02-09-2005, 09:27 AM
This is a great hack but I have a few questions.....
First, this is a fresh install on vb 3.0.6 with no other hacks. There are no hidden or automatic warners. Options for hidden warner, automatic warner, and userid of collector are all set to 0 in the admincp (default).
Now for my questions...
Is there anyway to make the ban notification e-mail appear to come from the person who issued the warning which put them over the limit?
Currently it will show the correct email address in the warning notification e-mail. However in the ban e-mail it always uses the e-mail address that is configured in the vb options.
I also noticed that the email does not have any of the variables (i.e. forum name or ban length). Here is a copy of the e-mail that is currently being received.
Dear test,
We are sorry to inform you, that you have received enough warning points, to be banned from Forums Site.
This is a ban and will last for
Please reply back if you have a dispute.
Also, is there anyway to have it unban the user when you do a "complete removal" of a warning that puts them under the limit, or do they have to wait for the cron to do it?
[edit] I just noticed that you mention to setup the cron for kill_warns but not for kill_bans. Does this cron get executed somewhere automatically?
First, this is a fresh install on vb 3.0.6 with no other hacks. There are no hidden or automatic warners. Options for hidden warner, automatic warner, and userid of collector are all set to 0 in the admincp (default).
Now for my questions...
Is there anyway to make the ban notification e-mail appear to come from the person who issued the warning which put them over the limit?
Currently it will show the correct email address in the warning notification e-mail. However in the ban e-mail it always uses the e-mail address that is configured in the vb options.
I also noticed that the email does not have any of the variables (i.e. forum name or ban length). Here is a copy of the e-mail that is currently being received.
Dear test,
We are sorry to inform you, that you have received enough warning points, to be banned from Forums Site.
This is a ban and will last for
Please reply back if you have a dispute.
Also, is there anyway to have it unban the user when you do a "complete removal" of a warning that puts them under the limit, or do they have to wait for the cron to do it?
[edit] I just noticed that you mention to setup the cron for kill_warns but not for kill_bans. Does this cron get executed somewhere automatically?