View Full Version : Usergroup Problem, Possible Bug

Abe Babe
12-11-2005, 01:38 AM
I don't know if this is a problem or bug, but it seems to be more of a bug to me from my testing.

Appears to be anything displayed by this code:

<if condition="$showviewwarnlink==1">
Basically what is happening is that any code placed within this conditional appears for the default Registered Users group [even though the link itself will give an error page].

We have two admin usergroups, one is the default and another custom one which has the ID of 42. On doing some testing, when I put the usergroup numbered 42 as a smod instead, then the Registered Users were treated like smods instead [i.e. admins could warn them but no one else]. When I removed the usergroup 42 completely the problem didn't exist anymore.

I hope this makes sense, but basically it appears that it is taking the last numeral of the second admin group and reading it as registered users [as that usergroup has an ID of 2].

There are no problems anywhere else with that usergroup, nor are there any other hacks or standard vBulletin functions which cause Registered Users to be able to see admin links or similar.

I found a work around which is to just use the code which is "showwarnlink" it's not an urgent problem. But I thought you might be interested in case it is a bug.

Abe Babe...

12-11-2005, 05:41 AM
Let me understand that:

What you are saying is that, if you add usergroup 42 in the Super Moderator groups, then the simple users are treated like super moderators as far as AWS is concerned? In other words, the simple users can only be warned by administrators?

I can't replicate that. I just added group 42 in my super moderator groups and a moderator can still warn plain users. I checked it with the Hierarchical schema activated and de-activated and I still do not have any problems. A simple moderator can still warn plain users (usergroup 2).

Abe Babe
12-19-2005, 06:40 AM
Only if it is placed under the piece of code I listed above. If you use showwarnlink instead, then the problem doesn't exist.

I was previously using an older version of the warning system and upgraded to the latest one in an effort to fix the issue. In the process, I noticed that I had reversed the conditionals in the templates [i.e. using showviewwarnlink to show the warn link / using showwarnlink to show the view link] when I first installed the hack, which was able to help me discover the bug. In the default setting, it wouldn't be that you can't warn the registered users, but instead you couldn't view their warnings.

It could possibly be something wrong with my forum which doesn't show up in any other place. I just really wanted to let you know in case others came up with the issue. As I found a workaround, it's not something that needs to be fixed urgently [or even at all]. Plus we are planning on upgrading to vB3.5 soon anyways. Hopefully no one else has the issue, in which case it's all good.

Thank you for taking the time to look at it however. :)

Abe Babe...

12-19-2005, 07:06 AM
Which AWS version are you running at this moment?

Abe Babe
01-15-2006, 01:25 PM
Oops, I forgot about this thread I had made. We are running 3.4.16 for vBulletin 3x.

Out of interest, we recently upgraded to vB 3.0.11 and noticed that the problem ended up happening regardless of what template code we were using to display links [either showwarnlink or showviewwarnlink].

However we aren't using that usergroup anymore for other reasons. But if you need me to test anything on our forum or replicate a problem, I can easily activate it again, as we didn't delete it, just removed it's number from the AWS information.

Abe Babe...

02-28-2006, 06:42 PM
I wasn't able to replicate the problem, so I can't be sure what's happening.