08-14-2005, 12:14 AM
Firstly, great hack! I love the features, however I have 2 questions, and 1 issue I am having.
The first question is when they have been banned (10 points) it changes their user title to "Temporarily Banned", is there a way I can set this to be my default user title (Account Disabled)? I don't want everyone to know that they are "temporarily" banned, truthfully it's none of their concern.
The second question I have, is when we warn someone, there is no place to enter a comment? But in the email it is always blank, and I would love to be able to enter a comment. Ex in the email:
The admin/moderator who warned you, entered this comment:
Is there a way I can enter the comment when warning?
And finally, the issue. I have PM disable set as "0" as I want them to be able to use it up until they are banned but yet, any banning points they get this in their email:
Please note that your Private Messaging system in our Forums has been deactivated, due to your Warning Level.
Once again, great hack! And I thank you from the bottom of my heart, for creating such a wonderful thing! :)
Hello again John,
I also have a suggestion if you wouldn't mind..
On line 316, in mod_warn.php you assume that "modcp" is the correct name for the moderation control panel, infact not all of us use "modcp" (I being one), so I suggest you change line 316 to:
$d="<A HREF=\"{$vboptions[bburl]}/$modcpdir/mod_warn.php?do=showcomment&id=$warn[wid]\" onclick=\"'{$vboptions[bburl]}/$modcpdir/mod_warn.php?do=showcomment&id=$warn[wid]','','width=1024, height=500, resizable=yes, scrollbars=yes'); return false;\" target=\"_blank\">See Comment</a></font>";
The first question is when they have been banned (10 points) it changes their user title to "Temporarily Banned", is there a way I can set this to be my default user title (Account Disabled)? I don't want everyone to know that they are "temporarily" banned, truthfully it's none of their concern.
The second question I have, is when we warn someone, there is no place to enter a comment? But in the email it is always blank, and I would love to be able to enter a comment. Ex in the email:
The admin/moderator who warned you, entered this comment:
Is there a way I can enter the comment when warning?
And finally, the issue. I have PM disable set as "0" as I want them to be able to use it up until they are banned but yet, any banning points they get this in their email:
Please note that your Private Messaging system in our Forums has been deactivated, due to your Warning Level.
Once again, great hack! And I thank you from the bottom of my heart, for creating such a wonderful thing! :)
Hello again John,
I also have a suggestion if you wouldn't mind..
On line 316, in mod_warn.php you assume that "modcp" is the correct name for the moderation control panel, infact not all of us use "modcp" (I being one), so I suggest you change line 316 to:
$d="<A HREF=\"{$vboptions[bburl]}/$modcpdir/mod_warn.php?do=showcomment&id=$warn[wid]\" onclick=\"'{$vboptions[bburl]}/$modcpdir/mod_warn.php?do=showcomment&id=$warn[wid]','','width=1024, height=500, resizable=yes, scrollbars=yes'); return false;\" target=\"_blank\">See Comment</a></font>";