View Full Version : Advanced Warning System (AWS)
- Unable to change options (0 replies)
- Could not find phrase 'invalid_or_empty_style_file (3 replies)
- !-- Show warning points --> showing in post bit (2 replies)
- rogue admin, please advise (11 replies)
- Problem with automatic warnings from posts (0 replies)
- Addon (2 replies)
- Warning Selection problem?? (5 replies)
- problems with warnings viewing permissions (5 replies)
- Php Error (1 replies)
- Transferring warning points into the system of VB 3.6 (2 replies)
- warn user does not show up (2 replies)
- Error in class_postbit.php (0 replies)
- I have a problem (2 replies)
- URGENT - NEED HELP Database Error (3 replies)
- AWS Version 3.6.0 beta (13 replies)
- how to (4 replies)
- Working with 3.6.0 Gold? (4 replies)
- Log Out - Problem (1 replies)
- problem (2 replies)
- Additional Restrictions - not working properly (1 replies)
- Re-installed, how to add old warnings? (0 replies)
- EXCLUDE usergroups? (2 replies)
- Mods only warn, not view warnings? (2 replies)
- How does this hack compare to vB's new Infractions? (3 replies)
- Is this (basically) what people have used to "card" members? (Red/Yellow).. (2 replies)
- Can't Warn Users - Permission error? (5 replies)
- Getting the automatic warner working correctly. (0 replies)
- total bans question (3 replies)
- Something strange (1 replies)
- Usergroup Problem, Possible Bug (5 replies)
- Purge "number" of warnings? (11 replies)
- Can not add note for users (3 replies)
- small problem.. pretty small.. need help (3 replies)
- problem with AWS (1 replies)
- Question and Possible Bug (3 replies)
- Warning Type (1 replies)
- Problem with AWS (1 replies)
- how do mods issue warnings? (1 replies)
- vb 3.0.9? (11 replies)
- Proublems with Private messaging (7 replies)
- Warning system having problems with Quick Reply! (1 replies)
- Not PMing User When Warned (13 replies)
- Generate list of users with warnings (1 replies)
- problem after upgrade 3.0.8 (7 replies)
- Usergroup Issues (2 replies)
- Parse error? (5 replies)
- Database Error! (11 replies)
- Will this work on vb 3.0.3? (2 replies)
- instruction on install confusing (0 replies)
- Problem postbit template (1 replies)
- upgrade problem (1 replies)
- 3.4.16 install info wrong (2 replies)
- Version 3.4.16 is released (0 replies)
- Warn this member not showing up?? (17 replies)
- PM warning disabled but it still warns (1 replies)
- Moderator only notes & Number of queries (12 replies)
- Problem with warning members (1 replies)
- work with vbagallery? (5 replies)
- how do i issue a warning pertaining to a post? (1 replies)
- Problems installing AWS (10 replies)
- Warnings take time to update in list?? (3 replies)
- Bug Found maybe?? (1 replies)
- Not updating Changes in AdminCp? (11 replies)
- Any issues installing on 3.0.7? (3 replies)
- what does this mean in the instructions? (1 replies)
- Redirect after warn is wrong (5 replies)
- Profile display is wrong (7 replies)
- Troubleshooting question (1 replies)
- Problems with 3.0.8 (10 replies)
- AWS Hack is installed but it doesn't show in profile or post bit. (3 replies)
- Problem (5 replies)
- two things -ASAP NEEDING HELP (1 replies)
- how do i remove (1 replies)
- 3 Issues/Questions (5 replies)
- Sql errors when trying to warn (2 replies)
- 2 issues, please advise. (7 replies)
- Parse error (6 replies)
- queries not found :( (1 replies)
- please help (1 replies)
- Question on How To (11 replies)
- Not showing in postbit (5 replies)
- Fresh Install over existing one... (1 replies)
- warn_pm_remove (2 replies)
- Regular members can see notes? (13 replies)
