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  1. why new group doen't work (2 replies)
  2. edits? (2 replies)
  3. Help! My vbPlaza Has Been Hacked! (4 replies)
  4. Hey all.. sorry been away so long..hows the patching? (4 replies)
  5. vbstore problem uploading (0 replies)
  6. cmx is busy (30 replies)
  7. Turkish Language (2 replies)
  8. Soo.. (1 replies)
  9. The Lord from Heavens above.. (1 replies)
  10. I can't Download this mod (5 replies)
  11. Alternative (5 replies)
  12. Help!!! (2 replies)
  13. Points for ibproarcade [not for highscore but for all user that finishing game] (1 replies)
  14. er, if this is no longer being supported... (3 replies)
  15. Post Count is Missing (3 replies)
  16. v3 Arcade Integration? (0 replies)
  17. postbit edit for those who have problem showng points in postbit (0 replies)
  18. Patched vbPlaza? (1 replies)
  19. Is Final VBPlaza Upgrade Friendly? (Will I have to re-edit templates etc?) (11 replies)
  20. 3.6.6 It working fine (15 replies)
  21. vbbux and vbplaza for 3.6.6 please (2 replies)
  22. custom usergroups (1 replies)
  23. VBplaza (0 replies)
  24. vbBux / vbPlaza: Where is it? (0 replies)
  25. ****Uninstallation Instructions**** (10 replies)
  26. did i forget to edit a file or something? (1 replies)
  27. help please invbBux / vbPlaza (10 replies)
  28. Convert Cash to Points and Forum Passes (6 replies)
  29. My tables has been deleted (0 replies)
  30. Can we hope? (0 replies)
  31. Template changes (6 replies)
  32. vbplaza help (0 replies)
  33. Is this thing ever going to get fixed? (16 replies)
  34. Installing the plugins folder (0 replies)
  35. VbPlaza Cookie Bug ??? (0 replies)
  36. bitfields (0 replies)
  37. Disable or uninstall? (3 replies)
  38. Reset Post Count after uninstalling (2 replies)
  39. ripoff (2 replies)
  40. Birthday gift? (0 replies)
  41. I can't get vbPlaza (19 replies)
  42. Please help ASAP (0 replies)
  43. Why can't I click... (3 replies)
  44. Bug report! (1 replies)
  45. You did not enter anything for the Ribbon Description. (1 replies)
  46. MySQL Error : Unknown column 'user.vbbux' in 'field list' (2 replies)
  47. When does vplaza 2.0 come out???? (56 replies)
  48. When will vbBux be available? (1 replies)
  49. Can donate to yourself? (4 replies)
  50. Alternatives to vBux/vPlaza (15 replies)
  51. No Permission? (2 replies)
  52. Got stuck installing on "Centura" skin (5 replies)
  53. Why I get "you do not have permission" ? (6 replies)
  54. Running vbBux/ vbPlaza on a big-board? (8 replies)
  55. VBplaza User Issues (3 replies)
  56. vbPlaza (0 replies)
  57. vBookie Integration Not Working (3 replies)
  58. need help asap pleasee (0 replies)
  59. Can Not Purchase Username Change (9 replies)
  60. No defualt avatars (0 replies)
  61. charging per new thread (2 replies)
  62. Help Needed with vBPlaza (0 replies)
  63. Lack of permissions (0 replies)
  64. Too many points being given?! (1 replies)
  65. Charing for Arcade Games (3 replies)
  66. Need suggestion on Store Add-on (1 replies)
  67. vbPlaza (1 replies)
  68. PM upon Purchasing - Custom Shop Item (1 replies)
  69. This site does not have any forums that you need to Buy Access for (0 replies)
  70. How do you remove gift options (4 replies)
  71. Remove the 'Visible' Ribbons feature (0 replies)
  72. I need coder that can make little mod on vbbux/vbplaza (1 replies)
  73. Who do I contact in regards to a bug/glitch issue for vbplaza? (25 replies)
  74. Count How Many Lottery Tickets Purchased (0 replies)
  75. [Question] - vbux and vbadvanced (0 replies)
  76. points not being deducted for gifts (1 replies)
  77. change name of vbbux/vbplaza? (2 replies)
  78. Can't access vbPlaza (0 replies)
  79. vbbux with Minimum Characters Per Post --- How to do this? (0 replies)
  80. Delete/Hide ribbons (0 replies)
  81. [Help] Lotto PM?? (0 replies)
  82. Your usergroup does not have permission to purchase vbPlaza Options. (2 replies)
  83. vbBux ---> Points Per Posted Character not working (0 replies)
  84. v3arcade support not working even with addon. (0 replies)
  85. How can Admin Send Mass gifts ??? (2 replies)
  86. points for referral (5 replies)
