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  1. Unable to change options (0 replies)
  2. Could not find phrase 'invalid_or_empty_style_file (3 replies)
  3. !-- Show warning points --> showing in post bit (2 replies)
  4. rogue admin, please advise (11 replies)
  5. Problem with automatic warnings from posts (0 replies)
  6. Addon (2 replies)
  7. Warning Selection problem?? (5 replies)
  8. problems with warnings viewing permissions (5 replies)
  9. Php Error (1 replies)
  10. Transferring warning points into the system of VB 3.6 (2 replies)
  11. warn user does not show up (2 replies)
  12. Error in class_postbit.php (0 replies)
  13. I have a problem (2 replies)
  14. URGENT - NEED HELP Database Error (3 replies)
  15. AWS Version 3.6.0 beta (13 replies)
  16. how to (4 replies)
  17. Working with 3.6.0 Gold? (4 replies)
  18. Log Out - Problem (1 replies)
  19. problem (2 replies)
  20. Additional Restrictions - not working properly (1 replies)
  21. Re-installed, how to add old warnings? (0 replies)
  22. EXCLUDE usergroups? (2 replies)
  23. Mods only warn, not view warnings? (2 replies)
  24. How does this hack compare to vB's new Infractions? (3 replies)
  25. Is this (basically) what people have used to "card" members? (Red/Yellow).. (2 replies)
  26. Can't Warn Users - Permission error? (5 replies)
  27. Getting the automatic warner working correctly. (0 replies)
  28. total bans question (3 replies)
  29. Something strange (1 replies)
  30. Usergroup Problem, Possible Bug (5 replies)
  31. Purge "number" of warnings? (11 replies)
  32. Can not add note for users (3 replies)
  33. small problem.. pretty small.. need help (3 replies)
  34. problem with AWS (1 replies)
  35. Question and Possible Bug (3 replies)
  36. Warning Type (1 replies)
  37. Problem with AWS (1 replies)
  38. how do mods issue warnings? (1 replies)
  39. vb 3.0.9? (11 replies)
  40. Proublems with Private messaging (7 replies)
  41. Warning system having problems with Quick Reply! (1 replies)
  42. Not PMing User When Warned (13 replies)
  43. Generate list of users with warnings (1 replies)
  44. problem after upgrade 3.0.8 (7 replies)
  45. Usergroup Issues (2 replies)
  46. Parse error? (5 replies)
  47. Database Error! (11 replies)
  48. Will this work on vb 3.0.3? (2 replies)
  49. instruction on install confusing (0 replies)
  50. Problem postbit template (1 replies)
  51. upgrade problem (1 replies)
  52. 3.4.16 install info wrong (2 replies)
  53. Version 3.4.16 is released (0 replies)
  54. Warn this member not showing up?? (17 replies)
  55. PM warning disabled but it still warns (1 replies)
  56. Moderator only notes & Number of queries (12 replies)
  57. Problem with warning members (1 replies)
  58. work with vbagallery? (5 replies)
  59. how do i issue a warning pertaining to a post? (1 replies)
  60. Problems installing AWS (10 replies)
  61. Warnings take time to update in list?? (3 replies)
  62. Bug Found maybe?? (1 replies)
  63. Not updating Changes in AdminCp? (11 replies)
  64. Any issues installing on 3.0.7? (3 replies)
  65. what does this mean in the instructions? (1 replies)
  66. Redirect after warn is wrong (5 replies)
  67. Profile display is wrong (7 replies)
  68. Troubleshooting question (1 replies)
  69. Problems with 3.0.8 (10 replies)
  70. AWS Hack is installed but it doesn't show in profile or post bit. (3 replies)
  71. Problem (5 replies)
  72. two things -ASAP NEEDING HELP (1 replies)
  73. how do i remove (1 replies)
  74. 3 Issues/Questions (5 replies)
  75. Sql errors when trying to warn (2 replies)
  76. 2 issues, please advise. (7 replies)
  77. Parse error (6 replies)
  78. queries not found :( (1 replies)
  79. please help (1 replies)
  80. Question on How To (11 replies)
  81. Not showing in postbit (5 replies)
  82. Fresh Install over existing one... (1 replies)
  83. warn_pm_remove (2 replies)
  84. Regular members can see notes? (13 replies)