- Missing template edits in UpgradeToLatestVersion.txt (3 replies)
- Alert saved to forum looks like a Warning (2 replies)
- Guests can see the Warn Sign (0 replies)
- AWS with minimal file edits? (13 replies)
- postbit_Legacy problem (6 replies)
- Where is the file to download? (2 replies)
- Apostraphe causes MYSQL error in notes! (1 replies)
- Warn Notes not turning on! (3 replies)
- Error messages (23 replies)
- Changing database field (3 replies)
- Re-direction Issues in Admin Cp (9 replies)
- Identify Version (1 replies)
- Version 3.4.15 is released (7 replies)
- block user when receive a mount of warnings (7 replies)
- Postbit Warning link / buttons not show (3 replies)
- SQL Errors... (3 replies)
- soo close, please help (5 replies)
- Warning for PM set to NO, but still sending warnings (7 replies)
- vbulletin 3.5? (1 replies)
- Warnings not disappearing after "X" days? (3 replies)
- Changing the PM. (2 replies)
- Help needed to make AWS function correctly (13 replies)
- Template Addons (9 replies)
- Warn User - Doesent show up (5 replies)
- Install file is a mess! (2 replies)
- AWS and vb3.5 (57 replies)
- Upgrading to 3.x.14 (12 replies)
- want to prevent moderators from warning members (2 replies)
- Problem: Can't remove Warnings (7 replies)
- Setting not saving for me (17 replies)
- Trouble (1 replies)
- Difference (1 replies)
- Parse Error (6 replies)
- alerts not vanishing... (3 replies)
- Installation and adding more usergroups? (12 replies)
- Update your warn_viewb_row template (0 replies)
- another small template bug (1 replies)
- Some problems with automatic/incremental banning (1 replies)
- parse error Banning php (7 replies)
- Another slight problem with multiple warning groups (1 replies)
- Censor (1 replies)
- Settings not saving. (10 replies)
- think i have missed something (1 replies)
- Restricting who can remove warnings (3 replies)
- memberinfo (5 replies)
- Warning Permissions (1 replies)
- Warning Level (1 replies)
- Is this hack going to be ported for vB3.5? (9 replies)
- Hack worked great until I switched to LEGACY (18 replies)
- banning.php?do=modify DB Error (1 replies)
- MySQL Error 1054 (1 replies)
- Bug in 3.4.12 (0 replies)
- bug.... I think (3 replies)
- Probelm (mysql error 1136) (3 replies)
- Problem with database error (1 replies)
- make warned post icon only visible to staff? (3 replies)
- Database problem after first install (10 replies)
- Database Problem.. (12 replies)
- Some Members Missing Warn XYZ View XYZ Warnings (7 replies)
- warning options not saving after install? DB problem? (5 replies)
- postbit_legacy (3 replies)
- Listing warning points given out of possible under sigs? (1 replies)
- problems with functions.php (11 replies)
- removing View Auto-Warned PMs (1 replies)
- Problems with unbanning users (9 replies)
- Multiple emails (5 replies)
- Warning Comments (2 replies)
- Server Load and Strain? (1 replies)
- for 3.5 ? (2 replies)
- Warning count in welcome area of header (3 replies)
- Re-did my site, old database.. So I newly installed AWS, but now (3 replies)
- Please Check Something In Your System (3 replies)
- Postbit Links Not Showing (5 replies)
- Warning options not saving, AWS not working. (3 replies)
- icons instead of text/buttons (5 replies)
- Adding Alert error (9 replies)
- Bug: "Use Automatic Warnings from Private Messages?" option (7 replies)
- Im getting DataBase Errors On The Following: (7 replies)
- Problem with displaying warns in postbit template (1 replies)
- removing warnings (1 replies)
- vb 3.03?? (5 replies)
- Code optimization (1 replies)