  87. How can I display the points/bank/total points on every page (under navbar) (5 replies)
  88. ibproarcade -- points not increasing on high score (1 replies)
  89. Ribbons Bug... (0 replies)
  90. Points to invite and make member. (0 replies)
  91. vbPlaza Not Working (1 replies)
  92. Itrader integration and tangible items in VBbux (0 replies)
  93. Reputation/Icons/Ribbons not showing up (0 replies)
  94. Lottery bug? (0 replies)
  95. Where do you edit the image paths for gifts? (0 replies)
  96. Installed VBPlaza, now replies don't work on the forum (0 replies)
  97. Avatar problem (0 replies)
  98. vbplaza bought bold username not work (0 replies)
  99. Installation Issue (1 replies)
  100. I can't login!!!! (10 replies)
  101. Please Delete. (0 replies)
  102. Veiwing Gifts in user Cp (6 replies)
  103. Negative points (1 replies)
  104. Questions about vBBux and vBPlaza (4 replies)
  105. customized to rate threads in a 'reviews' forum? (1 replies)
  106. vbux name (2 replies)
  107. error when uploading vbookie addon (3 replies)
  108. A question about money and post count! (0 replies)
  109. "The action you are trying to do is not found" (3 replies)
  110. Deleting thread/post error (1 replies)
  111. thread error (0 replies)
  112. New User Guide to vbBux / vbPlaza - How to do customize it for your site. (2 replies)
  113. Integration vbookie / vbplaza (3 replies)
  114. vPlaza and vb3.6.4 (9 replies)
  115. Namepros and dnforum, How do they do that? (0 replies)
  116. giving point without counting character in quote!!! (0 replies)
  117. MKPORTAL & Vbplaza (0 replies)
  118. Item description and IE problems (2 replies)
  119. NEED HELP... plssss (1 replies)
  120. give ribbons doesnt give ribbons (1 replies)
  121. Database Error (1 replies)
  122. Insane interest (1 replies)
  123. How to: Install vbBux and not vbPlaza (2 replies)
  124. Signatures (0 replies)
  125. Can vBux/vbPlaza work this way? (0 replies)
  126. Creative uses of vbPlaza (4 replies)
  127. one more question about stealing... (0 replies)
  128. bank question (0 replies)
  129. hide point in posts (0 replies)
  130. Install Problem (0 replies)
  131. adding items (1 replies)
  132. How to: charge vbux points for visiting a custom CMPS page (1 replies)
  133. Are there any other stores in active development? (1 replies)
  134. NOOOO! This is the worst thing that can happen... please help. (6 replies)
  135. Can we merge the points of vbux and vbplaza (0 replies)
  136. Query overload (0 replies)
  137. fix for points not showing in postbit (i hope) (1 replies)
  138. This site doesn't have any usergroups that are available for purchase. (0 replies)
  139. ipb pro arcade doesnt take points (3 replies)
  140. how do we delete ribbons and gifts? (2 replies)
  141. uninstalled old vbBux + eStore, now cant edit usergroups .. (0 replies)
  142. Mass Point Giveaway Error (Vbbux) (2 replies)
  143. Installation Problem (0 replies)
  144. Lottery bug (0 replies)
  145. how can i display point total on forum home (2 replies)
  146. project abandoned? (21 replies)
  147. How to make +reputation give points to the receiver rather than the giver? (0 replies)
  148. vbBux/vbPlaza Settings (0 replies)
  149. Adding a second set of Gifts (6 replies)
  150. Is this project dead? Users cant log in? (0 replies)
  151. Smods Givin themselves points (1 replies)
  152. Please Delete (0 replies)
  153. points name (3 replies)
  154. Lottery NOT working. HELP PLEASE!! (4 replies)
  155. upgrade from 3.6.0 to 3.6.2 - gift and ribbon issues (2 replies)
  156. Username HTML Markup (0 replies)
  157. Daily reporting on points earned? (1 replies)
  158. custom gifts and ribbons? (6 replies)
  159. Stop the: Expire Now (5 replies)
  160. Upgraded, now everything is showing in double! Please help! (1 replies)
  161. Cannot import the product with 3.6.2 (0 replies)
  162. No jackpot with IBPro Arcade (6 replies)
  163. vbPlaza 3.6.0 problem (1 replies)
  164. Delete all Points (1 replies)
  165. Free Trade (1 replies)
  166. effects (9 replies)
  167. Tutorial (1 replies)
  168. phrase error (0 replies)
  169. Avatar upload failed? (0 replies)
  170. Uninstallation (0 replies)
  171. lottery question (2 replies)
  172. You did not enter anything for the Ribbon Description. (1 replies)
  173. Arcade access pass not working :( (2 replies)
  174. Can't buy user titles? (8 replies)
  175. please help a noobie, ( link problem ) (1 replies)
  176. hide/unhide points and gifts/ribbons (1 replies)
  177. can't buy gifts! (2 replies)
  178. Changing name of currency (3 replies)
  179. Two urgent questions. (2 replies)
  180. Is there any way to change how the lottery runs? (0 replies)
  181. Serious Error With DB -Expiring Option (3 replies)
  182. This doesn't work well with 3.6.1 (15 replies)
  183. VB Plaza Lottery not working? (2 replies)
  184. Problem with user point cannot reply post (0 replies)
  185. Paid Subscriptions giving flat rate of VbBux (0 replies)
  186. Installation didn't finish! (1 replies)
  187. Make admins affected by options (1 replies)
  188. A Problem with countting (1 replies)
  189. vbux drop down in posbit (2 replies)
  190. Upgrading to 3.6.1 (1 replies)
  191. How to get vbookie working in v3.6.0 (1 replies)
  192. "NOT FOUND" Error message in admin panel. (0 replies)
  193. need some help a little problem (0 replies)
  194. Creating new Items FAQ (2 replies)
  195. CMX is MIA?? (2 replies)
  196. vb plaza question...please help (0 replies)
  197. HELP!! Installing New Items? (0 replies)
  198. Italian translation vbPlaza (1 replies)
  199. how do you set for different group with x points costed per attachment (1 replies)
  200. Avatar problem (0 replies)
  201. Will there be ever a V2.0?! (10 replies)
  202. vbBux and PHP Access Violations (0 replies)
  203. Problem with permissions (5 replies)
  204. Purchase Paid Subscriptions with vbux? (1 replies)
  205. URGENT HELP NEEDED! Items Expiring, Invalid Set Name (0 replies)
  206. Reset username colors? (2 replies)
  207. No picture things. (0 replies)
  208. code (1 replies)
  209. is pm to lottery winner a feature or not? (3 replies)
  210. Pay to Reply (0 replies)
  211. Error (5 replies)
  212. Bug with "Prevent Doubleposting" + "vbPlaza" = unlimited points (0 replies)
  213. ibProArcade Setup (2 replies)
  214. Group Memberships (0 replies)
  215. Delete, Move Thread - Subtract points from user? (5 replies)
  216. purchase private messages (0 replies)
  217. Possible bug (0 replies)
  218. Gifts options doesnt appear (0 replies)
  219. Was the lottery supposed to create a new Scheduled Task? (19 replies)
  220. feature resquest: pm on lottery winners (2 replies)
  221. Fixed typo in the threadfonttitle action... (Now it works) (0 replies)
  222. Points Accounting (0 replies)
  223. How to get "Secondary Usergroup" to also make it be the "Default Shown"? (1 replies)
  224. Are "Thread" options expiring ok? (2 replies)
  225. What value would I put in "Expire in X days" so item never expires? (0 replies)
  226. Give Ribbons Problem (3 replies)
  227. Who is currently providing the support for this hack? (2 replies)
  228. Need help with avatar settings please (1 replies)
  229. forum access pass for gender only (1 replies)
  230. Moderating users' cash? (0 replies)
  231. vBadvanced Module to show Lotto jackpots, endtime, and number of tickets owned/sold (0 replies)
  232. Problems buying things (1 replies)
  233. Disabling Lottery only? (1 replies)
  234. Problems with the main .php file. (0 replies)
  235. Will Pay for the intigration with ecDownload (1 replies)
  236. Really strange issue - Lottery default values are changing? (0 replies)
  237. Disable buying subscriptions (2 replies)
  238. Limit # of gifts in postibt (0 replies)
  239. change user title inmunity (0 replies)
  240. How can I disable Gifts and Ribbons in v1.5.8? (0 replies)
  241. Issue with Change other users title not expiring? (0 replies)
  242. Expiring a secondary user group now bug (2 replies)
  243. Gifts & Ribbions not appearing in profile (1 replies)
  244. vbplaza_item doesn't exist Error Number : 1146 (0 replies)
  245. Not giving/changing points for posts (2 replies)
  246. Problem with the point's (0 replies)
  247. mass forum settings not saving (in spite of confirmation message) (0 replies)
  248. Question about the lottery (3 replies)
  249. How To UNdo (0 replies)
  250. Rebuild Post Points (8 replies)