View Full Version : Invalid File Path Specified error in User Rank Manager

07-09-2013, 10:06 AM
Hello, and thank you for trying to assist me.

I am using vBulletin 5.0.3, and it's installed at www.mydomain.com/forums

When using the User Rank Manager in the Admin CP to add an image for a new specified rank, no matter what I enter into the User Rank File Path, I get the following error:

Invalid File Path Specified

The image I am trying to enter is founding_gold.gif, and it has been uploaded into the forums/images directory as well as the forums/core/images/ranks directory. When I try to enter the full url path, the text of the url shows up in the user profile, not the image. Can someone please tell me what I am doing incorrectly? Thank you again for trying to assist me.

07-09-2013, 02:24 PM
Support finally got back to me and instructed me how to correct. Here was the fix from the support staff:

You need two copies of each image. The one in /forums/core/images/ranks/ is correct.

The other copy however must be in /forums/images/ranks

You have them in /forums/images/ right now. Please move or copy them to a /ranks/folder. You may need to create it if it doesn't exist.

This is due to a bug. Eventually you will only need the 1 copy of the image in the /forums/images/ranks/ directory. The /core/ directory is a temporary work-around for now.