View Full Version : "NOT FOUND" Error message in admin panel.

Mr Scumbag
09-13-2006, 08:21 AM
I have just installed Vbux and V3Arcade and both of the menus for them in the admin panel appear normal.

If I click on V3 Arcade > Settings, it loads up the correct page and I can modify things like normal.

The following options just come up with a blank page saying "NOT FOUND", without the quotations.

Default User Settings
Game Tools
Score Tools

The same applies to VbBux/Vbplaza

Vbbux > Manage Settings works fine, but everything under that gives me the same "NOT FOUND" page.

VbPlaza > Manage Settings works fine, everything under it gives me "NOT FOUND".

Nothing at all in VbPlaza lottery, gifts or ribbons works at all, and all give me the "NOT FOUND error.

I have noticed that the only links that work are the ones that call options.php. All the others call vbplaza.php, vbplaza_lottery.php, vbplaza_gifts.php or vbplaza_ribbons.php.

I have checked if all of them exist and are relative to the vbulletin installation and they all are. I'm sure the files themselves are the problem but I'm not sure as to how I should go about fixing it.

Thanks in advance for any help :)

Ah. Took me about 1 minute after this post to realise what I had done wrong.

I have a custom mod and admin cp path. I uploaded everything in the upload directory for both mods without changing the admincp and modcp directory name.

Sorry for any inconvenience. Hopefully this post can help someone else at some point.

Thanks for reading anyway. :)