- For those who just upgraded or installed 3.4.7 (0 replies)
- Private Messaging Cut-off bug (9 replies)
- PRoblem with issuing alerts (11 replies)
- Warning Bug - 3.4.6 (18 replies)
- Forum gets two copies of warning (1 replies)
- Warning system options problems (5 replies)
- private.php mysql error (1 replies)
- member.php (1 replies)
- Error when sending a warning (1 replies)
- errors (1 replies)
- Version Number Doesn't Upgrade In 3.4.6 (2 replies)
- AdminCP problem (5 replies)
- Pls read if you have problems with your PMs after the upgrade to 3.4.5 (0 replies)
- Any chance we can have an easier installation file? (1 replies)
- Just installed, SQL error when I warn a user (3 replies)
- More upgrade instruction problems.. (2 replies)
- Problem With Private.php (1 replies)
- Version 3.4.6 Bug fix release (0 replies)
- New Problem With This Hack (4 replies)
- Specific restrictions per Warning Type (2 replies)
- IP Address banning (7 replies)
- Bug in upgrade from Zero Tolerance's Warning hack v1.5 (9 replies)
- 3.4.5 Upgrade (1 replies)
- Alert Thread messages are blank... (5 replies)
- Upgrade doc mistake? (1 replies)
- Version 3.4.5 is out (0 replies)
- What type of warnings to add? (3 replies)
- mistake in autowarn option (7 replies)
- Install stalled... (1 replies)
- Some help please. (9 replies)
- Clarification (3 replies)
- Template Mess-Up (1 replies)
- Problem when installing... (14 replies)
- Replying to Collected PMs (6 replies)
- AWS Version 3.4.4 is out (0 replies)
- New Cron? (1 replies)
- No PMs? (5 replies)
- A little help needed.. (3 replies)
- Version 3.4.3 is out, please download and upgrade (0 replies)
- Mistakes in the current upgrade file. (3 replies)
- What version? (1 replies)
- Question about Post warning (9 replies)
- Layout problem (1 replies)
- parse error.. help lol (3 replies)
- Just wondering (3 replies)
- Showthread.php upgrade line typo?? (5 replies)
- Getting these errors when I run the 3.4.2 SQL lines (3 replies)
- Warning Level cant be seen (13 replies)
- Thanks for the Hack (2 replies)
- Version 3.4.2 is out (9 replies)
- Parse Error, I'm so dead... (9 replies)
- Information in PM gone. (3 replies)
- Nothing to select under "Warning Selection:" (1 replies)
- New version 3.4.1. fix_warns.php doesn't work (3 replies)
- Historical Records (1 replies)
- Having problems (1 replies)
- [German] Advanced Warning System 3.4.1 (2 replies)
- SQL errors (5 replies)
- A Bug was discovered (0 replies)
- Non-Post Warning (1 replies)
- Default Values (1 replies)
- two Problems (2 replies)
- Version 3.4.0 just released (4 replies)
- any chance of a quick hack ? (1 replies)
- Error...warn.php cannot be found (2 replies)
- Simple Question (2 replies)
- I have a problem with warn_install_setting.php (3 replies)
- Okay.... I screwed up my install somehow... (1 replies)
- warning_options errors, request table (3 replies)
- Problem with phrase "nopermission_banned" (3 replies)
- After update (3.2.0 -> 3.3.2) PM's empty (5 replies)
- Problem with postbit_legacy modification (9 replies)
- Change content of warning pm? (2 replies)
- 2 Issues regarding AWS (2 replies)
- Fresh installed AWS 3 Database errors (7 replies)
- AWS Version 3.3.2 released (0 replies)
- Settings not being saved (3 replies)
- User cannot PM the automatic warner (9 replies)
- Avatar & Warn.php Bug (17 replies)
- AWS as a different reputation system? (11 replies)
- custom ban message problem (3 replies)
- pm problem (2 replies)
- All PMs blank! (5 replies)
- ATTENTION: If you have parse errors (0 replies)
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