View Full Version : Advanced Warning System (AWS)

Pages : [1] 2

  1. Where can I find AWS Hack (Latest Versions)
  2. What is the Advanced Warning System
  3. Feature Suggestions
  4. Who sends the ban e-mail.
  5. AWS Help!!
  6. Warn user - SQL Error.
  7. New Install 3.1.5 - Only one template set updated.
  8. Minor bug::admincp/admin_warn.php
  9. Question::view users warning from postbit results in whitepage.
  10. 3.0.6 install
  11. Postbit Template
  12. warn member error
  13. New installing blank page in view warn and other problems ?
  14. Using AWS with more than one styles
  15. Notification e-mails & more...
  16. Upgrade script
  17. 3.1.6 Problem
  18. Postbit legacy Problem
  19. 3.1.7 PM Problem
  20. Upgraded Now domt work
  21. errormessages
  22. Templates problem
  23. Database errors
  24. Warning Members
  25. Parse Error
  26. Bug report
  27. re-install error
  28. DB Error
  29. Finally Installed but.....
  30. White Page in AdminCp
  31. Parse error in banning.php
  32. i found a bug
  33. Version 3.1.8 is now out
  34. Help
  35. Nothing in admin CP
  36. vBulliten 3.0.7 Unexistant File Edit
  37. vBulliten 3.0.7 Error
  38. 3.1.8 -> Installation Instructions missing?
  39. postbit_legacy template Error
  40. Error if user has no rights
  41. i found another bug
  42. Error, need Help
  43. Can't Leave Description Field empty?
  44. Getting SQL Error , pls help
  45. Not working correctly
  46. Rank Image, also showing Temp Banned
  47. No Phrases for other Languages ?
  48. Error in installation instructions
  49. Very Big Sql Injection Hole
  50. Help upgrading from zero's warning hack to AWS
  51. [IGNORE] Query Error
  52. Error When Issuing Warning From AdminCP
  53. Parse Errors
  54. Would you be interested in a version which .....
  55. Update Error: 3.1.9. --> 3.2.0 SQL
  56. MySQL error after install
  57. Howto remove automatic Ban ?
  58. just wondering about moderator
  59. error in functions.php
  60. Help with a few errors
  61. other mod usergroup
  62. Slight Issue
  63. AWS Version 3.3.0 is now available
  64. i have a problem
  65. I have a problem
  66. 3.30 upgrade problems
  67. Uninstalled v3.20 and fresh installed v3.3.0
  68. The SQL Queries... for the Upgrade Instructions
  69. Invalid Calculations
  70. ATTENTION: If you have parse errors
  71. All PMs blank!
  72. pm problem
  73. custom ban message problem
  74. AWS as a different reputation system?
  75. Avatar & Warn.php Bug
  76. User cannot PM the automatic warner
  77. Settings not being saved
  78. AWS Version 3.3.2 released
  79. Fresh installed AWS 3 Database errors
  80. 2 Issues regarding AWS
  81. Change content of warning pm?
  82. Problem with postbit_legacy modification
  83. After update (3.2.0 -> 3.3.2) PM's empty
  84. Problem with phrase "nopermission_banned"
  85. warning_options errors, request table
  86. Okay.... I screwed up my install somehow...
  87. I have a problem with warn_install_setting.php
  88. Simple Question
  89. Error...warn.php cannot be found
  90. any chance of a quick hack ?