  85. Missing template edits in UpgradeToLatestVersion.txt (3 replies)
  86. Alert saved to forum looks like a Warning (2 replies)
  87. Guests can see the Warn Sign (0 replies)
  88. AWS with minimal file edits? (13 replies)
  89. postbit_Legacy problem (6 replies)
  90. Where is the file to download? (2 replies)
  91. Apostraphe causes MYSQL error in notes! (1 replies)
  92. Warn Notes not turning on! (3 replies)
  93. Error messages (23 replies)
  94. Changing database field (3 replies)
  95. Re-direction Issues in Admin Cp (9 replies)
  96. Identify Version (1 replies)
  97. Version 3.4.15 is released (7 replies)
  98. block user when receive a mount of warnings (7 replies)
  99. Postbit Warning link / buttons not show (3 replies)
  100. SQL Errors... (3 replies)
  101. soo close, please help (5 replies)
  102. Warning for PM set to NO, but still sending warnings (7 replies)
  103. vbulletin 3.5? (1 replies)
  104. Warnings not disappearing after "X" days? (3 replies)
  105. Changing the PM. (2 replies)
  106. Help needed to make AWS function correctly (13 replies)
  107. Template Addons (9 replies)
  108. Warn User - Doesent show up (5 replies)
  109. Install file is a mess! (2 replies)
  110. AWS and vb3.5 (57 replies)
  111. Upgrading to 3.x.14 (12 replies)
  112. want to prevent moderators from warning members (2 replies)
  113. Problem: Can't remove Warnings (7 replies)
  114. Setting not saving for me (17 replies)
  115. Trouble (1 replies)
  116. Difference (1 replies)
  117. Parse Error (6 replies)
  118. alerts not vanishing... (3 replies)
  119. Installation and adding more usergroups? (12 replies)
  120. Update your warn_viewb_row template (0 replies)
  121. another small template bug (1 replies)
  122. Some problems with automatic/incremental banning (1 replies)
  123. parse error Banning php (7 replies)
  124. Another slight problem with multiple warning groups (1 replies)
  125. Censor (1 replies)
  126. Settings not saving. (10 replies)
  127. think i have missed something (1 replies)
  128. Restricting who can remove warnings (3 replies)
  129. memberinfo (5 replies)
  130. Warning Permissions (1 replies)
  131. Warning Level (1 replies)
  132. Is this hack going to be ported for vB3.5? (9 replies)
  133. Hack worked great until I switched to LEGACY (18 replies)
  134. banning.php?do=modify DB Error (1 replies)
  135. MySQL Error 1054 (1 replies)
  136. Bug in 3.4.12 (0 replies)
  137. bug.... I think (3 replies)
  138. Probelm (mysql error 1136) (3 replies)
  139. Problem with database error (1 replies)
  140. make warned post icon only visible to staff? (3 replies)
  141. Database problem after first install (10 replies)
  142. Database Problem.. (12 replies)
  143. Some Members Missing Warn XYZ View XYZ Warnings (7 replies)
  144. warning options not saving after install? DB problem? (5 replies)
  145. postbit_legacy (3 replies)
  146. Listing warning points given out of possible under sigs? (1 replies)
  147. problems with functions.php (11 replies)
  148. removing View Auto-Warned PMs (1 replies)
  149. Problems with unbanning users (9 replies)
  150. Multiple emails (5 replies)
  151. Warning Comments (2 replies)
  152. Server Load and Strain? (1 replies)
  153. for 3.5 ? (2 replies)
  154. Warning count in welcome area of header (3 replies)
  155. Re-did my site, old database.. So I newly installed AWS, but now (3 replies)
  156. Please Check Something In Your System (3 replies)
  157. Postbit Links Not Showing (5 replies)
  158. Warning options not saving, AWS not working. (3 replies)
  159. icons instead of text/buttons (5 replies)
  160. Adding Alert error (9 replies)
  161. Bug: "Use Automatic Warnings from Private Messages?" option (7 replies)
  162. Im getting DataBase Errors On The Following: (7 replies)
  163. Problem with displaying warns in postbit template (1 replies)
  164. removing warnings (1 replies)
  165. vb 3.03?? (5 replies)
  166. Code optimization (1 replies)
