View Full Version : vB5 Programming Discussions

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  1. Temaplate Variables support needed
  2. Template Groups
  3. Widgets/Modules
  4. How to extend Datamanagers?
  5. Template cache
  6. How to add a Tab at Navigation bar?
  7. Displaying Profile Fields
  8. How To Change Default Post Moderation Message?
  9. activity stream widget help
  10. wrapping vb5 header footer style around a page.
  11. Optioncode help
  12. External CAPTCHA API
  13. Field Copyrighttext on vBconnect
  14. Custom Layout
  15. bottom border of the navigation
  16. Might need a modder
  17. Friendly urls - UTF-8 conversion does not work
  18. Showing Login TextBoxes on Main Page
  19. Importing vbulletin template into dreamweaver
  20. Is there a way to including an external PHP file
  21. Email Marketing and vbulletin 5?
  22. JW Player BBcode | vBulletin 5 [Connect]
  23. Share login session
  24. Have vBulletin not open a new window when links are clicked
  25. Edit Register Announcement for Unregistered Users
  26. integrate aweber with vb5?
  27. vB5 HTML Page | 2 Minute Code Clean Up...Help?
  28. statistics on the header
  29. Activity Stream Support.
  30. Forum Sections in Upper Navigation
  31. Code help
  32. Regular Expressions in User Profile Field Manager
  33. How To Show Online User In Header ?
  34. Single login
  35. Image hosting
  36. Datamanager Includes (Vb5)
  37. Turn off site for upgrade and got this error
  38. How to create a vb5 extension
  39. Vb Api New Thread
  40. registering new template variable
  41. Back ground
  42. Facebook "Activity Feed"
  43. How to use vb mobile API ?
  44. Creating a Roster
  45. missing some DataManager functions
  46. need to change the format of the pages to .htm
  47. Cocdeigniter vB integration
  48. API Extensions (The New Plugin/Hook System) Question
  49. how to delete or setting url
  50. Need help with .htaccess file
  51. Query String to pre-fill private messages
  52. Image Cut Off on Slideshow
  53. Online Users
  54. Looking for adult forum minimum age restriction script
  55. ADD ON - Memberlist for VB5!
  56. Prefix all URLs ?
  57. Forum popup like Freelancer.com
  58. Conversation variables / Userinfo variables
  59. Text Color Change
  60. forum-list-container stretch
  61. onload-event in showthread
  62. Syncronize registration/login between site and forum
  63. css_additional.css
  64. Problem
  65. API - single sign on
  66. How can I redirect this link using htaccess ?
  67. Email Validation in vB5
  68. Disable Server Side Caching to get a new CAPTCHA question.
  69. Hopefully an easy question
  70. Moving my vBulletin 5 to a subdirectory !
  71. Ad Banner
  72. How to include php file in my template plugin?
  73. websites root ? forums root ?
  74. htaccess redirection in vb5?
  75. User Choose Group On register
  76. Any way to create a homepage?
  77. vBulletin Database error
  78. How to edit webpage?
  79. Changing the Header
  80. Inject Javascript in Header Ad HTML Module
  81. vBulletin5 - Creating multiple super admins
  82. Creating Copyright Footer
  83. How to install facebook chat api?
  84. guid
  85. Invalid File Path Specified error in User Rank Manager
  86. Execute SQL Query - Executed the Query, now site is down
  87. pinterest clone script / theme for vb5
  88. Upgrade Question Need Assistance
  89. MySQL server has gone away?!?!
  90. [ASK] Nested IF Error
  91. Login/Session on site.
  92. Problem with extension bbcode
  93. How to create an extension bbcode? / Modifications using bbcode extension
  94. API Single Sign On
  95. Why this message?
  96. Vbulletin 5 & Cloudflare
  97. Can't Edit Site from Forum Page
  98. How not to write posts with your own bbcode to cache?
  99. How to write the total number of likes of each user
  100. PHP Module in Site Builder
  101. Connecting vB5 to a already made DB
  102. how to automatic loggon to vBulletin from our application
  103. Stemap in VB5 connect, make it work.
  104. Does vBulletin support Bootstrap ?
  105. How to proceed with mobile style?
  106. Can desktop default style be used as mobile style post modification?
  107. new user registration issues
  108. Mass-Moving Threads
  109. Custom URL Structure
  110. Password Hash Algorithm
  111. [ASK]How to make slider in front page?
  112. Limit view the [CODE] Tag from guests
  113. Mobile Api Can't find class...
  114. Integrate Contact Form
  115. Wordpress Header & Footer Integation
  116. VB 5.0 login via API - process_new_login not working after upgrade to VB 5.0
  117. Call to Arms: vB5 Development Jiras
  118. Does vb5 have a stable, documented API?
  119. How can I use PHP for bbcode replacements?
  120. Find visible Channels by Groupid?
  121. let user choose group?