  91. Version 3.4.0 just released
  92. two Problems
  93. Default Values
  94. Non-Post Warning
  95. A Bug was discovered
  96. SQL errors
  97. [German] Advanced Warning System 3.4.1
  98. Having problems
  99. Historical Records
  100. New version 3.4.1. fix_warns.php doesn't work
  101. Nothing to select under "Warning Selection:"
  102. Information in PM gone.
  103. Parse Error, I'm so dead...
  104. Version 3.4.2 is out
  105. Thanks for the Hack
  106. Warning Level cant be seen
  107. Getting these errors when I run the 3.4.2 SQL lines
  108. Showthread.php upgrade line typo??
  109. Just wondering
  110. parse error.. help lol
  111. Layout problem
  112. Question about Post warning
  113. What version?
  114. Mistakes in the current upgrade file.
  115. Version 3.4.3 is out, please download and upgrade
  116. A little help needed..
  117. No PMs?
  118. New Cron?
  119. AWS Version 3.4.4 is out
  120. Replying to Collected PMs
  121. Problem when installing...
  122. Template Mess-Up
  123. Clarification
  124. Some help please.
  125. Install stalled...
  126. mistake in autowarn option
  127. What type of warnings to add?
  128. Version 3.4.5 is out
  129. Upgrade doc mistake?
  130. Alert Thread messages are blank...
  131. 3.4.5 Upgrade
  132. Bug in upgrade from Zero Tolerance's Warning hack v1.5
  133. IP Address banning
  134. Specific restrictions per Warning Type
  135. New Problem With This Hack
  136. Version 3.4.6 Bug fix release
  137. Problem With Private.php
  138. More upgrade instruction problems..
  139. Just installed, SQL error when I warn a user
  140. Any chance we can have an easier installation file?
  141. Pls read if you have problems with your PMs after the upgrade to 3.4.5
  142. AdminCP problem
  143. Version Number Doesn't Upgrade In 3.4.6
  144. errors
  145. Error when sending a warning
  146. member.php
  147. private.php mysql error
  148. Warning system options problems
  149. Forum gets two copies of warning
  150. Warning Bug - 3.4.6
  151. PRoblem with issuing alerts
  152. Private Messaging Cut-off bug
  153. For those who just upgraded or installed 3.4.7
  154. Code optimization
  155. vb 3.03??
  156. removing warnings
  157. Problem with displaying warns in postbit template
  158. Im getting DataBase Errors On The Following:
  159. Bug: "Use Automatic Warnings from Private Messages?" option
  160. Adding Alert error
  161. icons instead of text/buttons
  162. Warning options not saving, AWS not working.
  163. Postbit Links Not Showing
  164. Please Check Something In Your System
  165. Re-did my site, old database.. So I newly installed AWS, but now
  166. Warning count in welcome area of header
  167. for 3.5 ?
  168. Server Load and Strain?
  169. Warning Comments
  170. Multiple emails
  171. Problems with unbanning users
  172. removing View Auto-Warned PMs
  173. problems with functions.php
  174. Listing warning points given out of possible under sigs?
  175. postbit_legacy
  176. warning options not saving after install? DB problem?
  177. Some Members Missing Warn XYZ View XYZ Warnings
  178. Database Problem..
  179. Database problem after first install
  180. make warned post icon only visible to staff?
  181. Problem with database error
  182. Probelm (mysql error 1136)
  183. bug.... I think
  184. Bug in 3.4.12
  185. MySQL Error 1054
  186. banning.php?do=modify DB Error
  187. Hack worked great until I switched to LEGACY
  188. Is this hack going to be ported for vB3.5?
  189. Warning Level
  190. Warning Permissions
  191. memberinfo
  192. Restricting who can remove warnings
  193. think i have missed something
  194. Settings not saving.
  195. Censor
  196. Another slight problem with multiple warning groups
  197. parse error Banning php
  198. Some problems with automatic/incremental banning
  199. another small template bug
  200. Update your warn_viewb_row template
  201. Installation and adding more usergroups?
  202. alerts not vanishing...
  203. Parse Error
  204. Difference
  205. Trouble
  206. Setting not saving for me
  207. Problem: Can't remove Warnings
  208. want to prevent moderators from warning members
  209. Upgrading to 3.x.14
  210. AWS and vb3.5
  211. Install file is a mess!
  212. Warn User - Doesent show up
  213. Template Addons
  214. Help needed to make AWS function correctly
  215. Changing the PM.
  216. Warnings not disappearing after "X" days?
  217. vbulletin 3.5?
  218. Warning for PM set to NO, but still sending warnings
  219. soo close, please help
  220. SQL Errors...
  221. Postbit Warning link / buttons not show
  222. block user when receive a mount of warnings
  223. Version 3.4.15 is released
  224. Identify Version
  225. Re-direction Issues in Admin Cp
  226. Changing database field
  227. Error messages
  228. Warn Notes not turning on!
  229. Apostraphe causes MYSQL error in notes!
  230. Where is the file to download?
  231. postbit_Legacy problem
  232. AWS with minimal file edits?
  233. Guests can see the Warn Sign
  234. Alert saved to forum looks like a Warning
  235. Missing template edits in UpgradeToLatestVersion.txt
  236. Regular members can see notes?
  237. warn_pm_remove
  238. Fresh Install over existing one...
  239. Not showing in postbit
  240. Question on How To
  241. please help
  242. queries not found :(
  243. Parse error
  244. 2 issues, please advise.
  245. Sql errors when trying to warn
  246. 3 Issues/Questions
  247. how do i remove
  248. two things -ASAP NEEDING HELP
  249. Problem
  250. AWS Hack is installed but it doesn't show in profile or post bit.