View Full Version : how do we delete ribbons and gifts?

10-29-2006, 11:37 PM
I stumbled on this once and haven't since. I've enabled for members to be able to delete their own gifts and ribbons, yet we cannot find any option to select to do so. I'm probably just missing it but can you please tell me where i am supposed to go to do this?

10-31-2006, 01:03 PM
bumping because I am really wondering how.

11-20-2006, 01:37 PM
Delete, as in no longer want that particular gift or ribbon to be given out? Or Delete, as in remove from the user that got it?
I am thinking that you want to know how to remove them totally. And I am no expert, but I do it like I add them, just delete them from my server (your FTP server, images/gifts or images/ribbon) and they are gone. But if any user has gotten or given that gift or ribbon, it will show a little red x so you will also have to delete them from their profile as well. I hope this helps, and that I am not totally wrong ;)