2 replies)
- You did not enter anything for the Ribbon Description. (1 replies)
- Arcade access pass not working :( (2 replies)
- Can't buy user titles? (8 replies)
- please help a noobie, ( link problem ) (1 replies)
- hide/unhide points and gifts/ribbons (1 replies)
- can't buy gifts! (2 replies)
- Changing name of currency (3 replies)
- Two urgent questions. (2 replies)
- Is there any way to change how the lottery runs? (0 replies)
- Serious Error With DB -Expiring Option (3 replies)
- This doesn't work well with 3.6.1 (15 replies)
- VB Plaza Lottery not working? (2 replies)
- Problem with user point cannot reply post (0 replies)
- Paid Subscriptions giving flat rate of VbBux (0 replies)
- Installation didn't finish! (1 replies)
- Make admins affected by options (1 replies)
- A Problem with countting (1 replies)
- vbux drop down in posbit (2 replies)
- Upgrading to 3.6.1 (1 replies)
- How to get vbookie working in v3.6.0 (1 replies)
- "NOT FOUND" Error message in admin panel. (0 replies)
- need some help a little problem (0 replies)
- Creating new Items FAQ (2 replies)
- CMX is MIA?? (2 replies)
- vb plaza question...please help (0 replies)
- HELP!! Installing New Items? (0 replies)
- Italian translation vbPlaza (1 replies)
- how do you set for different group with x points costed per attachment (1 replies)
- Avatar problem (0 replies)
- Will there be ever a V2.0?! (10 replies)
- vbBux and PHP Access Violations (0 replies)
- Problem with permissions (5 replies)
- Purchase Paid Subscriptions with vbux? (1 replies)
- URGENT HELP NEEDED! Items Expiring, Invalid Set Name (0 replies)
- Reset username colors? (2 replies)
- No picture things. (0 replies)
- code (1 replies)
- is pm to lottery winner a feature or not? (3 replies)
- Pay to Reply (0 replies)
- Error (5 replies)
- Bug with "Prevent Doubleposting" + "vbPlaza" = unlimited points (0 replies)
- ibProArcade Setup (2 replies)
- Group Memberships (0 replies)
- Delete, Move Thread - Subtract points from user? (5 replies)
- purchase private messages (0 replies)
- Possible bug (0 replies)
- Gifts options doesnt appear (0 replies)
- Was the lottery supposed to create a new Scheduled Task? (19 replies)
- feature resquest: pm on lottery winners (2 replies)
- Fixed typo in the threadfonttitle action... (Now it works) (0 replies)
- Points Accounting (0 replies)
- How to get "Secondary Usergroup" to also make it be the "Default Shown"? (1 replies)
- Are "Thread" options expiring ok? (2 replies)
- What value would I put in "Expire in X days" so item never expires? (0 replies)
- Give Ribbons Problem (3 replies)
- Who is currently providing the support for this hack? (2 replies)
- Need help with avatar settings please (1 replies)
- forum access pass for gender only (1 replies)
- Moderating users' cash? (0 replies)
- vBadvanced Module to show Lotto jackpots, endtime, and number of tickets owned/sold (0 replies)
- Problems buying things (1 replies)
- Disabling Lottery only? (1 replies)
- Problems with the main .php file. (0 replies)
- Will Pay for the intigration with ecDownload (1 replies)
- Really strange issue - Lottery default values are changing? (0 replies)
- Disable buying subscriptions (2 replies)
- Limit # of gifts in postibt (0 replies)
- change user title inmunity (0 replies)
- How can I disable Gifts and Ribbons in v1.5.8? (0 replies)
- Issue with Change other users title not expiring? (0 replies)
- Expiring a secondary user group now bug (2 replies)
- Gifts & Ribbions not appearing in profile (1 replies)
- vbplaza_item doesn't exist Error Number : 1146 (0 replies)
- Not giving/changing points for posts (2 replies)
- Problem with the point's (0 replies)
- mass forum settings not saving (in spite of confirmation message) (0 replies)
- Question about the lottery (3 replies)
- How To UNdo (0 replies)
- Rebuild Post Points (8 replies)
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