09-10-2013, 05:30 AM
We recently updated to VBulletin 5. Previously we were doing calls to api.php with no problem (and with a lot of work done to success) and now we recive the message "Can't find class vB_Api_Login_Login" when trying to log a user and "Can't find class vB_Api_Register_addmember" when trying to register (I suposse we will get the same problem with the user profile update, but at least recovering those two we could figure how to fix it)
the methods (and code) used: login_login and register_addmember as stated at the documentation.
How could we find those two classes and make the methods work again as before?
The classes I can use (after using get_declared_classes) are:
[0] => stdClass
[1] => Exception
[2] => ErrorException
[3] => Closure
[4] => DateTime
[5] => DateTimeZone
[6] => DateInterval
[7] => DatePeriod
[8] => LibXMLError
[9] => SQLite3
[10] => SQLite3Stmt
[11] => SQLite3Result
[12] => DOMException
[13] => DOMStringList
[14] => DOMNameList
[15] => DOMImplementationList
[16] => DOMImplementationSource
[17] => DOMImplementation
[18] => DOMNode
[19] => DOMNameSpaceNode
[20] => DOMDocumentFragment
[21] => DOMDocument
[22] => DOMNodeList
[23] => DOMNamedNodeMap
[24] => DOMCharacterData
[25] => DOMAttr
[26] => DOMElement
[27] => DOMText
[28] => DOMComment
[29] => DOMTypeinfo
[30] => DOMUserDataHandler
[31] => DOMDomError
[32] => DOMErrorHandler
[33] => DOMLocator
[34] => DOMConfiguration
[35] => DOMCdataSection
[36] => DOMDocumentType
[37] => DOMNotation
[38] => DOMEntity
[39] => DOMEntityReference
[40] => DOMProcessingInstruction
[41] => DOMStringExtend
[42] => DOMXPath
[43] => LogicException
[44] => BadFunctionCallException
[45] => BadMethodCallException
[46] => DomainException
[47] => InvalidArgumentException
[48] => LengthException
[49] => OutOfRangeException
[50] => RuntimeException
[51] => OutOfBoundsException
[52] => OverflowException
[53] => RangeException
[54] => UnderflowException
[55] => UnexpectedValueException
[56] => RecursiveIteratorIterator
[57] => IteratorIterator
[58] => FilterIterator
[59] => RecursiveFilterIterator
[60] => CallbackFilterIterator
[61] => RecursiveCallbackFilterIterator
[62] => ParentIterator
[63] => LimitIterator
[64] => CachingIterator
[65] => RecursiveCachingIterator
[66] => NoRewindIterator
[67] => AppendIterator
[68] => InfiniteIterator
[69] => RegexIterator
[70] => RecursiveRegexIterator
[71] => EmptyIterator
[72] => RecursiveTreeIterator
[73] => ArrayObject
[74] => ArrayIterator
[75] => RecursiveArrayIterator
[76] => SplFileInfo
[77] => DirectoryIterator
[78] => FilesystemIterator
[79] => RecursiveDirectoryIterator
[80] => GlobIterator
[81] => SplFileObject
[82] => SplTempFileObject
[83] => SplDoublyLinkedList
[84] => SplQueue
[85] => SplStack
[86] => SplHeap
[87] => SplMinHeap
[88] => SplMaxHeap
[89] => SplPriorityQueue
[90] => SplFixedArray
[91] => SplObjectStorage
[92] => MultipleIterator
[93] => SessionHandler
[94] => mysqli_sql_exception
[95] => mysqli_driver
[96] => mysqli
[97] => mysqli_warning
[98] => mysqli_result
[99] => mysqli_stmt
[100] => __PHP_Incomplete_Class
[101] => php_user_filter
[102] => Directory
[103] => PharException
[104] => Phar