  167. For those who just upgraded or installed 3.4.7 (0 replies)
  168. Private Messaging Cut-off bug (9 replies)
  169. PRoblem with issuing alerts (11 replies)
  170. Warning Bug - 3.4.6 (18 replies)
  171. Forum gets two copies of warning (1 replies)
  172. Warning system options problems (5 replies)
  173. private.php mysql error (1 replies)
  174. member.php (1 replies)
  175. Error when sending a warning (1 replies)
  176. errors (1 replies)
  177. Version Number Doesn't Upgrade In 3.4.6 (2 replies)
  178. AdminCP problem (5 replies)
  179. Pls read if you have problems with your PMs after the upgrade to 3.4.5 (0 replies)
  180. Any chance we can have an easier installation file? (1 replies)
  181. Just installed, SQL error when I warn a user (3 replies)
  182. More upgrade instruction problems.. (2 replies)
  183. Problem With Private.php (1 replies)
  184. Version 3.4.6 Bug fix release (0 replies)
  185. New Problem With This Hack (4 replies)
  186. Specific restrictions per Warning Type (2 replies)
  187. IP Address banning (7 replies)
  188. Bug in upgrade from Zero Tolerance's Warning hack v1.5 (9 replies)
  189. 3.4.5 Upgrade (1 replies)
  190. Alert Thread messages are blank... (5 replies)
  191. Upgrade doc mistake? (1 replies)
  192. Version 3.4.5 is out (0 replies)
  193. What type of warnings to add? (3 replies)
  194. mistake in autowarn option (7 replies)
  195. Install stalled... (1 replies)
  196. Some help please. (9 replies)
  197. Clarification (3 replies)
  198. Template Mess-Up (1 replies)
  199. Problem when installing... (14 replies)
  200. Replying to Collected PMs (6 replies)
  201. AWS Version 3.4.4 is out (0 replies)
  202. New Cron? (1 replies)
  203. No PMs? (5 replies)
  204. A little help needed.. (3 replies)
  205. Version 3.4.3 is out, please download and upgrade (0 replies)
  206. Mistakes in the current upgrade file. (3 replies)
  207. What version? (1 replies)
  208. Question about Post warning (9 replies)
  209. Layout problem (1 replies)
  210. parse error.. help lol (3 replies)
  211. Just wondering (3 replies)
  212. Showthread.php upgrade line typo?? (5 replies)
  213. Getting these errors when I run the 3.4.2 SQL lines (3 replies)
  214. Warning Level cant be seen (13 replies)
  215. Thanks for the Hack (2 replies)
  216. Version 3.4.2 is out (9 replies)
  217. Parse Error, I'm so dead... (9 replies)
  218. Information in PM gone. (3 replies)
  219. Nothing to select under "Warning Selection:" (1 replies)
  220. New version 3.4.1. fix_warns.php doesn't work (3 replies)
  221. Historical Records (1 replies)
  222. Having problems (1 replies)
  223. [German] Advanced Warning System 3.4.1 (2 replies)
  224. SQL errors (5 replies)
  225. A Bug was discovered (0 replies)
  226. Non-Post Warning (1 replies)
  227. Default Values (1 replies)
  228. two Problems (2 replies)
  229. Version 3.4.0 just released (4 replies)
  230. any chance of a quick hack ? (1 replies)
  231. Error...warn.php cannot be found (2 replies)
  232. Simple Question (2 replies)
  233. I have a problem with warn_install_setting.php (3 replies)
  234. Okay.... I screwed up my install somehow... (1 replies)
  235. warning_options errors, request table (3 replies)
  236. Problem with phrase "nopermission_banned" (3 replies)
  237. After update (3.2.0 -> 3.3.2) PM's empty (5 replies)
  238. Problem with postbit_legacy modification (9 replies)
  239. Change content of warning pm? (2 replies)
  240. 2 Issues regarding AWS (2 replies)
  241. Fresh installed AWS 3 Database errors (7 replies)
  242. AWS Version 3.3.2 released (0 replies)
  243. Settings not being saved (3 replies)
  244. User cannot PM the automatic warner (9 replies)
  245. Avatar & Warn.php Bug (17 replies)
  246. AWS as a different reputation system? (11 replies)
  247. custom ban message problem (3 replies)
  248. pm problem (2 replies)
  249. All PMs blank! (5 replies)
  250. ATTENTION: If you have parse errors (0 replies)