View Full Version : Adding Users with Passwords via DataManager

04-03-2014, 01:01 PM
We have a website where users register and sign up with emails/passwords/etc.

Now that we have v5 up and running, I'm looking at utilizing the data manager to integrate our existing and new website users as they signup. I've been able to successfully add users using the datamanager, but I'm not seeing a way to pass in their current password for the token/secret values to get set. Is there an example of someone doing this in v5?


04-03-2014, 06:54 PM
We have the exact same issue.

We are trying to add users to VBulletin 5.1.0 using the datamanager APIs.

The call fails when we try to set password in the datamanager object.

These 2 lines work :
$this->userdm->set('username', $username);
$this->userdm->set('email', $email);

The call crashes here:
$this->userdm->set('password', $password);

Here password is a clear text password.

This was working in VB 4.x but is not working after we upgraded to VB 5.1.0 today.

Why the call to set password in the DM object crashing?
What has changed in VB 5.0?
Should the password be set differently in the object being sync'd to VB ?

Please help asap.


10-30-2014, 07:08 PM
Anyone solved this problem already?