[105] => PharData
[106] => PharFileInfo
[107] => ReflectionException
[108] => Reflection
[109] => ReflectionFunctionAbstract
[110] => ReflectionFunction
[111] => ReflectionParameter
[112] => ReflectionMethod
[113] => ReflectionClass
[114] => ReflectionObject
[115] => ReflectionProperty
[116] => ReflectionExtension
[117] => ReflectionZendExtension
[118] => SimpleXMLElement
[119] => SimpleXMLIterator
[120] => SoapClient
[121] => SoapVar
[122] => SoapServer
[123] => SoapFault
[124] => SoapParam
[125] => SoapHeader
[126] => XMLReader
[127] => XMLWriter
[128] => XSLTProcessor
[129] => ZipArchive
[130] => PDOException
[131] => PDO
[132] => PDOStatement
[133] => PDORow
[134] => vB5_Autoloader
[135] => vB5_ApplicationAbstract
[136] => vB5_Frontend_ApplicationLight
[137] => vB5_Frontend_Application
[138] => vB5_Config
[139] => vB5_Frontend_Routing
[140] => Api_InterfaceAbstract
[141] => Api_Interface_Collapsed
[142] => vB
[143] => vB_Request
[144] => vB_Request_Web
[145] => vB_Request_WebApi
[146] => vB_Cache
[147] => vB_Array
[148] => vB_String
[149] => vB_Cleaner
[150] => vB5_Cookie
[151] => vB5_Template_Options
[152] => vB_Api
[153] => vB_Api_Options
[154] => vB_Input_Cleaner
[155] => vB_Registry
[156] => vB_Template
[157] => vB_Template_Data
[158] => vB_Template_XML
[159] => vB_Template_JSON
[160] => vB_Shutdown
[161] => vB_dB_Assertor
[162] => vB_dB_MYSQL_Assertor
[163] => vB_Database
[164] => vB_Database_MySQL
[165] => vB_Datastore
[166] => vB_dB_Query
[167] => vB_Db_QueryBuilder
[168] => vB_dB_MYSQL_QueryBuilder
[169] => vB_dB_QueryDefs
[170] => vB_dB_MYSQL_QueryDefs
[171] => vB_dB_Query_Select
[172] => vB_dB_Query_Select_MYSQL
[173] => vB_dB_Result
[174] => vB_dB_MYSQL_Result
[175] => vB_Api_Wrapper
[176] => vB_Api_Extensions
[177] => vB_Session
[178] => vB_Session_Web
[179] => vB_Session_WebApi
[180] => vB_Cache_Db
[181] => vB_Language
[182] => vB_Api_Route
[183] => vB_Api_State
[184] => vB_Api_UserGroup
[185] => vB_User
[186] => vB5_Route
[187] => vB_Cache_Memory
[188] => vB_Library
[189] => vB_Library_User
[190] => vB_UserContext
[191] => vB_PermissionContext
[192] => vB5_Facebook
[193] => vB_Api_Facebook
[194] => vB_Facebook
[195] => vB5_Template_Stylevar
[196] => vB5_User
[197] => vB_Api_User
[198] => vB_Api_Style
[199] => vB_Library_Style
[200] => vB5_Frontend_Controller
[201] => vB5_Frontend_Controller_Relay
[202] => vB5_Frontend_ExplainQueries
[203] => vB_Request_Api
[204] => vB_Session_Api
[205] => vB_dB_Query_Insert
[206] => vB_dB_Query_InsertIgnore
[207] => vB_dB_Query_InsertIgnore_MYSQL
For more information, the links of the login method (for example) was taken from:
It worked perfectly at 4.2 and it's vBulletin the one that is throwing the exception at file core/vb/api.php, line 74:
if (!class_exists($c))
throw new Exception(sprintf("Can't find class %s", htmlspecialchars($c)));
It's not a hack, plugin, query or template modification, it's just mobile api not accepting the methods appearing at the documentation. We can interact with the api mobile and init it. The problem is the name of the methods are not accepted anymore.
Is anyone having the same issues or could someone point me in the right direction?