  122. How would I go about... : Advanced Usergroups
  123. Posts with images/urls disappearing?
  124. HTML in page title
  125. Forum Gridlines
  126. Send email notificaiton on PM receipt?
  127. Equivalent global_complete
  128. sidebar login
  129. External login
  130. Welcome to Newest Member Addon
  131. Fatal error: Call to a member function fetch_userinfo() on a non-object
  132. Encryption of eMail adresses in the user table
  133. How to show a module only to visitors?
  134. stats
  135. Limit Free Members to view only 3 days of posts
  136. Forum threads Module Disappeared!!!
  137. HTML Pages: Which vB CSS to link to
  138. Login with Password Hash
  139. Integrate "Latest Post" module in custom html page?
  140. Find Advanced Forum Statistics ajax for vBulletin 5. Help me!
  141. Load page with AJAX in Module. Help me!
  142. Does SiteManPro membership support vBulletin 5
  143. where do I find " headinclude" in vbulletin 5?
  144. vb5 video submit problem
  145. Form Control Question
  146. Best query to list all posts and threads?
  147. how to add a custom field in controller
  148. vB5 Viewing Order Modules on Mobile Devices [Not through Mobile App!]
  149. forum posts bunching up when posted off a mobile
  150. View Card Function
  151. CSS only working on FireFox
  152. how to add a custom pages
  153. Conditional statement for Primary or Secondary Usergroup selection?
  155. how to add php code in templates
  156. VB5.1 beta - validate user with blowfish?
  157. VB alert system
  158. VB_5.0.5 auto registration
  159. Redirect VB 4 urls to VB 5
  160. Need help - trying to integrate our SSO with vB 5
  161. My groups makes trades, and I want a rating & feedback system IS there one for 5.0?
  162. Is this possible? In profile, show a link in STATUS?
  163. Adding Mod Tools in navbar
  164. [Resolved] Missing elements when exporting the XML file of my Mod
  165. THIS_SCRIPT Conditionals in vb5
  166. soft 404 - how can i fix it?
  167. Increase Length of Description it Pulls for a Link or Video
  168. Need a mod for a Job Posting Board
  169. Edit Site Button doesn't work all the time...
  170. Fatal error: Class
  171. new thread button
  172. calender page
  173. twitter login
  174. upload banner form admin
  175. calendar page link
  176. new event link
  177. caleder
  178. Search Modul as Iframe
  179. Use of PHP function to load extra css
  180. Creating a Scheduled Task: Update User Titles and Ranks
  181. CSS for VB5
  182. database table
  183. Adding picture upload for Forum category
  184. Migrate Photoplog to vB5
  185. Issue with displaying latest threads in my homepage
  186. Thinking of upgrading to 5 but have adsense issues
  187. Adding Users with Passwords via DataManager
  188. VB 5 datamanager - not allowing password to be set
  189. how to add slide menu
  190. Button to hide text
  191. VB 5.1.0 - Hide Share Photo button ?
  192. Help Changing Status Icons for each Forum
  193. Missing features in vB5
  194. Add Hide / Collapse Option
  195. [Question] Sticky Post Icon / Online Name
  196. PHP Login Script - Check UsergroupID
  197. VBulletin Programming 101?
  198. If condition with or
  199. Show Location on conversation_userinfo
  200. Colored Legend Bar
  201. Fixing Who's Online Location permissions
  202. Online Useres
  203. Any type of documentation available for vB5 widget system?
  204. Full Text Search of Attachments
  205. Can't get the Code :c
  206. Upgrading vB4 thread links to vB5 format
  207. Need Fast Help
  208. Change avatar size at post info
  209. who can...
  210. user profile
  211. Write to $vbulletin->userinfo
  212. Forum Categories
  213. Several Updates Needed
  214. Can I delete / change this?
  215. Making vb5 a one page AJAX forum
  216. [Question] Ask for Admin
  217. forum and own site integration
  218. Articles in DB
  219. Login-Form as Widget in Wordpress
  220. album picers
  221. Empty page when viewing attachement
  222. Set just one cookie no matter "remember me" checked or not
  223. auto-select a subscription option in the drop down menu
  224. Where is the responsive javascript?
  225. BUG: Can't cancel subscription payment selection
  226. display new user
  227. facebook connect not working
  228. Custom logout redirect?
  229. One external css for two styles problem
  230. Where is the registration database insert?
  231. if conditions
  232. Profile Fields
  233. How do I create a ThreadPost with DataManager in vB5?
  234. Adding new parameter to article node
  235. Change the url from /registration to /activation on reg page
  236. Help with User Context and Session timeouts
  237. Vbulletin Can Not Install.
  238. Glow Problem
  239. Much of the frontend is hardcoded?
  240. Links Disappears from Posts.
  241. Signature and Latest Posts
  242. Add Login/sign up under Main Nav Bar
  243. Access query string from wtihin a widget/template?
  244. the account information on the left side of topics.
  245. Add user to database from outside vbulletin
  246. Remove or Edit "Forum" link in breadcrumbs
  247. has moved the login box to the top right, as part of their header?
  248. Show user statistics (Likes and Flags) on postbit.
  249. Avatars
  250. Using {vb:raw conversation.groupid}