View Full Version : lottery problem

03-15-2006, 03:07 AM
For the weekly lottery the user can buy a max of 10 tickets.
I just bought 3 tickets, then another 3 tickets, then tried to buy another 3 tickets then got this error.

You have already purchased the maximum amount of tickets for this lottery allowed.

I also just tried the same on the daily lottery and the same error occurs, I bought 1 ticket, then another 1 ticket, then its saying i have max tickets..

I think it may be keeping data from other tickets that ive bought in the past.

i have the lattest version of ebux vbplaza

03-15-2006, 12:37 PM
Can u check the database to be sure there are old tickets in there, it may not be that?

Also, what version are u using, because I thought I had fixed this at some point in time as well.

Bug found, it will be fixed in v1.5.3