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Pages : [1] 2

  1. Datamanagers: Objects as Data and Methods
  2. Update vB options when adding a new setting
  3. A quick view of your database with all the tables.
  4. Newbie hacking guide
  5. Upgrade to 2.2.2 From 2.2.1
  6. How to find a bad query
  7. Alternating Colors
  8. Checking if a number is either X, Y, or Z
  9. Fix for replacement code problem in vB Code
  10. How to run a query, using vBulletin code
  11. How to include header/footer templates, etc.
  12. Tutorial: Upgrade your hacked board in less then 30 minutes
  13. How To Install a vbulletin Hack: Guide to Newbies.
  14. Tutorial: How to run vBulletin onto your PC
  15. vBulletin's functions list for syntax highlighting
  16. See who is logged in outside of vBulletin
  17. Useful function when you are coding addons
  18. Note/Tutorial: If you make a hack that uses a new file that regged members can access
  19. Function to retrieve the forums a user can access
  20. Coding Syntax
  21. Function To Retrieve Usergroup Forum CANVIEW Permissions
  22. [TIP] Use Clean vB Compliant Code //__\\ Use Proper Grammar, Spelling etc.
  23. Howto: Fast enable debug mode
  24. Setting up a Test board.
  25. Clear Hack Instructions : Help & File Template...
  26. Update the "Who's Online" viewing location for new PHP files & Hacks
  27. [tip] See what you have access to
  28. Tip to Cure: Warning: Cannot add header information - headers already sent by Error
  29. [Tip] - Quick and easy changing of default styles
  30. [Tip] - Common Mistake when hacking your vb
  31. vBulletin on your pc (Best and easy way)
  32. Don't take vB's code as a model for perfect coding!
  33. Think Security
  34. About imap_open: to save people headaches
  35. Easily prevent HTML injection
  36. Learn Regular Expressions
  37. Industry coding standards
  38. Want to be a Hacker and not a Copy and Paster?
  39. SELECT FROM database
  40. Small Tutorial on GD Library [Freetype]
  41. The stuff after trailing slashes in regexps
  42. [Tip] Five Things That Might Cause a Syntax Error
  43. [Tip] vB3 Admin Confusion
  44. The joys of serializing data
  45. Global Errors
  46. Getting Ready for VB3 - A Coding Tutorial
  47. Use <?php, not <?
  48. Tip: Locate Uncached Templates in your hack codes
  49. How to Effectively Ban Users
  50. Tutorial : Basics of PHP
  51. Basics Of PHP [Part 2]
  52. Some basics of vB3(mini howto)
  53. Common Questions and Anwsers to vB3
  54. v3 Arcade - Game Modification Guide & Releases
  55. How To New Pages in vb style
  56. How to create your own vBulletin-powered page! (uses vB templates)
  57. [vB3] prevent removal of custom phrases, when uploading a language pack
  58. Howto : Enable FullText Searching in vBulletin 3.0.2/3
  59. Quickly upgrade your hacked vBulletin 3 without compare programs
  60. Howto: Enable SMTP for vB 3.0.2/3
  61. Dealing with long signatures
  62. Mod_rewrite tutorial for vB3
  63. vB Hacking Article v1.5
  64. All $DB_site functions
  65. How to add your own template group
  66. [RESOURCE] Comprehensive List of Vbulletin Functions & Variables(last update 12-26-4)
