View Full Version : can't buy gifts!

09-27-2006, 09:57 AM
we made a couple new usergroups...
and now no one in the new usergroups can buy gifts.

its weird..
looked through all the vbux/plaza options and usergroup options like 9879878 times...and updated and enable all the settings we could think of..
but they still can't buy gifts. :confused: :surprised:

vbux 1.5.8

where IS the defniitive location to check to make sure this is on for that usergroup? anyone have this problem? or is this a bug?

10-06-2006, 07:52 PM
no can even use that area....since install....ALL users are denied EVEN admins!!!
WTF is up with this and how do we fix it?!??!

10-11-2006, 08:53 PM
there is an issue with custom usergroups with vbplaza and you need to edit the script to allow them to use it. i think i posted the solution in another thread.


admins should not be denied, just custom usergroups.

rapstage: nice site, i run a hip hop community site too.