Thank you
We recently updated to VBulletin 5. Previously we were doing calls to api.php with no problem (and with a lot of work done to success) and now we recive the message "Can't find class vB_Api_Login_Login" when trying to log a user and "Can't find class vB_Api_Register_addmember" when trying to register (I suposse we will get the same problem with the user profile update, but at least recovering those two we could figure how to fix it)
the methods (and code) used: login_login and register_addmember as stated at the documentation.
How could we find those two classes and make the methods work again as before?
The classes I can use (after using get_declared_classes) are:
[0] => stdClass
[1] => Exception
[2] => ErrorException
[3] => Closure
[4] => DateTime
[5] => DateTimeZone
[6] => DateInterval
[7] => DatePeriod
[8] => LibXMLError
[9] => SQLite3
[10] => SQLite3Stmt
[11] => SQLite3Result
[12] => DOMException
[13] => DOMStringList
[14] => DOMNameList
[15] => DOMImplementationList
[16] => DOMImplementationSource
[17] => DOMImplementation
[18] => DOMNode
[19] => DOMNameSpaceNode
[20] => DOMDocumentFragment
[21] => DOMDocument
[22] => DOMNodeList
[23] => DOMNamedNodeMap
[24] => DOMCharacterData
[25] => DOMAttr
[26] => DOMElement
[27] => DOMText
[28] => DOMComment
[29] => DOMTypeinfo
[30] => DOMUserDataHandler
[31] => DOMDomError
[32] => DOMErrorHandler
[33] => DOMLocator
[34] => DOMConfiguration
[35] => DOMCdataSection
[36] => DOMDocumentType
[37] => DOMNotation
[38] => DOMEntity
[39] => DOMEntityReference
[40] => DOMProcessingInstruction
[41] => DOMStringExtend
[42] => DOMXPath
[43] => LogicException
[44] => BadFunctionCallException
[45] => BadMethodCallException
[46] => DomainException
[47] => InvalidArgumentException
[48] => LengthException
[49] => OutOfRangeException
[50] => RuntimeException
[51] => OutOfBoundsException
[52] => OverflowException
[53] => RangeException
[54] => UnderflowException
[55] => UnexpectedValueException
[56] => RecursiveIteratorIterator
[57] => IteratorIterator
[58] => FilterIterator
[59] => RecursiveFilterIterator
[60] => CallbackFilterIterator
[61] => RecursiveCallbackFilterIterator
[62] => ParentIterator
[63] => LimitIterator
[64] => CachingIterator
[65] => RecursiveCachingIterator
[66] => NoRewindIterator
[67] => AppendIterator
[68] => InfiniteIterator
[69] => RegexIterator
[70] => RecursiveRegexIterator
[71] => EmptyIterator
[72] => RecursiveTreeIterator
[73] => ArrayObject
[74] => ArrayIterator
[75] => RecursiveArrayIterator
[76] => SplFileInfo
[77] => DirectoryIterator
[78] => FilesystemIterator
[79] => RecursiveDirectoryIterator
[80] => GlobIterator
[81] => SplFileObject
[82] => SplTempFileObject
[83] => SplDoublyLinkedList
[84] => SplQueue
[85] => SplStack
[86] => SplHeap
[87] => SplMinHeap
[88] => SplMaxHeap
[89] => SplPriorityQueue
[90] => SplFixedArray
[91] => SplObjectStorage
[92] => MultipleIterator
[93] => SessionHandler
[94] => mysqli_sql_exception
[95] => mysqli_driver
[96] => mysqli
[97] => mysqli_warning
[98] => mysqli_result
[99] => mysqli_stmt
[100] => __PHP_Incomplete_Class
[101] => php_user_filter
[102] => Directory
[103] => PharException
[104] => Phar
[105] => PharData
