View Full Version : PHP Module in Site Builder

08-11-2013, 06:37 PM
I have a basic question... I want to create a PHP module for a new page via Site Builder. I'm simply looking to include another .php file that's hosted on my server (at my site's root, which is one directory up from my vbulletin forum root). The php file I want to include is stripped of all meta data except simple html.

I've tried it many ways, with absolute URL, etc., but the content from the original file isn't showing up. Example format I've been trying:

<? include ('/server/path/to/filename.php'); ?>

I'm sure I'm missing something fundamental. Thoughts on proper formatting to accomplish this?

08-18-2013, 08:29 PM
For any lurkers looking for solutions, I simply did this, with HTML:
