View Full Version : How to: charge vbux points for visiting a custom CMPS page

11-09-2006, 09:15 AM
I have VBADVANCE CMPS 2.2 installed with this VBUX mod.. anyone know how to charge "xxx" vbux points to enter any of the CMPS custom pages i create?

For example, i created a HTML page and i want to charge 50vbux points for users to enter that page, does anyone know how to do this?

my guess is either it will have to call out a PHP_file to deduct the vbux points or a custom php code to do it.... anyone please help!

John P.

Reeve of shinra
11-09-2006, 03:22 PM
You could probably make each page accessable to a secondary usergroup and use the vbux to allow users to buy access to that group for the day and cron job to remove it at night.

Off hand, I know logicians webtemplates allow you to add php code. You could switch to that and assuming you had the right code in place, you could easilly check to see if they have enough points and deduct it from them if they did. There wouldnt be any checks to it though so I guess they would loose points if they reloaded.