[106] => PharFileInfo
[107] => ReflectionException
[108] => Reflection
[109] => ReflectionFunctionAbstract
[110] => ReflectionFunction
[111] => ReflectionParameter
[112] => ReflectionMethod
[113] => ReflectionClass
[114] => ReflectionObject
[115] => ReflectionProperty
[116] => ReflectionExtension
[117] => ReflectionZendExtension
[118] => SimpleXMLElement
[119] => SimpleXMLIterator
[120] => SoapClient
[121] => SoapVar
[122] => SoapServer
[123] => SoapFault
[124] => SoapParam
[125] => SoapHeader
[126] => XMLReader
[127] => XMLWriter
[128] => XSLTProcessor
[129] => ZipArchive
[130] => PDOException
[131] => PDO
[132] => PDOStatement
[133] => PDORow
[134] => vB5_Autoloader
[135] => vB5_ApplicationAbstract
[136] => vB5_Frontend_ApplicationLight
[137] => vB5_Frontend_Application
[138] => vB5_Config
[139] => vB5_Frontend_Routing
[140] => Api_InterfaceAbstract
[141] => Api_Interface_Collapsed
[142] => vB
[143] => vB_Request
[144] => vB_Request_Web
[145] => vB_Request_WebApi
[146] => vB_Cache
[147] => vB_Array
[148] => vB_String
[149] => vB_Cleaner
[150] => vB5_Cookie
[151] => vB5_Template_Options
[152] => vB_Api
[153] => vB_Api_Options
[154] => vB_Input_Cleaner
[155] => vB_Registry
[156] => vB_Template
[157] => vB_Template_Data
[158] => vB_Template_XML
[159] => vB_Template_JSON
[160] => vB_Shutdown
[161] => vB_dB_Assertor
[162] => vB_dB_MYSQL_Assertor
[163] => vB_Database
[164] => vB_Database_MySQL
[165] => vB_Datastore
[166] => vB_dB_Query
[167] => vB_Db_QueryBuilder
[168] => vB_dB_MYSQL_QueryBuilder
[169] => vB_dB_QueryDefs
[170] => vB_dB_MYSQL_QueryDefs
[171] => vB_dB_Query_Select
[172] => vB_dB_Query_Select_MYSQL
[173] => vB_dB_Result
[174] => vB_dB_MYSQL_Result
[175] => vB_Api_Wrapper
[176] => vB_Api_Extensions
[177] => vB_Session
[178] => vB_Session_Web
[179] => vB_Session_WebApi
[180] => vB_Cache_Db
[181] => vB_Language
[182] => vB_Api_Route
[183] => vB_Api_State
[184] => vB_Api_UserGroup
[185] => vB_User
[186] => vB5_Route
[187] => vB_Cache_Memory
[188] => vB_Library
[189] => vB_Library_User
[190] => vB_UserContext
[191] => vB_PermissionContext
[192] => vB5_Facebook
[193] => vB_Api_Facebook
[194] => vB_Facebook
[195] => vB5_Template_Stylevar
[196] => vB5_User
[197] => vB_Api_User
[198] => vB_Api_Style
[199] => vB_Library_Style
[200] => vB5_Frontend_Controller
[201] => vB5_Frontend_Controller_Relay
[202] => vB5_Frontend_ExplainQueries
[203] => vB_Request_Api
[204] => vB_Session_Api
[205] => vB_dB_Query_Insert
[206] => vB_dB_Query_InsertIgnore
[207] => vB_dB_Query_InsertIgnore_MYSQL
For more information, the links of the login method (for example) was taken from:
It worked perfectly at 4.2 and it's vBulletin the one that is throwing the exception at file core/vb/api.php, line 74:
if (!class_exists($c))
throw new Exception(sprintf("Can't find class %s", htmlspecialchars($c)));
It's not a hack, plugin, query or template modification, it's just mobile api not accepting the methods appearing at the documentation. We can interact with the api mobile and init it. The problem is the name of the methods are not accepted anymore.
Is anyone having the same issues or could someone point me in the right direction?
Thank you