View Full Version : URGENT HELP NEEDED! Items Expiring, Invalid Set Name

09-03-2006, 06:27 PM
Here is what the problem is as far as I can understand.

I went to log in, and it immediately tells me that I have items expiring and it does this command "/vbplaza.php?do=expireitems" and tries to send me to that page.

When I get to that page it says this: "The Store option you are trying to purchase has an invalid Set Name".

So what it appears to me is that...when I first installed the store, I purchased items to make sure everything was working correctly. Then I went into the adminCP and removed certain items. I'm guessing that I had bought ones I removed from the list by telling it "no" rather than "yes".

So now, everytime I try to go to any page, it wants to redirect me to that page that says there is an invalid Set Name, and it's not allowing the items to be seen as expired or something. So the problem is, I had bought something with all three names that are capable of logging into the adminCP. I can't even get into the adminCP now. I can't get in there to even restore and upload an older database.

Can anyone help me bypass this problem? Maybe editing some PHP scripts or something...anything? I'm in a tight bind, and every day that goes by, more and more users are going to be frustrated. Please help!