  67. [Tips] Writing more secure hacks
  68. vBulletin and mySQL
  69. Using PHPadsnew 2 with Vbulletin 3.
  70. Coding in Vbulletin 3.x Tips
  71. [How-To]Using Array conditionals with $vboptions
  72. Run your vBulletin on your PC
  73. Menalto's G2 integration into VB3
  74. How to Cache an Uncached Template
  75. [Tutorial] Developers Introduction To AJAX Technology
  76. [How to] Install Plug-ins/Hooks
  77. [How to] Write Plug-ins/Hooks
  78. List of changed var/array/function names
  79. Parse BBCode (in 3.5)
  80. [How-To] Add entries to AdminCP Navigation Menu
  81. [How to] Add new/custom hook locations
  82. Send PMs (automatically)
  83. Turn on the debug mode
  84. Add new Users (automatically)
  85. HowTo Create Custom Usergroup Permissions
  86. [HowTo] Add Custom Pages to WOL
  87. [How-to] Hooks and Plugins
  88. Create pages for the AdminCP
  89. single-click navgroup expand/collapse
  90. prevent shouting lowercasing all Instead Of Doing This
  91. Read or change Custom Forum Permission
  92. [How-To] Product Managament (vBulletin 3.5 RC 1 and up)
  93. [How-To] Deal with Hack-Translations (vBulletin 3.5 RC1 and up)
  94. Intergrating AJAX Technology Into Your Modifications
  95. Add options per forum
  96. [HOW-TO] Easy way of finding executed hook locations
  97. Disable AdminCP Login Timeout
  98. Custom Administrator Permissions
  99. No Credits In ACP!
  100. [How-To] Deal with User deletion/pruning and Username Changes
  101. prefix url if store CSS as a file
  102. Easy Plugin developement
  103. [How-To] vBulletin API Basics: Creating Custom Pages & Misc.
  104. [How-To] vBulletin API Basics: Variables, Functions, Objects
  105. [How-To] fetch_userinfo_query
  106. Manage Templates
  107. [How-To] Read and understand PHP error messages
  108. vBulletin 3.5 Tutorial Index
  109. Integrate vB bbcode for Xbox.com Gamercard in vBulletin
  110. How To Do Style Specific Plugins
  111. [How-To] Create Admin Help Topics For Your Product
  112. Create Posts
  113. Setup for modding vBulletin
  114. [How-to] easy vB upgrade with *nix and shell
  115. [How-to] Decode custom user profile bitfield
  116. How-To Cache Templates
  117. Create a Military-Style Rank Structure
  118. [How to] Cut down on memory usage
  119. BBCode for music (mp3/wma) , video (mpeg/avi)
  120. Shout filter - Allow short post shouting
  121. Coding in 3.5 (useful for people coming over from 3.0.x)
  122. An evil little prank mod - force user to a style
  123. [vBulletin 3.5.4+] Archive Plugin compatibility
  124. Create Custom Pages
  125. Tracking payment amounts
  126. Create "Latest Threads" Custom Page
  127. [TIP] Creating Usable Forms
  128. How not to modify templates
  129. [How To] Find Plugin Hooks Quickly
  130. Cache System Explanation (datastore)
  131. Gallery 2.1 and vBulletin 3.5.X integration
  132. Integrate or bridge with MediaWiki
  133. [HOW TO] Add custom fields to new threads
  134. Single Signin / Login Integration Tip
  135. Add Multiple Options Per User (via Bitfields)
  136. Create Multiple Options Per Forum (via Bitfields)
  137. Add And Use Custom Phrase Type.
  138. Fast Plugin Error Detection
  139. A mere config.php encoding is useless
  140. [HowTo] Use the version check for your products
  141. PostBit Changer
  142. [How-To] Collapsible Tables within AdminCP (vb3.5)
  143. Variable's For Beginners
  144. vBulletin.org and vBulletin modification for Beginners.
  145. Using the vBulletin Database Class
  146. Using the vBulletin Input Cleaner
  147. Creating Custom Datamanagers
  148. How to update thread field on new post
  149. [How To] Version Check
  150. [How-To] Use API for Private Messages
  151. [How-To] Paginate your results
  152. [How-To] Create your own Inline Moderation
  153. My really dummy's guide to custom hooks
  154. Custom Script need WOL Location, EASY
  155. How To Add Drop Down Menus To Your Navbar
  156. [How-To] Fieldname reference
  157. [vBulletin|PHP|HTML]Automatic Template Edits
  158. [Fix How to] PHP 5 and array_merge errors
  159. [How-To] Extending the vBulletin Payment Gateway
  160. [How-To] Add Messages to the Admin Message System
  161. [Video Tutorial] Make a news mod'
  162. logout link on extranal page solved now
  163. Nice user legend
  164. General Tips for Running your Forum ("Ways to Make Your Forum A Hit")
  165. New postbit or legacy postbit
  166. Reduce Forum Spam: A Quick Overview of Options
  167. Adding User Avatars On Custom Modifications
  168. How To Check Your Plugins For Performance
  169. How To Set Username 'Color/Font/Style' Per Usergroup
  170. Adding FAQ entries via a product or plugin
  171. Tip: Enabling Debug Mode in the AdminCP Only
  172. Template Hook
  173. Changing Index Title via Phrase Edit
  174. Flash Headers, Footers, and Avatars for vBulletin
  175. [How-To] Adding Link to USERCP Navbar
  176. Create your own vBulletin tables
  177. HOWTO: Secure your vBulletin sensitive data
  178. [How-To] Use Template Conditional in any Script
  179. How To Get Last Threads
  180. Installing Hacks.
  181. See Who's Linking To Your Site
  182. How To Highlight Current Item in a CSS Menu?
  183. Override Style on Custom Pages
  184. [How-To] Using Plugins for Automatic Template Edits
  185. [Tip] Debugging Your Plugin - how to save time and frustration
  186. [How-To] Plugins for Template Edits (Adv. Version) - What your mother didn't tell you
  187. Interactive Profiles Styles
  188. Advanced Profile Styling, Templating and Custom Fields
  189. [How-To] Extend and use the Session Table Effectively
  190. Top ten ways to make your vBulletin forum stand out.
  191. Transdimensional Bitfields - Generate Bit Sets within a Bit Set
  192. [tip] Create combo boxes in your hacks' options
  193. [How-To] Make A Hidden Category like vBulletin.org Uses
  194. Project Tools Remove Navbar Link & Search
  195. Display Users Viewing non-vBulletin Pages in "Online Users"
  196. Integration Project For vbAdvanced and Logican's WebTemplates
  197. Automatically add .htaccess and .htpasswd to your forums using the phpaccess script
  198. [How-to] Make Your vB Template XHTML Validate Correctly
  199. How Design Affects Performance
  200. How Design Affects Performance : Progressive Rendering
  201. Create a working vBa Module for Inferno vBShout 1.1+
  202. [How-to] Add more tabs to the vB 3.7 profile pages
  203. Shorter Profile Url
  204. vB Maintenance Page
  205. How-to Use vB Lightbox for Pictures on Custom Pages
  206. UserCP information on FORUMHOME
  207. Thread Prefix Color
  208. Replacement Variables
  209. How to add WYSIWYG editor in admincp
  210. How To Remove/Eliminate (http://) To "Insert Image" And "Insert Link" Tag!
  211. Use short variable system
  212. Templates Reference Guide
  213. Create Private Group Forums (automatically)
  214. Advanced Plugin Optimization System
  215. Remove unneeded code
  216. Posts with bgcolor
  217. Displaying DHTML Menus Above Flash Banners
  218. How to Use Your Dynamic Joomla Header in vBulletin
  219. vBulletin Variables List
  220. ShareThis Bookmarking
  221. Template hooks list in 3.7.0 and above
  222. Including Automatic Media Embedding in vbAdvanced
  223. Using VBulletin 3.7.x notifications engine
  224. Using the 'Color Picker' inside the vBulletin Options/Settings Area
  225. How to Align Titles for Categories and Forums (and other formatting)
  226. Show all subforum threads in main forum for vB3.7.x (no extra queries)
  227. Easily create 50-state Thread Prefixes
  228. Easy way to trim external RSS feed
  229. Remove Welcome Headers (from guests)
  230. vBulletin 3.7x - Fix for IE7 prompt replacement
  231. csv-class for import-/export-functions in own addons
  232. Adding Currently Active Users to your own vB page
  233. Create checkbox group at your hack's options (usergroup selection for example)
  234. Alphabetical Search Menu for your vBulletin page
  235. vBulletin rss2html integration
  236. Javascript VBulletin Editor Toolbar Controls Framework
  237. A guide to effective forum administration v.0.9
  238. [How-to] Add a multiselect field in vBulletin options
  239. How Many Queries on a New Installation
  240. Add a Drop Down Menu - Relative Positioning
  241. Ultimate Guide to securing your Forums
  242. Attracting Users to your Forum
  243. How to Add New Album Using The Album Data Maganer
  244. Making new pages
  245. Guide to a Successful Paid Request
  246. Making your Admincp More secure!
  247. [How To] Paginate Admin CP Results
  248. How to Check, Recover & Repair MySQL Databases
  249. Better Forum Layout
  250. HTML for Modification Creators