View Full Version : Several Updates Needed

05-27-2014, 07:37 PM
Hello - I'm in a bit of a time crunch, and have a very basic vBulletin forum set up, but need the additional features / plug-ins added. I'm also looking for someone who has built some pretty high-tech, killer sites and have made them more "social" in feel -with the forums being huge. I'm looking for recommendations on how to make this site even more better and user-engaging.

Here's what I need, but note - I need these done before COB THIS Friday - the 30th of May.

Profile Enhancements:
? Ask them where they're from (country / state)
? Ask them for their Test or Lab Date
? Ask them what Certifications they're interested in (I will provide a list, they can "check box" the certifications).

? The ability to Like / dislike / or rate posts
? Rating Members

? User Tagging: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=290081

Separate boxes / (Areas) on the right of the forums (I can explain what I'm looking for over Skype):
o Top rated posts
o Top rated users
o iPexpert News
o iPexpert Promotions
o Twitter / FB / Blog imported

? vBSocial 9: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=308173 (vBull 4.1)

Mobile Support:
? Custom App for OUR community
o iPhone, iPad
o Android

? Password recovery
? Report Abuse
? Report Spam
? Report Harassment
? Profanity filtering

Marketing Capabilities to select users based on their profile:
? Targeted Messaging by Admin / Marketing based on profile

VIP Support:
? Is there a way to mark a ?VIP? customers post as ?hot? ? doesn?t have to be at top, just have a different logo.

05-27-2014, 07:44 PM
You need to post this in Requests for Paid Services (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/forumdisplay.php?f=30) and it won't be cheap as you have a lot to do. Also I would of done this on vb 4.2.2

05-28-2014, 03:37 AM
?? you want a Custom App for OUR community by May 30th???? guess you need tapatalk

Creating a dev account with Apple and purchasing app via tapatalk.com alone will take more time.. most of the other requests are standard configs or simply format changes..

anyhow.. as ForceHSS said.. post in other forum

05-28-2014, 09:36 AM
Here's what I need, but note - I need these done before COB THIS Friday - the 30th of May.

Although, you have clearly thought this through, I believe your timetable is unrealistic. When you re-post this in the "paid request area" I advise you to break some of this into separate projects and have a realistic expectation. The best vBulletin programmers may not even be available in the next two days.

Just some friendly advice, it is your money. :)

Note - I am unbiased in my advice, I do not due any external paid programming.

05-31-2014, 09:44 AM
There are solutions for a couple of these already, the profile fields has an article.

The abuse one is already there in the report post function