View Full Version : New User Guide to vbBux / vbPlaza - How to do customize it for your site.

11-27-2006, 12:51 AM
Hey Everyone.
If you like me, I just downloaded this mod and tried getting it working for my site. I wanted a point system with a store that people could by real world items like game cards or game titles via the point system. But I also wanted to customize the software that matched my forums design. Now finding information in on how to do this is a pain. Mostly because you can never find a real answer. You'll find a post only to see one person that has the same problem with no answers or someone posting "Google Search" or "Search the Forums". That's just as helpful as not posting anything. So I've decided to post together this little items that I've found to help people who are just starting with the software. If you have a question, please post it. And if you happen to have an answer to someone's question, please post it and I'll add it to the top post here under the Q&A. Hopefully we can get this thread to become a sticky.

Q: How do I change the name from vbBux / vbPlaza to something like Gold, Cash, etc...

A: In the AdminCP, go to "Languages & Phrases" > "Phrase Manager". In the drop down list "Phrase Type" choose "Global". Look for "vbbux_name", "vbbux_points", and "vbplaze_name", click on the "Edit" link. Just put in the names you want and click save and your done.

Q: How do I add a users point balance in the navbar area under "Private Message".

A: In the AdminCP, go to "Styles & Templates" > "Style Manager". In the drop down list to the right of the style that you are using, choose "Edit Templates". You should have a list of templates pop open. Look in the list for "Navigation / Breadcrumb Templates" and choose "navbar". Then in the window that has all the HTML code, do a search for "[your_pm_box_is_x_full]</phrase></strong></if>" Insert the following code
<strong>Your point balance $bbuserinfo[totalpoints]</strong>. You can change this to obviously anything you want, but the "totalpoints" will show the amount of points in the bank and on hand.

Q: How do I remove the copyright?

A: By donating to the developer. http://www.vbplaza.com/forums/payments.php

Q: How do I add items to the store?

A: Ok, this is how I have mine set up. If there is a better way, let me know. But this is what worked for me. First, create your item by going to the AdminCP > vbPlaza > "Add New Option". Set all the options for "Item Name", "Option Description", etc... The part that is screwing up most people that I've seen is the dreaded "Set Name" error. To get around it, do the following. Put in the following info under "Table Settings (Advanced Users Only!)":

Item Table Name: user
Where Name:
Where Value:
Set Type: bitfield
Set Name: vbp_mystorename
Set Value: 1

Ok, now that we have the item created, we need to make a change to the forums database. You will need to run a SQL command "user" table in your forums database. You can do it under the AdminCP > Maintence > "Execute SQL Query" or thru some phpMyAdmin interface on the db itself. I had to do it because I'm getting some weird error that I don't have permission to run a SQL Query. And before you say anything, I've got the config.php edited with the correct access levels to let me run the command. But let's move beyond my problem. Run the following SQL command:

ALTER TABLE `user` ADD `vbp_mystorename` VARCHAR( 250 ) NOT NULL ;

This adds the field "vbp_mystorename" in the "user" table. This will allow you to add stuff your store and sell them with no errors. Note: I use MySQL 4.x.x on my web server. You may need to adjust the SQL command to your version of SQL.

If anyone has any other questions, please let me know and if I got the answers, I'll post them here. If anyone else knows, please reply to the thread.

12-09-2006, 09:41 PM
and the sciprt? What the script i can chose!
I want to sell my item to my member. It will appear in the gift tray! Can i have this?

01-10-2007, 05:15 PM
this is so awesome. I've been trying to change the 'point' to 'gold' for so long. Thanks for explaining this. I can't believe I didn't figure it out, but I'm kinda dense.